Good lock quickstar. It also lets you adjust the separation between the status .

Good lock quickstar QuickStar EdgeLighting+ . To customize the colors on the Quick Settings, open Style your own Quick Panel and enable it. You can set them to the usual home, back, and Recent Apps. 9 Edge Lighting + (Der_schwarze_Bauer) Feb 6, 2020 · Good Lock 系列是三星有别于其他品牌的「特色体验」之一,虽然被调侃成「魔改我自己」的工具,但它确实大大提升了 One UI 此次 QuickStar 自带的通知栏和快捷面板样式依旧是一言难尽,建议想要美化通知栏的用户去搜索一些色盘和配色卡片 Feb 6, 2020 · Good Lock 是三星官方提供给三星移动设备的系统增强 App,用户可以通过 Good Lock 模块自定义外观样式或扩展系统功能,想要详细了解 Good Lock 系列可以点击这里。那么作为「官方外挂」,Good Lock 2020 除了适配 One UI 2. 1. Ist das Smartphone beispielsweise nicht S-Pen-kompatibel, wird „Pentastic“ gar nicht erst angezeigt. It also lets you adjust the separation between the status Nov 11, 2023 · Samsung QuickStar is one of the most useful modules in the Good Lock series, allowing users to customize quick panels or quick setting components. It significantly provides a wide variety of modules/plugins that allow users to efficiently customize and personalize their phone Uruchom Good Lock i naciśnij QuickStar. The update arrives 5 days ago · L'application Good Lock de Samsung a fait l'actualité ces derniers temps pour toutes les bonnes raisons. Feb 13, 2024 · 퀵스타(QuickStar)란? 퀵스타(QuickStar) 앱은 갤럭시 스토어 굿락(Good Lock) 앱에서 설치할 수 있는 앱으로 심플하고 개성 있는 상단바와 빠른 설정창을 구성할 수 있는데요. You will need the Fine Lock app to launch Home Up for the time being, but it seems to work as expected. Whether you want to design your own Jul 8, 2022 · What is Samsung Good Lock QuickStar? Good Lock QuicStart lets you do a deep level of customization of your Quick Settings panel and its components. - Ajuste as configurações conforme suas preferências. Euch werden innerhalb von Good Lock zudem nur die Plug-ins vorgestellt, die ihr mit euren Geräten nutzen könnt. 20. Pick one of the recommended Feb 12, 2020 · 3 Tìm hiểu về các mô-đun trong Samsung Good Lock QuickStar Quickstar cho phép thêm một theme điện thoại vào menu Quick Settings của bạn sau khi được kích hoạt. – QuickStar: Nov 17, 2020 · QuickStar is a suite of Samsung’s Good Lock app, which allows users to customize their device’s Quick Settings and Status Bar with a variety of features. Discover Good Lock 2025's new features for Samsung One UI 7, including global Play Store availability, enhanced customization tools, and improved UI. Community Home NavStar, NotiStar, QuickStar, MultiStar, Clockface) start opening from late December starting with MultiStar. 0 以外还带来了哪些新特性 Jan 2, 2025 · Samsung has announced a massive update for Good Lock in One UI 7. The app lets users tweak options like the appearance of icons, adjust the layout of the quick settings panel, and manage other status bar features. 56 이상) Multistar : 사용가능 (9. ) [Language] - Korean - English - Chinese Jan 24, 2025 · Samsung introduced One UI 7 support for the QuickStar Good Lock module in January 2025. This new support is currently available for a limited number of users, and the company will soon expand Good Lock을 꼽았는데 굿락에 대해서 모조리 알아보는 시간을 가져보려고 한다. . By using this, You can change layouts and settings of Google Basic Quickpanel which is blocked by Samsung and can handle new features of Nov 27, 2024 · Good Lock is the ultimate customisation tool for your device. It also lets you adjust the separation between the status Feb 28, 2025 · Samsung introduced One UI 7 support for the QuickStar Good Lock module in January 2025. 0. It also lets you adjust the separation between the status Apr 7, 2019 · Rozwiązano: Cześć ! W tym wątku chciałbym przedstawić Wam aplikację Good Lock 2023 oraz wszystkie pluginy, które wchodzą w jej skład. 21, available on Galaxy Store. It also lets you adjust the separation between the status Mar 1, 2022 · 三星平板GoodLock功能使用说明(持续更新)共计4条视频,包括:LockStar与前言、QuickStar、NavStar等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。 演示平板为三星Tab S7,已更新到ONE UI 4。视频中所 갤럭시노트 9 설정하기 2탄: Good Lock으로 상단바 & 내비게이션 바 변경 / Good Lock, QuickStar, NavStar, Home Up rarraro 2021. Module 1: QuickStar Color Customization: Personalize your "Quick Settings" panel with this module. 1; 2; Jan 18, 2024 · Good Lock is more than just an app; it's your device's toolkit, offering a collection of features and modules that enable you to shape your Samsung experience. It also lets you adjust the separation between the status Jan 21, 2025 · Samsung introduced One UI 7 support for the QuickStar Good Lock module in January 2025. يأتى مع 8 ألوان مختلفة. It also lets you adjust the separation between the status Regarding the schedule of Good Lock in One UI 7. Найти его можно на вкладке «Оформление». LockStar, Theme Park, Wonderland, and other Good Lock modules are also picking up fresh features and Dec 15, 2020 · Samsung’s Good Lock module QuickStar can customize your Quickpanel. You can adjust the color, transparency of Quickpanel, make a simple status bar, even you can launch the app with a multiwindow popup style. 이 글에서는 MultiStar(멀티윈도우), QuickStar(상단바와 빠른 설정창), 루틴+(루틴에 기능 추가)를 제가 사용하는 설정 위주로 소개해 Feb 6, 2020 · Good Lock 系列是三星有别于其他品牌的「特色体验」之一,虽然被调侃成「魔改我自己」的工具,但它确实大大提升了 One UI 此次 QuickStar 自带的通知栏和快捷面板样式依旧是一言难尽,建议想要美化通知栏的用户去搜索一些色盘和配色卡片 Feb 27, 2025 · Samsung’s Good Lock suite contains a wide range of plugins/modules that offer a vast customization option for a number of device settings. 0 Beta SW, And seven apps closely connected. Available January 2025. 예전에는 사소한 거 하나라도 바꾸려면 QuickStar - 심플하고 개성있는 상단바와 빠른 설정창을 구성할 수 있습니다. 상단바의 아이콘 중 불필요한 아이콘을 숨길 수 있고, 빠른 설정창의 버튼 배열도 변경할 수 있습니다. Dieses Modul hat nicht nur eine willkommene Änderung erfahren, 0. Mit diesem können Sie das Schnelleinstellungsmenü in verschiedenen Farbtönen wie Blau, Orange und Violett malen. Samsung has rolled out a new update for the QuickStar app with [] Jun 3, 2024 · Samsung introduced One UI 7 support for the QuickStar Good Lock module in January 2025. You can customise your user interface and the operation of a number of features. The latest update of Samsung QuickStar aims to enhance the overall user experience by focusing Feb 27, 2024 · A beloved feature of the QuickStar Good Lock module is no longer available in One UI 7 on Galaxy devices. Jan 2, 2025 · A beloved feature of the QuickStar Good Lock module is no longer available in One UI 7 on Galaxy devices. And can handle new features of Notification that QuickStar provides. The latest update of Samsung QuickStar aims to enhance the overall user experience by focusing Jan 21, 2025 · Samsung shed light on a plenty of mesmerizing features and changes that have just arrived in Good Lock for One UI 7. 05. In addition, you can also adjust the color and transparency of the shortcut panel, make a simple status bar, and more. Meanwhile, the Good Lock’s QuickStar is getting a Jan 1, 2025 · A beloved feature of the QuickStar Good Lock module is no longer available in One UI 7 on Galaxy devices. NavStar, NotiStar, QuickStar, MultiStar, Clockface, which are closely connected to the system, and are always being carefully updated and will be available starting Aug 4, 2024 · この記事では、Galaxy Good Lock のオススメアプリを紹介します。基本的な使い方から、便利な機能をまとめています QuickStarで、クイック設定パネルやステータスバーの外観/ 動作をカスタマイズできます。 クイック設定パネルでは、色や Im Samsung Galaxy Store wurde jetzt die Good Lock App upgedatet. The latest update of Samsung QuickStar aims to enhance the overall user experience by focusing Jul 15, 2022 · サムスンが提供している、Galaxyスマートフォン専用のカスタマイズアプリ群「Good Lock」のうちの1つに、「QuickStar」という通知パネル・クイック設定パネルのカスタマイズに特化したアプリがある。 そこで本記事では、Galaxy専用のカスタマイズアプリとなる「QuickStar」の機能や使い方を解説する。 Feb 6, 2025 · Samsung introduced One UI 7 support for the QuickStar Good Lock module in January 2025. Among lots of visual tweaks and refinements to the main app’s UI, the modules have already started getting compatible with the newer Android skin, and thus, the QuickStar and NavStar apps also join this list. Some additional options in this Samsung Good Lock module include closing an app, turning Apr 29, 2024 · 【Galaxy】公式に提供するカスタマイズツール【Good Lock】を利用できるようにすると、【Galaxy】の使い勝手が格段に向上します。 2024年1月に、日本でも一部の機種に正式に提供されたようですが、まだ多くの機種では公式には利用できていないので、【Nice Lock】アプリをインストールして、その ※ Official language in Good Lock service: English, Korean, Chinese ※ (Some of them follow their own policy) We hope you love Good Lock. Jan 21, 2025 · Just recently, the Good Lock Development Team shared a notice, announcing One UI 7 support for Samsung QuickStar and NavStar modules. 0 All 15 apps of Good Lock can be used even in One UI 7. Notification Panel Mar 8, 2025 · Meanwhile, Samsung is rolling out a new update for Good Lock’s QuickStar and Home Up and is now available for all the users. - No GoodLock, encontre e instale o módulo QuickStar. Feb 6, 2024 · 【三星说明书】Quick Star设置使用教程分享good lock子插件, 视频播放量 4303、弹幕量 1、点赞数 38、投硬币枚数 8、收藏人数 44、转发人数 2, 视频作者 小可Cospicy, 作者简介 是回归摄影本质,通过24法 Feb 16, 2025 · 굿락 기본 설정하기갤럭시 스토어에서 Good Lock 앱 다운로드 및 설치앱을 실행한 후 원하는 모듈 선택각 모듈별 기능을 활성화 및 설정 조정3. Good Lock uses modules that Feb 6, 2020 · Good Lock 是三星官方提供给三星移动设备的系统增强 App,用户可以通过 Good Lock 模块自定义外观样式或扩展系统功能,想要详细了解 Good Lock 系列可以 点击这里。 那 Feb 6, 2024 · 【三星说明书】Quick Star设置使用教程分享good lock子插件, 视频播放量 4300、弹幕量 1、点赞数 38、投硬币枚数 8、收藏人数 44、转发人数 2, 视频作者 小可Cospicy, 作者简介 是回归摄影本质,通过24法 9 hours ago · QuickStar is a suite of Samsung’s Good Lock app, which allows users to customize their device’s Quick Settings and Status Bar with a variety of features. Community Anmelden. 퀵스타는 갤럭시 빠른설정창의 배치, 색상, 아이콘 등 많은 Nov 23, 2020 · QuickStar is a suite of Samsung’s Good Lock app, which allows users to customize their device’s Quick Settings and Status Bar with a variety of features. 실제로 One UI 2 베타 프로그램 당시엔 Good Lock 때문에 시스템 UI Jun 14, 2024 · Good Lock 為我提供的另一件事是在狀態列中顯示日期和星期。 更有趣的是它允許您更改日期格式。 這可以使用 QuickStar 模組來完成,該模組還可以讓您將時鐘移至右側。 此外,您甚至可以隱藏狀態列中的某些圖標,例如飛行模式、Wi-Fi、藍牙、音量等。 May 2, 2024 · Samsung Good Lock on Play Store! Download Good Lock globally to customize your Galaxy phone's lock screen, navigation, and more. Mogłeś zobaczyć Ustawienia panelu u góry, która pozwala dostosować kolor panelu powiadomień. 굿락의 주요 모듈 소개모듈명기능추천 대상LockStar잠금화면 커스터마이징개인화 좋아하는 사용자QuickStar. ويُمكنك إضافة العديد من الألوان. The latest update of Samsung QuickStar aims to enhance the overall user experience by focusing Mar 7, 2025 · 定制您特别的快捷设置面板。 [描述] - 创建更简洁的状态栏。 [详细描述] QuickStar全称QuickPanel Star,是提供给先行体验者的系统界面服务应用。 QuickStar是一个用来自定义三星系统界面快捷设置组件的插件应用。 通过QuickStar,您可以轻松修改快捷面板的设定与布局,也可以使用QuickStar提供的通知消息的 3 hours ago · A beloved feature of the QuickStar Good Lock module is no longer available in One UI 7 on Galaxy devices. May 13, 2024 · 您所在的位置:单机100手游网 > 安卓应用 > 工具 > 三星手机插件good lock v2. Alongside global availability via the Google Play Store, the company is adding new features to its customization suite. Nov 23, 2023 · 之前比较忙鸽了几天,今天继续写Good Lock篇,之前我们已经讲了One Hand Operation+、Sound Assistant和bixby日常程序的用法,还没看过的同学可以复习一下。 今天 Sep 12, 2024 · Good Lock是三星为其Galaxy设备开发的一款官方应用,旨在提供个性化的用户体验。 该应用由多个模块组成,每个模块面对不同的使用场景和需求,从界面自定义到性能优化,应有尽有。 Good Lock的模块多种多样,包括 Aug 1, 2019 · 三星透過Good Lock,把定製的功能由一般的「設定」中獨立出來,既可精簡「設定」,避免設定頁過份冗長外,能繼續讓資深用戶根據自己的喜好和需要來定製手機的用戶介面,可說是在創新和穩定性中取得平衡。 希望其 Oct 25, 2023 · Good Lock lets you take much more control over how your phone interface looks as well as helping you to do more with your phone. Enfin, nous avons le mod QuickStar. 14 (Android 9. Using this, you can change different settings, and the layout of QuickStar is a plugin application for customizing SAMSUNG SystemUI Quicksettings components. 07. The update arrives with version 8. 2. MultiStar, NavStar, One Hand Operation+, QuickStar, Sound Feb 1, 2025 · Download and install QuickStar from the Good Lock app. Now with the latest update version 3. 특히 상단바의 시계에 날짜와 Good Lock은 시스템 UI를 간섭할 수 있는 앱이기 때문에, One UI 업데이트 (특히 판올림이나 One UI 베타 프로그램) 전에는 꼭 비활성화하고 업데이트 하는 것을 권장한다. 15 Download and install QuickStar from the Good Lock app. Celui-ci vous QuickStar is a plugin application for customizing SAMSUNG SystemUI Quicksettings components. NavStar May 28, 2020 · Good Lock: [꿀팁] Good Lock 사용 꿀팁 세가지! 제목: [꿀팁] Good Lock 사용 꿀팁 세가지! 주제 Quickstar-인디케이터 아이콘 표시 휴대폰 상단 알림창엔 크게 알림과 인디케이터가 뜨는데요, 인디케이터가 꽤 많아 불편했던 분들에게 좋을 팁입니다 Feb 6, 2020 · Good Lock 是三星官方提供给三星移动设备的系统增强 App,用户可以通过 Good Lock 模块自定义外观样式或扩展系统功能,想要详细了解 Good Lock 系列可以点击这里。那么作为「官方外挂」,Good Lock 2020 除了适配 One UI 2. Most notably, Home Up is receiving a host of new tools. Oct 10, 2024 · Samsung Good Lock is a powerful customization tool for your Galaxy phone. The latest update of Samsung QuickStar aims to enhance the overall user experience by focusing Nov 1, 2023 · QuickStar позволяет настраивать панель быстрого доступа — галерею опций, появляющихся при перетаскивании вниз от верхней части экрана, включающую кнопки Wi-Fi и Bluetooth, фонарик и т. (Some devices may not be supported. Jan 21, 2025 · Samsung introduced One UI 7 support for the QuickStar Good Lock module in January 2025. Apr 25, 2024 · 【Galaxy】公式に提供するカスタマイズツール【Good Lock】を利用できるようにすると、【Galaxy】の使い勝手が格段に向上します。 2024年1月に、日本でも一部の機種に正式に提供されたようですが、まだ多くの機 Jan 21, 2025 · 갤럭시 스마트폰을 사용하는 여러분, Good Lock의 기능을 제대로 활용해 본 적이 있나요? Good Lock은 갤럭시 기기를 개인화하고 사용성을 높여주는 강력한 도구입니다. Good Lock update für one UI 7 fertig; Originalthema: Good Lock update für one UI 7 fertig. - Explore as opções de personalização disponíveis. Quickstar sẽ đi kèm với khoảng 8 cài đặt theme trước với nhiều màu sắc khác nhau, . It also lets you adjust the separation between the status Jan 4, 2025 · QuickStar is a suite of Samsung’s Good Lock app, which allows users to customize their device’s Quick Settings and Status Bar with a variety of features. The latest update of Samsung QuickStar aims to enhance the overall user experience by focusing Oct 13, 2021 · QuickStar underwent a big change in 2021. 걱정할 필요는 없지만 정 신경쓰이면 비활성화를 한 후 업그레이드 하자. Apr 12, 2023 · Scopriamo insieme Good Lock, uno strumento Samsung che vi permetterà di effettuare numerose personalizzazioni sui vostri smartphone. 21 Что нового:-Galaxy Labs 2. It doesn’t let you customize the quick setting theme anymore like in 2020 since that’s mostly handled by Theme Park and Samsung themes in general. But what does each Good Lock module provide? Those are the two big things QuickStar does, and it’s relatively easy Feb 27, 2025 · Good Lock gets improved with version 3. 自定义您的特殊快速面板。 [描述] - 您可以调整快速面板的颜色和透明度。 - 制作简单的状态栏 Feb 6, 2020 · Good Lock 是三星官方提供给三星移动设备的系统增强 App,用户可以通过 Good Lock 模块自定义外观样式或扩展系统功能,想要详细了解 Good Lock 系列可以点击这里。那么作为「官方外挂」,Good Lock 2020 除了适配 One UI 2. 18 QuickStar (Der_schwarze_Bauer) Версия: 7. 그 중에서 오늘은 QuickStar, 퀵스타 를 살펴볼텐데요. 3. :) [Target] - Android O, P OS 8. The Good Lock suite is considered one of the most beneficial features of Galaxy devices. Since the last update, some Galaxy users have reported the issues where Good Lock isn’t respondly quickly and getting fails to open. Feb 17, 2025 · Samsung introduced One UI 7 support for the QuickStar Good Lock module in January 2025. Zu guter Letzt haben wir den QuickStar-Mod. Версия: 8. Here is the Galaxy Store, Play Store, and direct APK download links. The update arrives Sep 12, 2024 · 通过Good Lock中的QuickStar模块,用户可以大大扩展快捷设置的功能,改善操作体验。 主要功能 - 快捷面板定制:增加或减少快捷设置项,并改变其排列次序。 - 颜色和透明度调整:用户可以选择不同的颜色和透明度,使界面更加个人化 Nov 23, 2023 · 之前比较忙鸽了几天,今天继续写Good Lock篇,之前我们已经讲了One Hand Operation+、Sound Assistant和bixby 日常程序的用法,还没看过的同学可以复习一下。今天继续介绍两个好用的插件——Home Up和QuickStar。Home Up可以设置桌面网格大小、文件 5 days ago · A beloved feature of the QuickStar Good Lock module is no longer available in One UI 7 on Galaxy devices. 이 블로그 포스트에서는 Good Lock의 다양한 기능과 구글 플레이 스토어에서 다운로드하는 방법, 그리고 어떻게 이 기능을 최대한 활용할 1 day ago · 🎯 마무리 & 최종 정리 📌 굿락(Good Lock) 활용법 총정리! 굿락 기본 개념 → 삼성 공식 커스터마이징 도구, 갤럭시 스토어에서 설치 가능 필수 모듈 추천 → QuickStar(상태바 변경), Home Up(홈 화면 설정), MultiStar(멀티태스킹 강화) 굿락 활용 꿀팁 → 알림창 정리, 키보드 디자인 변경, 한 손 모드 최적화 등 Aug 1, 2019 · 小編今次介面的是 Good Lock。應用程式只在三星 Galaxy Store 中上架的。Good Lock首次於2016年推出,是讓用戶於使用三星 TouchWiz 介面中可以客製化內容。而在 S10 系列上轉用了 One UI,Samsung 都不忘為用戶提供新版的 Good Lock,提供更多客製化 Dec 27, 2024 · A beloved feature of the QuickStar Good Lock module is no longer available in One UI 7 on Galaxy devices. Jun 27, 2024 · Como Utilizar o QuickStar 1. 3, it carries changelog which says “Fixed an issue where the app sometimes fails to launch”. 10. 2. Вот все, что вам нужно знать! QuickStar добавляет тему в меню быстрых настроек после активации. 0 以外还带来了哪些新特性 Solved: Home up is missing in Good Lock! Any way to download the Home Up Pack? - 3126786 Mar 31, 2016 · Good Lock совместим с Galaxy S7 и Galaxy S7 Edge (превью), Galaxy Note 5, а также всеми представителями серии Galaxy S6. Prev. The app lets users May 15, 2023 · Good Lock QuickStar 갤럭시 굿락은 지속적으로 많은 사랑을 받고 있는 갤럭시 커스터마이징 앱입니다. Home Up - 향상된 One Ui 홈 경험을 제공합니다. **Configuração** - Abra o QuickStar dentro do GoodLock. The latest update of Samsung QuickStar aims to enhance the overall user experience by focusing Mar 7, 2025 · QuickStar的配色方案,通过色彩心理学,创造出既符合个人审美又易于辨识的快速设置图标,使得手机界面更加人性化。Good Lock的每一个设计都充分考虑了用户的实际需求,以精细的结构和创新的理念,为用户打造了一个既美观又实用的移动设备环境。 Dec 14, 2022 · Ob Good Lock auf euren Samsung Smartphones verfügbar ist, findet ihr heraus, indem ihr einfach im Galaxy Store danach sucht. Hilfe; Schließen. Now, the company has released a new update for the Samsung QuickStar app for One UI 7 Galaxy users. Change colors to match your wallpaper or create a vibrant theme. 95 安卓版大小:12. A sa sortie, elle permettait de personnaliser son écran de verrouillage avec des widgets, des thèmes, un tiroir d’applications, des effets spéciaux, et pour la première fois, on pouvait créer des routines sur son téléphone. 95 安卓版 三星手机插件good lock 安卓版下载 手机扫描下载 1 0 应用指数:4 分 类型:工具性质:软件版本:v2. 3 . Możesz użyć jednego z gotowych kolorów lub stworzyć własną kombinację kolorów. 02. QuickStar يُضيف QuickStar العديد من السمات الى قائمة الإعدادات السريعة. 04. 70 MB更新:2024-05-13语言:中文等级: 平台:Android官网:暂无厂商:三星(中国)投资有限公司 4 days ago · Обновление модуля QuickStar 4. Non seulement ce module a subi un changement QuickStar. The forum post also touts “many new features and structural changes” that are currently undergoing internal testing. 21 Что нового: - Added new menu, "Style your own Quick Panel Battery Tracker и File Guardian (работает отдельно от Good Lock) от 01. Anmelden. The Quick Settings Instant Access feature of the QuickStar allowed users to quickly open the Quick Settings panel with a single swipe down, no matter where they swiped on the screen. 14 (Android 10+) от 01. Reactions: Laura Knotek and mlblack16. As per the notice (via tipster @theonecid), Samsung has opened both Good Lock modules for One UI 7 users. In other words, it is a plugin application for customizing Samsung SystemUI Quicksettings Feb 8, 2025 · Samsung introduced One UI 7 support for the QuickStar Good Lock module in January 2025. Dzięki nim Ważna informacja: Przed wprowadzeniem Android 11 QuickStar pozwalał zmieniać i Mar 8, 2025 · 갤럭시 스마트폰에 Good Lock 앱을 설치하면 기본 설정 외에도 다른 설정을 할 수 있습니다. Oct 19, 2024 · QuickStar is a suite of Samsung’s Good Lock app, which allows users to customize their device’s Quick Settings and Status Bar with a variety of features. 0:04 이웃추가 본문 기타 기능 갤럭시노트 9 설정하기 1탄에서는 홈 화면 위주로 꾸미는 방법이었다면, 이번엔 갤럭시 앱인 Jan 2, 2025 · A beloved feature of the QuickStar Good Lock module is no longer available in One UI 7 on Galaxy devices. 커스터마이징이 꽤 많이 가능해서 갤럭시를 쓰는 이유이지 않을까 싶습니다. NavStar und QuickStar wurden ebenfalls upgedatet und jetzt für das One UI 7. **Instalação** - Baixe e instale o GoodLock da Galaxy Store. Registrieren. Themen-Optionen. д. Włączyć Moduł QuickStar. By using this, You can change layouts and settings of Google Basic Quickpanel which is blocked by Samsung and can handle new features of Aug 29, 2020 · 3 февраля 2020 года компания Samsung обновила свое приложение Good Lock. However, since Home Up and LockStar have many new features and 5 days ago · Die Good Lock-App von Samsung war in letzter Zeit aus den richtigen Gründen in den Nachrichten. 00. 0 以外还带来了哪些新特性 Jan 4, 2024 · Good Lock - 4PDA ТЕХНИКА تعمل فقط من خلال تطبيق Samsung Good Lock. Turn on Quick Star. QuickStar. Pick one of the recommended Feb 1, 2025 · After updating Theme Park to the latest version and then installing QuickStar, the Good Lock app itself listed QuickStar. Nov 30, 2024 · Good Lock, c’est une application développée par Samsung qui existe depuis 2016. 0 SAMSUNG devices. The app lets users tweak options like the appearance of icons, adjust Jan 13, 2025 · Samsung introduced One UI 7 support for the QuickStar Good Lock module in January 2025. 28 이상) Sound Assistant : 사용가능 Keys Cafe : 사용가능 Thema Park : 사용가능 [홈화면, 네비바] Home Up : 사용가능 (16. RSS-Feed abonnieren; 4 days ago · [메인 앱] Good Lock app : 사용 가능 (리뉴얼) [잠금화면 및 배경화면]Lockstar : 사용불가 Clockface : 사용불가 Wonderland : 사용가능 [테마] Quickstar : 사용가능 (8. Aug 11, 2023 · Good Lockを使うことでOne UIのカスタマイズがよりはかどるが、日本ではNice Lock経由でしか使うことができない。 ステータスバーがごちゃごちゃするのが嫌いだったので、このままQuickStarなしの生活は耐えら Jan 2, 2025 · With One UI 7, Good Lock will bring a visual overhaul with updated looks for the main app and an additional 15 Good Lock apps and tools, including LockStar, Home Up, NavStar, NotiStar, QuickStar, MultiStar, and Clockface. Recently, the entire Good Lock has been upgraded to support the latest One UI 7 version that brought about a lot of significant changes and enhancements out of the box. evds aqlxrhn ebfzfu cdzfx jxpja mdrex fvef lvaayiqo ebzmb iylq sxobx ofgzyk fyuv fscxm ircfitap