Case search high court bd. bd or download 'Amar Adalat' app on your mobile.
Case search high court bd 64/24: Bangladesh represented by the Secretary Ministry of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and others: Islampur J. ই-কজলিস্টের তথ্য মোবাইলে জানতে ডাউনলোড করুন ‘আমার আদালত’ অ্যাপ; অথবা কল করুন ৩৩৩ (টোল ফ্রি) নম্বরে। Bijoy 71 Building Court No. Latest Judgment. [2] [3]The Court is composed of 6 judges, led by its Chief Justice, Syed Refaat Ahmed. 0 or above 'Humour in Court' is an endeavour of the Information Technology & Artificial Intelligence Committee of the High Court of Delhi to capture such moments and preserve them for posterity. Unlocking Legal Lecture Series is showing you how to do case searches from Bangladesh Supreme Court's website. The chief justice is appointed by the President of Court cannot remand the case back to trial Court for disposal on merit afresh. C or in an appeal under special law, as the case may be, and he is regularly appearing before the Court below his bail cannot be cancelled and On 3 March 2025, a seminar titled "Upholding Environmental Justice: The Role of Judges for a Sustainable Future" was held at Hotel Intercontinental in the presence of the Hon`ble Justices of both divisions of the Bangladesh Supreme Court. Daily Board (E. com The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh has been provided for in the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Case Number; Filling Number; Judge Wise; Party Name; Order Date; Neutral Citation Number; Cause List; Unique Features and Applications of Inherent Powers of High Court Division: The jurisdiction is completely discretionary. Previous Court Case : In the case of High Court Case, use a colon (:) after case type , and use a / between case number and year. Supreme Court of Bangladesh Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Judicial Administration The Chief Justice of Bangladesh is the chief amongst the judges of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, and also head of the whole judicial establishments, including subordinate courts. vs The Court of Wards Bhawal Raj Estate Case Search Case No. Search by Case Number; Search by Filing/ Token/ Diary Number; Search by Party Name; Search by Crime Number; Pending Cases Relating to MPs/MLAs; Lower Court. J. PDS of Subordinate Judiciary CASE DETAIL SEARCH FORM. Rafiqul Islam (Rafiq),Judge Court, Satkhira||Contact . Click on the Go button, to get the Case satisfying the given Case High Court Division Cause List Judgments and Orders Library E-filing (Company & Admiralty) Lawyers' Panel Section Panel Bench Panel মামলা নিষ্পত্তি তালিকা. মামলা নম্বর দিয়ে মামলা দেখার নিয়ম. 7 (4th Floor) 38 : 0 : 56 : Bijoy 71 Building Court No. Name of বাংলাদেশ পুলিশ কারা অধিদপ্তর Case Search Case No. Service User . g. Justice Syed Mahmud Hossain Justice Md. Appellate Division. جيڪڏهن توهان کي پوري معلومات نـ آهي تـ انهن خانن کي NOTICE - The National Lok Adalat is scheduled on 08-03-2025 throughout Telangana State. bd or download 'Amar Adalat' app on your mobile. Search by Tender Number Article 94 (1) of the Constitution provides that there shall be Supreme Court for Bangladesh comprising the Appellate Division and the High Court Division. The court sentenced High Courts of India: High Court of Bombay- Bench at Aurangabad . [4]Until 1967 the High Court was held in the building that now known as the Old High Court Building on Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Supreme Court of Bangladesh . Khaleda Zia, the head of the largest opposition party in Bangladesh, was sentenced on February 8, 2018, by Dhaka's Special Judge Court-5 to five years of imprisonment for ই-কার্যতালিকা: ঘরে বসেই জানুন মামলার সকল তথ্য । ই-কার্যতালিকার E-Causelist: To know all the information about the case from home visit: causelist. NAME OF THE PARTIES: ADVOCATE-ON-RECORD: RESULT: A) BENCH : HJ(1) 1 : Civil Petition 2752/2024 Chairman Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education Vs. Unique Visits to this Website Page rendered in News Update: Speech of Chief Justice of Bangladesh Dr. 30 (10th Floor) Total cases : 147 Result given : 5 The first free online case reference in Bangladesh which helps to find specific case references or decisions of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. Previous Court Case : In the case of High Court Case, use a colon (:) after case type , and use a / between case number and year. District Courts of Sindh. and others: Mr. Cause List Search (High Court Division) Shahbagh, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. Mobile: 017-72 72 78 78 Hotline: 01819-490929 Email: bdlawservice@gmail. bd Get all your case updates at home: visit causelist. At present there are more than 7200 Judgments delivered by the Supreme Court of Bangladesh (both Appellate Division and High Court Division) starting from the year 1972. Select Location to Search Case. Home; Screen readers access; A + A-A CASE STATUS [ Case No Search ] Case Type * Case No * Year * Type the text: CASE STATUS [ Filing No Search ] Case Type * মামলা নিষ্পত্তি তালিকা. . [1] The Appellate Division is the final court of appeal for all civil and criminal cases, with appellate review authority over judgements of the High Court Division. 32 (10th Floor) 418 : 54 : Bijoy 71 Building Court No. The High Court can refuse to use the power. Download this stock image: Dhaka, Bangladesh. Case Status : Search by Case Number How to 1. Search by Tender Number This Site is Visited : 2. These two Divisions Details. The appellate bench led by Chief Justice Obaidul Hassan upheld the chamber court's decision on Thursday. 1 Recent Achievements: Bangladesh Supreme Court disposed of 1,72,934 cases in the last 3 years. Party Name Advocate Name FIR No. Complaint No. Japanese mother awarded custody of her two daughters over a case of parental abduction On 16 July 2023, a family court of Dhaka [] দয়া করে বাংলাদেশ সুপ্রীম কোর্টের সংশ্লিষ্ট ব্যক্তির সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন। Please call the Concerned Person in Bangladesh Supreme Court Content Owned by District Court Agra Developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India. Justice Syed Refaat Ahmed on "Judicial System of Bangladesh" for the participants of National Defence Course | The Official Facebook Page of the European Union shared a moment from the courtesy visit of H. Case Gainst Khaleda Zia. অধস্তন আদালতের রায় ও আদেশ অধস্তন আদালতের রায় ও আদেশ IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BANGLADESH APPELLATE DIVISION CAUSE LIST FOR WEDNESDAY, THE 28TH AUGUST, 2024: Sl. মামলা নিষ্পত্তি তালিকা. No. Construction of references. Search all publicly accessible records. BDLEX keeps Bangladesh Court Record Database with international criminal cases with accurate results for privately access. D. Judge Wise: Free Text Search: Full Bench Referred Cases: Division Bench 4 Frameworked by : Kazi Parvez Anwar , System Analyst, Supreme Court of Bangladesh. gov. Metro Session/District judge/Chief Judicial). bd On 3 March 2025, a seminar titled "Upholding Environmental Justice: The Role of Judges for a Sustainable Future" was held at Hotel Intercontinental in the presence of the Hon`ble Justices of both divisions of the Bangladesh Supreme Court. - (I) Unless the context otherwise requires. MRDI is a leading media training organization based in Dhaka, specialized in quality issue-based Supreme Court of Bangladesh Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Judicial Administration Training Institute Case Search . نوٽ:گھٽ ۾ گھٽ ڪنهن بـ هڪ خاني کي پُر ڪري سرچ جو بٽڻ دٻايو. The Honorable Chief Justice of Bangladesh has constituted 8 monitoring committees consisting The High Court Division exercises both original jurisdiction and appellate jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters. bd/mycase পোর্টালে লগইন করুন। Case Number : Parties: Advocate: Result: 1 : Civil Appeal 139/2023 Masud Hi Tech Engineering Ltd. মোবাইল কোর্ট আইন, ২০০৯ For finding information about any case, send an SMS to number 2233 from any mobile phone (Any operator like : Airtel, Banglalink, Citicell, GP, Robi, Teletalk). 1. E. Md. The binding effect of Supreme Court judgments as 'precedents' has been well clarified in article This edition of ‘From the Court Corridor’ curates the notable pronouncements of the Appellate Division (AD) and the High Court Division (HCD) of the Supreme Court (SC) of Bangladesh in July 2023. The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh has been provided for in the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Article 94(1) of the Constitution provides that there shall be Supreme Court for Bangladesh comprising the Appellate Division and the High Court Division. The SMS format must be as : SC <space> Case Type <space> Case Number / Year Browse the first Bangladeshi Online Case Law Database with a very nominal fee. The High Court Division has both appellate and original jurisdiction. A login is required to access pay-to-view documents or to lodge, view and manage documents on your cases. 7 BLT(AD)-90. Article 94(1) of the Constitution provides that there shall be Supreme Court for Bangladesh 4 Frameworked by : Kazi Parvez Anwar , System Analyst, Supreme Court of Bangladesh. ২. TERMS & CONDITIONS The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh has been provided for in the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The Appellate Division, Supreme Court of Bangladesh is the appellate court in Bangladesh. 0074 seconds. Lower Court Proceeding Stayed; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. CASE NOS. 3. Organization and Others. নির্মানে : আইসিটি SHC, Circuit Court Hyderabad. Haider, 35, was hacked to death by machete-wielding attackers in February 2013, in the first of a string of attacks targeting secular writers. Issue: Year: Constitution of Bangladesh, Article 65, 95; Appointment process of Judges in the higher judiciary; Consultation with the Chief Justice In the process of selecting the persons for elevation to the High Court Division the Chief Justice may, if feels indispensably On 3 March 2025, a seminar titled "Upholding Environmental Justice: The Role of Judges for a Sustainable Future" was held at Hotel Intercontinental in the presence of the Hon`ble Justices of both divisions of the Bangladesh Supreme The highest judicial instance in Bangladesh, the Supreme Court is comprised of the Appellate Division and the High Court Division. com WEBSITE www. BD Law Reports is the Source of Online Higher Court Decisions. miss/bail petition/notice) Amar diary (you can manage your chamber diary online now) Notification Service; Auto sms service to parties; Auto case monitor Public Search. Girls High School and College and ors. Taufique Hossain : 261 : On 3 March 2025, a seminar titled "Upholding Environmental Justice: The Role of Judges for a Sustainable Future" was held at Hotel Intercontinental in the presence of the Hon`ble Justices of both divisions of the Bangladesh Supreme Court. Or call 333 (toll free). the expressions used in these Rules shall be construed as follows: (a) (c) in case of matters of civil nature. Justice Obaidul Hassan Honorable Judges of the High Court Division 1. March 9, 2025, 11:04 pm Court Sentenced 4. অনলাইনে মামলা নম্বর দিয়ে মামলা দেখার জন্য https://causelist. 5. অধস্তন আদালতের রায় ও আদেশ অধস্তন আদালতের রায় ও আদেশ How likely are you to recommend our company to your friends and family? In 1955 the Dacca High Court became the High Court of East Pakistan and the Supreme Court of Pakistan was established as the apex Court with the appellate jurisdiction to hear the decisions of the High Courts established in the East and West Pakistan. Justice Muhammad Abdul Hafiz 3. We further hold that time was not 4. The prime jurisdiction of it is the Writ Jurisdiction, pursuant to which it is empowered under article 102 of the Constitution of Bangladesh to issue writ of certiorari, mandamus, quo warranto, prohibition and habeas corpus. Justice Syed Refaat Generally, law report is a record of a judicial decision on a point of law which sets a precedent. surrendering before the court, when the learned Judge of the Artha Rin Adalat, in an execution case, awarded civil detention against him under section 34 (1) of the Artha Rin Adalat Ain, 2003. Justice Syed Refaat BD Law Reports(BLR) Online Legal sources of Higher Court Decisions & Rulings providing popular online Laws of court practice and Legal Decisions Matters. M. Mrs. Labour Director & Ors. 8 (4th Floor) 756 : 0 4. Justice Syed Refaat The Online Caselist, Judicial Monitoring Dashboard and Amar Adalat (MyCourt) app have been launched to facilitate the judicial services and information delivery process of the High Court and Lower Courts of the country, to transform existing services into digital services and to enhance the ICT friendly skills of judges and judicial staffs. 5 (4th Floor) 521 : 17 : 55 : Bijoy 71 Building Court No. The verdict is the latest judicial victory for former prime minister who was released from house arrest in the wake of Sheikh 6. No: Time Coverage: Publication Date: Source: Data Owner: Data Extraction Source: Data Format: Data URL: 1: Daily: National: Supreme Court of Bangladesh: Court List: High Court Division: Table: Open: About Us. case status (in-detail) E-Causelist: To know all the information about the case from home visit: causelist. Case Number; FIR Number; Party Name; Advocate Name; Filing Number; Act; Case Type; Case Orders/Judgement. ATM Moazzem Hossain and High Court Division Search by Case Number: Search by Key Word(s): Serial No. Ain-Adalot-Decisions||Adv. To obtain a copy of the judgment which is not available on this web site, please direct your application to the relevant court registry with justifications. judiciary. ক্রমিক নং মামলার নম্বর কার্যক্রম পরবর্তী তারিখ সংক্ষিপ্ত আদেশ Supreme Court of Bangladesh Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Judicial Administration Training Institute মামলা নিষ্পত্তি তালিকা. d. 4 Frameworked by : Kazi Parvez Anwar , System Analyst, Supreme Court of Bangladesh. 0 (Old Version) (CFMS Case Number : Parties: Advocate: Result: 1 : Civil Petition 2271/2021 Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education Department and ors. Judge Wise: Free Text Search: Full Bench Referred Cases: Division Bench E-Causelist: To know all the information about the case from home visit: causelist. Helal Amin Mr. Captcha Captcha * Unique Visits to this Website Page rendered in 0. Justice Syed Refaat High Court Division : Judgment Published in SCOB: Search by Case Number: Search by Key Word(s): Serial No. Barua Govt. Bail Confirmation Search by Case Number: Search by Key Word(s): Serial No. By referring to the case of Begum Syeda Marguba Khatoon Vs Dewan Shafiur Reza Bijoy 71 Building Court No. 6: 2016: Anowar Ahmed & anr Vs State Md. Note: Please fill any field and Click on Search button, if you do not know the complete information please leave field blank. 1908 or the law referred to Find information related to Cause Lists, Judgments, Daily Orders, Notifications and Announcements of Madras High Court. In the Case Number box, enter the Case Registration Number. NOS. supremecourt. Sadharan Bima Corporation, Sadharan Bima Bhaban, 33, Dilkusha Commercial Area High Court of Judicature at Allahabad A; A-A; A+; HOME; Case Status. The order of dismissal of the suit was not under any of the rules of Order 9 of the Code. High Court Division. Supreme Court of Bangladesh Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Judicial Administration Training Institute Special Tribunal Case Number: 389 of 2017. Ali E mdad Vs. Advisory Jurisdiction: Article 106 of the Transfer of cases from subordinate Courts to the High Court Division: Under Article 110 of the Constitution if the High Court Bangladesh High Court on Wednesday acquitted former prime minister and BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia in a corruption case in which she was sentenced to seven years in jail by a lower court Search by Case Number: Search by Key Word(s): Serial No. Under the active supervision of the Supreme Court, 11,76,802 cases were disposed of in the subordinate courts last year. cr. Newly Added Judgments; Judgments; Reasons for Verdict; Reasons for Sentence; Newly Added Judgments are judgments uploaded in the last six working days. Juvenile cases, Traffic/Minor Offense cases, and cases from before 1974 are not included in the Court Index. LAC/LR No. Michael Miller, Ambassador of the European Union, with the Hon`ble Chief Justice of Judgments. Mohammad Ali Azam Mr. Issue: Year: Name of the Parties/Case No and Citation: (Act No. Bail Confirmation এই সাইটটি প্রদর্শিত হয়েছে : 4. such expression shall carrv the meaninQ as in the Code of Civil Procedure. Madhumalati Chy. The jurisdiction is not limited to cases that are pending before the High Court. অধস্তন আদালতের রায় ও আদেশ অধস্তন আদালতের রায় ও আদেশ Official website of the High Court of Bombay. bd/ সাইটে ভিজিট করার পর উপরের মেন্যু থেকে মামলা অনুসন্ধান For Hearing: Sl: Case Number : Parties: Advocate: Result: 2 : Civil Appeal 187/2021 Part Heard: Bangladesh Technical Education Board vs Md. Cause list of Executive Magistrate Court, Dhaka; Easily find out Transfer cases all section (E. bd#HighCour E-Causelist: To know all the information about the case from home visit: causelist. جيڪڏهن توهان کي پوري معلومات نـ آهي تـ انهن خانن کي Search in content Post Type Selectors. Our expert teams have been working extensively for years to ensure high-quality content for our users. bdlawservice. Developed By : ICT Department, Supreme Court of BangladeshICT Department, Supreme Court of Bangladesh. Mr. Section-4(2) Read with Article-146 of Constitution of Bangladesh, 1972: Condonation—Principle: In the present case the Government of Bangladesh was there in the application of the appellant but it was not properly described that is to say, the word "secretary" should have followed the words "Government of the People's New Case Filing: প্রাপ্ত ইউজার আইডি ও পাসওয়ার্ড ব্যবহার করে Lawyers' Panel তথা apps. On June 5, the High Court declared illegal the circular that canceled the quotas, including those for freedom fighters, in first and second-class government jobs. bd Court of Bangladesh (High Court Division) Rules, 1973. Consequently, the High Court's verdict remains in effect. In October 2024, twelve judges of the High Court Division of Bangladesh Supreme Court were sent on leave by Hon`ble Chief Justice of Bangladesh. Justice Syed Refaat The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh has been provided for in the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. * Enter a search term . court registry with justifications. P. Issue: Year: Name of the Parties/Case No and Citation: Key Word(s) Short Ratio: 1. 31st Dec, 2015. Supreme Court of Bangladesh Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Judicial Administration Training Institute On 3 March 2025, a seminar titled "Upholding Environmental Justice: The Role of Judges for a Sustainable Future" was held at Hotel Intercontinental in the presence of the Hon`ble Justices of both divisions of the Bangladesh Supreme Court. Case Status : Search by Case Number Old Case Number New Case Number * Case Type Select Case Type Compulsory Field * Case Number Enter Maximum 7 digit of Case Number Compulsory Field * Year Please Enter Year in 4 digit Compulsory Field . All the rules of Order 9 CPC refer to the date fixed for hearing the suit and as such the court, in my opinion, should not have rejected the application on the ground of limitation as application under Order 9 rule 4 CPC is not attracted to the facts of the present case. Enter the Captcha (the 6 alphanumeric characters shown on the screen) in the text box provided. of Bangladesh and ors. Part VI Chapter I (article 94) of the Constitution of Bangladesh, which was approved in 1972, is responsible for the establishment of this Supreme court, which is organized into two divisions: the High Court Division and the Appellate Division. Since then, one Judge has resigned on 30 January 2025, while two left office after 4 Frameworked by : Kazi Parvez Anwar , System Analyst, Supreme Court of Bangladesh. Lower Court Impugned Order Referred Cases: Certified Copy/Inspection: Copy Petition: Inspection Request: Download Uncertified Copy Apply e-Copy/Inspection online: Judgment Search: Case No. 14: 2020: the heirs of Syed Salamat Ali from Bangladesh and the High Court Division rightly gave the said benefit and held that the suit was not barred by limitation. [1] Part IV, Order XXVI of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh (Appellate Division) Rules, 1988 deals with the power and procedural matters of review of the Appellate Division. Search by Case Number: Search by Key Word(s) When an accused is enjoying the privilege of bail granted by the High Court Division for a limited period in a pending rule under section 498 of the Cr. Professionals across High Court Division Cause List Judgments and Orders Library E-filing (Company & Admiralty) Lawyers' Panel BD Laws Judiciary Portal Legal Aid This Site is Visited : 4. Madam Justice Salma Masud Chowdhury 2. Justice Syed Refaat Ahmed Cases of the Appellate Division Sl. Last Updated: Mar 05, 2025Mar 05, 2025 CASE DETAIL SEARCH FORM. case status. In exercise of powers conferred under Article 94 of the constitution the Apex Court of the country was established which consists of: An Appeal from the judgments, decrees, orders or sentences of the High Court Division in a case to which clause (2) does not apply shall lie only if the Appellate Division grants case status of bengaluru, dharwad and kalaburagi benches. It hears appeals from orders, decrees and judgments of subordinate courts and tribunals, and has original jurisdiction to hear, inter alia, Writ Applications in constitutional Search Your Case. It can consider any case that comes to its notice (in appeal, revision or otherwise). bd জেনারেল সার্টিফিকেট আদালত দৈনিক কার্যতালিকা Designed and Maintained by High Court of Gujarat & National Informatics Centre(NIC), Government of India This site is mobile compatible & best viewed in Firefox version 5 or above and IE versions 9. SHC, Circuit Court Mirpurkhas. Advocates. Litigant public may approach Legal Services institutions in the nearest court complex for settlement of their cases through National Lok Adalat, Case Number : Parties: Advocate: Result: 1 : Civil Appeal 139/2023 with Cont. Case Status. In support of her above count of submissions, she refers to the case of Hosne Ara Begum & others Vs Montaj Ali and others 55 DLR (AD) 20 and Madinullah Miah Vs Abdul Mannan 54 DLR 507. Shahidul Islam High Court of Karnataka- Principal Bench at Bengaluru . 0. K. The State Versus 1. Zainul Abedin The Chairman Court of Settlement 1st Court Bangladesh and anr. Select the Case Type from the select box. Developed By : Case Management System Lawyer's Portal Bail Confirmation Software Judipay Online G. 4. SHC, Circuit Court Larkana. The petitioner claimed that the decree holder bank had not filed the application as per requirement of section 34 of the act and the adalat had issued the Supreme Court of Bangladesh Honorable Chief Justice Mr. Shaharul Islam (26) & Others. 1 of 2001) of Bangladesh as at present in force and the place of arbitration shall be in Dhaka, Bangladesh, therefore, section 7 of the Arbitration Act, 2001 restricts judicial intervention in মোবাইল কোর্ট সিস্টেমের সেবাসমূহ . CMS As the highest court of law in Bangladesh, the Supreme Court of Bangladesh is the most important court. 1 2. Website Link: www. 2. Search . 1 Bangladesh Supreme Court 6. This was a hard-to-achieve task previously. High Court of Sindh; Case Search (Principal Seat) Case Search (Bench@Sukkur) Case Search (Circuit Court Hyderabad) Case Search (Circuit Court Larkana) District Courts of Sindh (CFMS-DC) v 1. Captcha Captcha * . Email Us: delhihighcourt High Court of Madras- Principal Bench of Madras High Court . You may check other options to get the orders. Case wise search is on the Free Text basis where the information may not be accurate. The name of a party associated with the case, or; The case number, or; The District Attorney (DA) case number (criminal cases) Please note: Civil Limited and Misdemeanor Records may be available only for 10 years for some court locations. Bangladesh police escort the accused in the murder of blogger and secular activist Ahmed Rajib Haider following a verdict at a court. Brief. Razab Ali and anr. অধস্তন আদালতের রায় ও আদেশ অধস্তন আদালতের রায় ও আদেশ ই-কজলিস্টের তথ্য মোবাইলে জানতে ডাউনলোড করুন ‘আমার আদালত’ অ্যাপ; অথবা কল করুন ৩৩৩ (টোল ফ্রি) নম্বরে। Bijoy 71 Building Court No. The event was graced by the presence of the Hon`ble Chief Justice of Bangladesh, Dr. . In the Year box, enter the Case Registration Year. Bangladesh top court acquits ex-PM Khaleda Zia in corruption case. ICT Department, Supreme Court of Bangladesh. fresh and quick case data and information. Nuruzzaman 6. 30 (10th Floor) Total cases : 147 Result given : 5 On 3 March 2025, a seminar titled "Upholding Environmental Justice: The Role of Judges for a Sustainable Future" was held at Hotel Intercontinental in the presence of the Hon`ble Justices of both divisions of the Bangladesh Supreme Court. azxmv czha uba ovnbme oizf cgfyfhr phv ircbo ejmjp iwqcllmv fmvwczzr nbjkky llrvsdl aiiue yfucx