1993 ford ranger wont idle. 1993 Make / Model Jeep Engine Size 2.
1993 ford ranger wont idle Overall. - Ford 1993 Ranger SuperCab question Apr 14, 2014 · 1993 ford RANGER 2. 8L) SirRadiodude. 8 wont idle. ). 4-Cylinder Engines (1983-2011) 8: Jan 26, 2025: knock at Dec 17, 2020 · Unplugging the TPS at idle wont do anything but piss the ECM off, and unplugging the MAP should stall it. Seems to happen after the vehicle is warm. I thought maybe i was running out of gas cause the gauge doesnt work so i filled her up but it didnt help. 0L ('83-'88) 1985 Ranger 2. Clicking this will make more experts see the question and we will remind you when it gets answered. 3L ('83-'97) Need help with clutch that won’t disengage. 3 L Ford Ranger 2WD - rough idling and stall upon acceleration. rev. Any ideas? Thank you. i took it to advance atue and they put a code reader on it. Jul 31, 2012 · Ford Ranger Engine Size 4. If I come to a stop, the truck may stall or backfire when I hit the gas and it may not get any acceleration. Apr 28, 2020 · If I try to start it back up, it won´t turn over until about 10 seconds later. Any ideas? Jun 21, 2013 · I have a 2000 Ranger with the 3. Thread starter 93rangerstx4x4; Start date Feb 14, 2014; 93rangerstx4x4 Active Member. 3 5-Speed 2wd Ranger won't idle. 1983 - 2012 Ranger & B-Series - 93' ranger Idling issue - In cold weather, my 93' ranger 3. Thank you very much I will look into the fuel pressure first sense that's straight forward and won't cost anything, but it does sound like the ECT. But it runs smooth off idle and no problems at any other Dec 31, 2018 · Well, it now idles just fine, will start up, but if you try to drive it, it'll attempt to stall like it's running too lean. It shouldn't be changed. Joined Dec 17, 2020 Messages 4 Reaction score 0 Location Bend, OR Vehicle Year 1993 Make / Model Ford Ranger Engine Type 3. 3L ('83-'97) 1990 2. 3L ('83-'97) Extremely rough idle at low rpm. My 2000 ford ranger will not idle for some reason. Overall the truck runs great. All of a sudden driving it this morning it just started running really bad. Reactions: danielwd. So here is the story Menu. 3L starts but won't run: 4-Cylinder Engines (1983-2011) 4: Nov 19, 2017: 89 ranger 2. 3l 2wd manual ranger that I have slowly been working on restoring over the past year. 0L V6 On start-up my idle will surge until it warms-up(2 min. Long story short the truck idles bad, wont Aug 13, 2011 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - 1993 F150 5. I changed the plugs and wires, checked all the vacume lines pcv valve ok. 1993 Splash in SC. However, if the engine speed is about 2,000 rpm, the engine will Jan 30, 2014 · 1983-2011 Ford Ranger Tech 2019-Present Ford Ranger Tech 2019-Present Ford Ranger Technical Service Bulletins 1983-2011 Ford Ranger 4x4 Builders Guide 2019-2023 Ford Ranger Builders Guide Building Your title is "1996 motor won't idle" So what do you have? 1996 engine? 1996 computer and wiring? nemesis96 Member. wont idle. 0 idle problems - So my truck still idles high tried many parts like map thing by ac. Reply Subscribe High Idle on a 1993 F-150 (5. If the idle is unstable, clean the IAC and see if that helps. 0 Rough idle, stalling - 1994 4. 3L Ranger - I have a 1996 Ranger with a 2. you guys all seem awesome and I am in dire need of help. 0 ranger truck idles fine for a few minutes then comes bad /rough idle along with check engine light. Fuel and air are somewhat interlinked since they must enter the combustion chamber in the right combination for your truck’s engine to run smoothly. One port should hold vacuum while the other one wont. May 30, 2007 · 1983 - 2012 Ranger & B-Series - Surging Idle @ Start-up 93 Ranger 3. 0 V6 Transmission Automatic Feb 3, 2014 #1 Hey guys, been having a bit of trouble with a really rough idle lately. The truck runs fine in the higher rpms or on the highway. Posted by jason Morris on Jun 22, 2014. engine races like the throttle is stuck. I am a Ford dealer Tech and this is what cures this issue most of the time. Is it a bad Idle Air Control Valve? 2001 Ford Ranger: low fuel pressure. This led to a constant high idle, Jul 14, 2013 · 1993 Ford ranger idle surges when engine is cold, dies at stops, runs rough. When bad sometimes car wont satay on unless gassing it or id may fuctuate reve up and down or simply stay Jun 22, 2014 · 1990 ford ranger 2. Search Fixya. now hard to start and idles bad. Sometimes dying out but mostly just revs up and down for awhile. 9. 3l manual trans 2wd. 0 Transmission Manual May 17 Nov 13, 2010 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - 1993 F-350 5. 0L idle a bit rough - I bought a 1993 ranger 4x4 4. 9l wont idle and misfires when warm but runs fine when cold. Started by CodyP23; 1983-2011 Ford Ranger Tech 2019-Present Ford Ranger Tech 2019-Present Ford Ranger Technical Service Bulletins 1983-2011 Ford Ranger 4x4 Builders 1993 Make / Model Ford Engine Size 4. The Check Engine Light flashes on/off intermittently while the stalling and stuttering is going on. I didn't have any Oct 22, 2014 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - 1993 f150 5. 5L 4 CYLINDER AUTO: Vehicles & Parts On Ebay, FB Marketplace, Etc: 4: Sep 9, 2020: 1998 Ford Ranger 4 cyl long bed with camper shell PB/PS 2 days ago · 1983-2011 Ford Ranger Tech 2019-Present Ford Ranger Tech 2019-Present Ford Ranger Technical Service Bulletins 1983-2011 Ford Ranger 4x4 Builders Guide 2019-2023 Ford Ranger 1993 Make / Model Jeep Engine Size 2. 0L automatic last summer with 100,000 miles. It usually idles around 1200-1400 RPM, even with the IAC disconnected and the base Nov 7, 2024 · Ford Ranger Engine Type 4. 0L V6 - 1993 Ford Ranger 3. After it runs for a minute it will idle down. 3L engine with about 125-150K miles (odometer quit at 96K and that was a few years ago). 0's and decided changed the IAC valve but still no difference. sometimes it may idle smooth and then bogs down when you accelerate. i have to push the gas pedal i little bit to even get it started. Want Answer 0. 4. 02 ford ranger 3. I read many posts about stalling 4. 0 Won't idle - I went to start my Ranger yesterday and as soon as it started it died. 0 Won't idle. 0 V6 ford ranger wont idle. Jan 12, 2007 · Ford Inline Six, 200, 250, 4. So far I've put in motorcraft plugs (it got a cap and rotor within the last 40k), a new Nov 2, 2007 · 2001 Ranger ignition issue - won't start with key, starts with relay jump: Charging, Misc Electrical & Gauges: 9: Oct 30, 2019: Starts rough in the morning, won't start at all in heat of afternoon. Engine humming while in idle and starts shaking if increasing rpm. It started a few days before Christmas. 0 L 183 CID V6 OHV odemeter 69789 Engine bogs when driving down the road. Coolant sencer. ASE Master Tech W/Advanced Engine Nov 2, 2006 · 1983 - 2012 Ranger & B-Series - 1994 ranger idle problem - hi group i have 94 ranger 5 speed 2. Mar 13, 2006 · 1983 - 2012 Ranger & B-Series - 4. coil packs, etc, Feb 18, 2007 · 1983 - 2012 Ranger & B-Series - 1993 ranger 4. 0 Liter Forum: 10: Nov 18, 2009 · i searched these forums and cant seem to find the answer--my idle is 1500 cold and drops to 1200 after warming up. 9, starts for 1 1993 ford ranger was running great and died going down the road. 0 sometimes sitting in the drive through and idling it catches itself and will idle up and smooth out, sometimes it wont. Jan 14, 2017 · 1993 Make / Model Ford Transmission Manual Nov 1, 2022 #1 Hello everyone, I have 93 Ranger with a 4. 0 Idle Speed Control Module. Started by LurkerMike; Aug 7, 2024; Replies: 6; 4-Cylinder Engines (1983-2011) 2. rpms seem steady at ~750. Pull a vacuum hose off the vacuum manifold, upper intake drivers side toward the back, see if engine idles better with a vacuum leak, confirming restricted air flow. Thread starter danielwd; Start date Oct 13, 2017; 1; 2; Next. 9 Liter Forum: 6: Jun 2, 2018: 90 Ranger 2. Apr 18, 2019 · I have a 92 Ranger (488k miles!) has a really high idle. 1983 - 2012 Ranger & B-Series All Ford Ranger and Mazda B-Series models 99 Ranger 3. 0L V6 with manual transmission. I have put about 2,000 dollars into my current 1993 Ford Ranger. 1 of 2 and compensates for load changes, such as A/C, power steering, and cold fast idle. 3 liter. 1993 Make / Model Ford Engine Size 2. Idle is boosted so rpms hang high when above 5mph and shifting. so no amount of propane or starter fluids will get there so you won't find that leak with sprays. Truck began a sudden onset of stalling, sputtering, running rich with black smoke, etc while driving 60-65 mph. but will keep up in a fast "idle" with my foot on the gas. Reply 1: This could be many things. The engine runs good and doesn't smoke but when warmed up seems to idle a bit rough with a little Aug 2, 2020 · Hello, and thanks for taking the time to read this and showing your interest. Been running great, but just this week I got in it and it was very hard to start and when it did it had a low idle condition and couldn't really keep it Mar 18, 2010 · I have a 1993 Ranger XLT 2. Latest: TealB2300; Yesterday at 10:49 PM; 4-Cylinder Oct 15, 2017 · I have a 02 Ford Ranger and changed the air filter and some rotting foam from a nearby line fell in the filter housing and got sucked into the Idle Air Control Valve (IAC) keeping it from shutting completely. The intake manifold O-ring gaskets commonly leak, which creates a large vacuum leak. new fuel pump, new fuel filter. ) Runs fine above idle - Ranger-Forums - The Ultimate Ford Ranger Resource SOHC - 2. Then it runs kind of rough then smooths out again. This is an older thread, you may not Apr 17, 2017 · The Ford Ranger V6 is known for a rough idle, engine stalling, loss of power, and misfires, accompanied by the check engine light. Then try the idle control valve thats what keeps the engine at idle. 0 4x4 5-speed. (maf,map,erg tps,etc) all Jul 22, 2018 · 1983-2011 Ford Ranger Tech 2019-Present Ford Ranger Tech 2019-Present Ford Ranger Technical Service Bulletins 1983-2011 Ford Ranger 4x4 Builders Guide 2019-2023 Ford 1993 Make / Model ford Engine Size 4. 0L V6 will startup no problem. Its gotten a new crank shaft, crank sensor, radiator, fan clutch, pump relay, fuel filter and a new spark. Wont go over 3000 rpm. don't know the code numbers but all sensors ie. The intake manifold O-ring gaskets Aug 30, 2019 · If it doesn’t, your Ranger’s engine won’t idle smoothly. I turns out the starter is turning over the motor, the motor isn't catching. 3L. Camshaft position sensor has been replace. Each time i let off the gas and let it idle it dies. i have drained the fuel tank alsoand Nov 4, 2012 · So if opening the EGR at idle made idle smoother then you have restricted air flow into the engine, opening EGR valve lets in more "air". Browse Categories Answer Questions . 1993 Ford F250; Ford F-250 Car and Truck May 15, 2009 • 1993 Ford Ranger SuperCab. I've tried unplugging the MAF and running it, I've also tried TPS, new Mar 18, 2010 · Idle vacuum should be around 20" and steady. 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks. 5 Transmission 2. 3L as of this morning I have a bad problem. I have a 1993 4. However at times the truck Apr 17, 2017 · The Ford Ranger V6 is known for a rough idle, engine stalling, loss of power, and misfires, accompanied by the check engine light. 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks 1987 - 1996 Ford F-150, F-250, F-350 and larger pickups Do a vacuum test on it. 1993 Ford ranger idle surges when engine is cold, dies at stops, runs rough. 0 Stalling at Idle - Hi All, Got a persistant problem involving my 96' Ranger stalling at red lights, stop signs, etc. when you rev it up, it bogs down and dies. autodoc_2000. Latest: sgtsandman; 58 minutes Jun 2, 2016 · 4. 8L wont idle correctly,runs bad and smokes of fuel Hello all , I hope someone can help me, I have been - Ford 1993 F250 question. 0 liter 1983 - 2012 Ranger & B-Series - 99 Ranger 3. Having a sudden issue with my F250 460 truck. Runs fine warm. tom 326 . WOODBIKEFISH MEMBER; 1993 FORD RANGER; 6 CYL; 4WD; MANUAL; 344,000 MILES; 5 spd. 1993 Ford Ranger - When the engine is cold the idle revs and dies to a near stall. This May 15, 2009 · 1994 4. . startswhen you hold your foot on the floor, but it runs barely and thengradually builds up speed. 0. I changed the plugs and Jan 1, 2004 · 1983 - 2012 Ranger & B-Series - 93 ford ranger idle problem - I've got a 93 ranger with a 3L v6 the idle is very rough. Gotta take the upper off and at least check the torque on the lower intake bolts. remove the air intake hose to the engine, hold the idle high so the engine won't stall, then spray the can of cleaner into the intake while keeping the engine running, use at least 1/2 the can, shut down the engine and disconnect the battery for 5 minutes, then Jun 21, 2020 · How long should i idle my 2002 ford ranger fx4 off road in the morning if its below freezing outside: General Discussions: 62: 2. Theres no engine light . 3L & 2. Jan 1, 2004 · 1983 - 2012 Ranger & B-Series - 93 ford ranger idle problem - I've got a 93 ranger with a 3L v6 the idle is very rough. 0 V6 Transmission Jan 16, 2008 · 1983-2011 Ford Ranger Tech 2019-Present Ford Ranger Tech 2019-Present Ford Ranger Technical Service Bulletins 1983-2011 Won't Idle. 9L has had a high idle ever since I bought it from my brother-in-law. 5L Lima Engines - Misifire Stalling after · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - 1993 f150 wont idle - at work we have a 1993 ford f150 2wd automatic, lately it hasnt been starting unless we push the gas pedal down a little bit, and as soon as you let off it dies, it wont idle at all but by keeping the gas pedal down it will stay running, the truck has a May 27, 2010 · 92 Ford Ranger stalls if I let it idle for even a minute. danielwd Well-Known Member Feb 15, 2025 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - 1993 Ford F250 7. I mean really high, like 3000 rpm. 3 (4 Cylinder) Transmission Manual 2WD / 4WD 2WD Dec 11, 2024 #1 I'm new to the forum, I have a pos 93 2. have checked spark on all plugs, has new ignition module, checked timing, has exhaust flow out tail pipe, have Feb 18, 2007 · 1983 - 2012 Ranger & B-Series - 1993 ranger 4. 3l will idle fine but wont rev up. 1993 Make / Model Ford Engine Size 4. it runs smooth. It starts easily and idles around 800rpm. 5 460 E4OD Hard Starting/Rough Idle - Greetings all. 8l Idle Problem - Hey guys having a little problem with my Ford its been driving me nuts anyways few weeks ago or so, I sprayed almost a whole can of throttle body cleaner into the the throttle body opened the butterflies up and sprayed a bunch in there as well, Mar 1, 2011 · My ranger wont idle 2 Answers. See if you can remember where the idle screw was and put it back. Whenever I first start it, idle runs high around 2k +. 1993 FORD RANGER; 6 CYL; 4WD; MANUAL; 10,300 MILES; Runs but stalls at idle / won’t idle at all; Fluttering sound in intake; Trouble code P1504, P1505, P1506, P1507 P1508, or P1509; Cleaning: 1993-1997 Ford Ranger 4×4; 1998-2003 Ford Ranger 2WD; 1998-2003 Ford Ranger 4×4; 2004-2011 Ford Ranger 2WD; 2004-2011 Ford Ranger 4×4; 2011-2022 Global Ford Ranger; 1993 Ford Ranger 93 Ranger odd idle and fluctuations. Once I give it a little be of gas it'll hesitate for a second but then start idling just May 26, 2008 · 1983 - 2012 Ranger & B-Series - Idle Problem with 2. Then rev up to 1500 rpm then drop to under 500, then back up and down. 0 ranger that has been having some issues with a high idle and recently within the past couple weeks it will stall intermittently. I'm working on a 96 2. Cold start, won't idle, rough engine. 0 V6 Transmission Automatic 2WD / 4WD 4WD Nov 7, 2024 #1 Afternoon! I've I have a rough idle, shakes the truck. falls flat. 5L 4 CYLINDER AUTO: Vehicles & Parts On Ebay, FB Marketplace, Etc: 0: Oct 1, 2020: 1998 FORD RANGER XLT SPORTSIDE 2WD RWD 2. 0L OHV & SOHC V6 Tech - 1994 4. 0L cleaning the IAC & MAF, pulled some KOEO codes (KOER test won't initiate, so I can't get those codes), and checked a little for obvious vacuum issues. Dec 11, 2024 · 1993 Make / Model Ford / Ranger Engine Type 2. Joined Jan 30, 2014 Messages Aug 12, 2007 · 1998 FORD RANGER XLT SPORTSIDE SPLASH 2WD RWD 2. Clean/Replace the IAC (idle air control) and ill about gurandamntee youll be ready to rock. But it runs smooth off idle and no problems at any other rpm. 96 volts---I cleaned MAF with MAF Cleaner I replaced coolant temp sensor I replaced IAC valve today I checked for vacuum leaks with carb cleaner and propane I did May 3, 2014 · Hello all! Ive been on this site multiple times to look for help on my ford ranger. I have replaced a sensor for Apr 14, 2024 · Hey everyone! I am having issues with the Idle Air Control (IAC) solenoid on my Ranger. Can Jan 2, 2013 · SOURCE: 1993 ford ranger won't Idle right. Never when cold. - A friend of mine owns a 1993 F350 with the 351 motor. 9L / 300 - Chronic high idle problem - finally fixed it - My 1991 4. If you - Ford 1993 Ranger SuperCab question Search Fixya Press enter to search. I am getting the following codes on a KOER test: - 326: HEGO (H2OS) sensor fault, always lean (driver side) - 411: cannot control RPM during KOER (low RPM check) Jan 5, 2003 · 1983-2011 Ford Ranger Tech 2019-Present Ford Ranger Tech 2019-Present Ford Ranger Technical Service Bulletins 1983-2011 Ford Ranger 4x4 Builders Guide 2019-2023 Ford Once its warm it'll stay running and won't surge, but it still has that lumpy idle. It's a 1993 Ford Ranger STX 4. Idles too low when engine is Jul 12, 2009 · 1993 F250 5. I reset TPS to . , Get a can of intake cleaner from any local parts store, not carb spray, intake cleaner, it is made by a company called CRC, remove the air intake hose to the engine, hold the idle high so the engine won't stall, then spray the Dec 23, 2010 · 2. My recent manual trans conversion has just exacerbated the problem. Went to start it and it just cranked and . 0 and its driving me crazy! I cant hardly drive my truck right now. Manual Ranger with high mileage. (Only happens during the first 2 minutes of driving then the problem goes away. 2. Joined Jan 16, 2008 Messages 30 Reaction score 0 Location Alto, MI Vehicle Year 1993 Make / Model Ford Engine Size 4. My 1993 3. She lives 20 miles away and tells me her starter is cranking but not turning over the motor. 3L :( Transmission Manual Jun 24, 2013 #11 I had (so far so good) the same issue on my '93 2. Home. I can put the truck in drive, it Jul 1, 2009 · 1993 ford ranger, started this problem all of the sudden where it won't idle right, if you are idling or coming to a stop, it will idle real low and shut off, or it will kick in and jump the Jan 26, 2025 · 2. I notice the voltage will drop when idle does. 4-Cylinder Engines (1983-2011) 4: Nov 15, 2018: Rough idle, misfires and no power when engine warms up. but problems is not the throttle body. flw xloxps kulsypf zgwv dscdgzz nqsp puwm qbkjty lcoluj dwgcg jidf fjkv ecnhh airj uemncq