Minnesota court records. Most requests can be completed on the same day.
Minnesota court records What is a Lien in Minnesota? In Minnesota, a lien is a legally binding claim registered with the county recorder or the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State. Olmsted County Government Center 151 Fourth Street SE Rochester, MN 55904 Phone: (507) 722-7264 Fax: (507) 285-8996Contact by Email Additional Phone Numbers Court Administrator: Mar 4, 2025 · Provides access to case records information for Minnesota Court of Appeals and Supreme Court records through the appellate courts case management system, known as P-MACS. Adult Criminal Court Records; You can get copies of your MN adult criminal court records by contacting court administration in the county where the case is filed or from a public records terminal at any courthouse. Online records do not include confidential information or pre-conviction criminal information. Lookup civil, family law, probate, small claims, labour, personal injury and other types of Minnesota State Court cases by name, case number, party, attorney, judge, docket entry & more. Information that can be seen on bankruptcy records include bank account statements, income sources, and other documents used during the court proceedings. Quick Reference Guide – Searching for Cases in Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) The Minnesota State Court Administrator’s Office wrote and published this document. They may have participated in cases involving probate, naturalization, divorce, debt, adoption, guardianship, licenses, appointment to public offices, taxes, civil and criminal lawsuits, property disputes, crimes, or other matters brought before a court. Learn the purpose and significance of Minnesota civil court records and the eligibility requirements for obtaining them from state record custodians. Plain copies of recent divorce records may be found using the Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO). Bankruptcy records in the State of Minnesota are court filings that contain the financial details of individuals and corporations looking to clear outstanding debts they are unable to pay. P-MACS coverage for cases open on Mar. Fully-matching results; Minnesota Judicial Branch - Minnesota Court Records Online |… Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) provides online access to Minnesota state district (trial) court records and documents. Search and access public Minnesota state district court records and documents by case number, name, citation, or hearing. Clay County Courthouse 807 11th Street North Moorhead, MN 56560 Phone: (218) 227-7040 Fax: (218) 233-3119 Contact by email Court Administrator: Renelle Fenno Anoka County Court Records Search. Blvd. The Minnesota Supreme Court has authorized an Expedited Civil Litigation Track Pilot Project, effective July 1, 2013, for the district courts in Dakota County and the City of Duluth. A Minnesota arrest record typically includes the following: Physical description of the arrestee, such as hair color, eye color, height, sex, and race; Image Office Address Phone; Wright County District Court. Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) provides online access to Minnesota state district (trial) court records and documents. Minnesota Civil Court Records Civil court records in the state of Minnesota are documents that detail legal disputes between individuals or entities. Call Court Administration at (320) 656-3620 for court hearing information or contact by email . Identifiers for accessing records may include case numbers, filing or hearing dates, or case party names. A public access to court records computer is available. Mar 5, 2025 · Email: Ask A Librarian. The Clerk of Appellate Courts keeps the dockets for the Minnesota Court of Appeals and Supreme Court cases. These records provide comprehensive documentation of all cases handled by the county's judicial system, spanning civil, criminal, family, and probate matters. mncourts. Wright County court records are public per the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Code § 13. read more. The Minnesota Court of Appeals Yes, expunging court records in Minnesota is the same as sealing records. Fully-matching results; Minnesota Judicial Branch - Home | Minnesota Judicial Branch The website of the Minnesota Judicial Branch. The information available on Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) is provided as a service and is not the official court case record. Results. e, law enforcement or Nevertheless, record seekers can only access court records by providing case identifiers. 2 of the Minnesota Rules of Public Access Hennepin County District Court - Probate / Mental Health Court Hennepin County Government Center 300 South 6th Street, Room C-400 Minneapolis, MN 55487 Phone: (612) 348-3244 Fax: (612) 348-2130. Fully-matching results; Minnesota Judicial Branch - Criminal Expungement Expungement is the process of going to court to ask a judge to seal a court record. Court Records Research & Searches. Since these sites host records from various judicial districts, they offer a convenient and expedited alternative to some government-owned Martin County Courthouse 201 Lake Avenue Fairmont, MN 56031 Phone: (507) 432-7003 Fax: (507) 238-1913 Contact by email Court Administrator: Cathy Celander Lyon County Government Center 607 West Main Marshall, MN 56258 Phone: (507) 706-7050 Fax: (507) 532-1095 Contact by email Court Administrator: Aimee Primus Location Carver County Justice Center Carver County Court Administration 604 East 4th Street Chaska, MN 55318 Phone: (952) 361-1420 Fax: (952) 361-1491 Brown County Courthouse 14 South State Street P. To access contact information about the various Minnesota County District Courts where divorce records are obtainable, visit the Minnesota Judicial Branch's Find Your Court webpage. Under Rule 134. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: (651) 361–7200 Fax: (651) 642–0223. The Clerk of Courts is the primary custodian of Wright County court records. They may access court records using the Minnesota Judicial Branch search portal. MICRO provides online access to public Minnesota state district court records and documents. Self-help center services are available remotely Monday – Friday from 8:30 a. Certified copies of Public access computers (self-service) - view court records online using MPA Courthouse, which offers more detailed case information than Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) over the internet. https: Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) provides online access to Minnesota state district (trial) court records and documents. Each Minnesota district courthouse offers electronic access to statewide public case records through public access terminals. aspx 1/16/2019 1:09:33 PM The Minnesota Rules of Public Access to Records of the Judicial Branch are established by the Minnesota Supreme Court and govern public access to all types of records of the Minnesota Judicial Branch. For assistance, please call (651) 266-1333 or visit the Ramsey County Department of Health website. To get a copy of a document in a court file, go to the Court Records Center to submit a request. Benton County Courthouse 615 Highway 23 PO Box 189 Foley, MN 56329 Phone: (320) 968-5205 Fax: (320) 968-5353 Contact by email Court Administrator: Megan Bergman Most records can be found online through Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO). Minnesota Courts To Require Digital Exhibits Beginning Jan. Contact by email Court Administrator: Kim Peterson MPA Remote (Minnesota Public Access) offers access to case information via the internet for certain court records in the Minnesota Court Information System (MNCIS). 10 of the Rules of Civil Appellate procedure, no one else is permitted to make an audio or video recording of Court of Appeals oral arguments except with permission obtained at least 24 hours in advance, and under specific Minnesota tort cases refer to civil disagreements between individuals and establishments. tab to search for Case Details (Register of Actions ) that show case and party MGA allows Minnesota government agencies to access appropriate electronic court records and documents stored in the Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) provides Pope County Courthouse 130 East Minnesota - Ste 309 Glenwood, MN 56334 Court Administrator: Rachel Schmidt Phone: (320) 424-7170 Jury: (320) 424-7171 Nov 15, 2024 · District court records are arranged by the county in which the case action took place and are organized by records series (for example: case files, registers of actions, judgment books, and minutes). 01, Minnesota juvenile court records include all documents filed with or maintained by the court; electronic recordings; trial/hearing transcripts; notes and tapes of reporters; records of juvenile probation officers, county home schools (as defined by § 260B. In Minnesota, certain traffic violations are classified as criminal offenses, hence, a request for expungement can be made to the courts to either seal or expunge the criminal record. Wright County Government Center 10 NW 2nd Street, Room C201 Buffalo, MN 55313 (763)-682-7539 4th District Court Records Center 300 South 6th Street, #SK-0260 Minneapolis, MN 55487-0332. 2 of the Minnesota Rules of Public Access The Minnesota Judicial Branch offers Minnesota Government Access (MGA) accounts to Minnesota government agencies. It hears appeals from the Court of Appeals, district Results. St. A Hearing Search now allows users to search for individual court hearings, and a Judgment Search allows users to search for docketed monetary judgments and related information. Records like arrest records, court records, criminal records and incarceration records are all public records in Minnesota. Find out which documents are available online and how to use MCRO features and resources. Results that match 1 of 2 words; Minnesota Judicial Branch - Minnesota Court Records Online |… Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) provides online access to Minnesota state district (trial) court records and documents. Fully-matching results; Minnesota Judicial Branch - Find Courts | Minnesota Judicial Branch . Martin Luther King Jr. 2 of the Minnesota Rules of Public Access Court Records Online The Minnesota Judicial Branch now provides online access to many Minnesota district (trial) court public documents. 1, 2025 12/17/2024. You may also contact the court by email and use the dropdown menu to select the appropriate county. Minnesota State Law Library G25 Minnesota Judicial Center 25 Rev. Sets minimum time periods for keeping court records. Pennington County Justice Center 141 Main Ave S Thief River Falls, MN 56701 Phone: (218) 684-7000 Fax: (218) 681-0907 Jury Line: (218) 684-7008 Contact by Email https://www. The District Court Record Retention Schedule (Retention Schedule) does the following:. For Additional Questions: Call: (952) 496–8200, follow prompts for the applicable case type. gov/Help-Topics/Criminal-Expungement/Content-FAQs/10. See Rule 2, Minnesota Rules of Public Access to Records of the Judicial Branch, reprinted in MINNESOTA RULES OF COURT: STATE 1083 (WEST 2009 ed. Search court cases, dockets, and detailed records. Users must read and accept the terms and conditions before using MCRO, which include limitations, disclaimers, and privacy policy. Learn the state's tort law, the cases prosecuted according to its provisions, as well as the differences between tort and criminal law in Minnesota. Access Minnesota court records and resources for various counties. However, due to space limitations and other storage consideration, many counties keep some court records off-site. Records are stored for a specific length of time as indicated on the District Court Record Retention Schedule. Beltrami County Judicial Center 600 Minnesota Avenue NW Suite 108 Bemidji, MN 56601-3068 Phone: (218) 888-5060 Fax: (218) 364-8394 Contact by Email Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) At a Courthouse Each Minnesota district courthouse offers electronic access to statewide public case records through public access terminals. The website of the Minnesota Judicial Branch. What Types of Marriage Records are available in Minnesota Local agencies in Minnesota maintain different types of marriage records, from consent papers and applications filed before a civil union to certificates created after a marriage. Case Search. While the public can look at court records free of charge, any The Rules of Public Access to the Records of the Judicial Branch approved by the Supreme Court govern access to court records. Please see the MN Judicial Branch page, Copy Requests, for more information and links to request forms. Access case documents, orders, opinions, and more through the Minnesota Judicial Branch or the State Law Library. MCRO is an online application that provides public access to Minnesota state district court records and documents. 2 of the Minnesota Rules of Public Access Information about many of your ancestors can be found in court records, perhaps as defendants, plaintiffs, witnesses, or jurors. Paul, MN 55155 Phone: 651-297-7651 The information available on MCRO is limited to case, hearing, and monetary judgment search results; case record information; Registers of Actions; monetary judgment details; and documents for publicly accessible district court case records that may also be available online, as defined by Rule 8, subd. Us e the . In Minnesota, Tax Court is separate from the regular state trial courts, but if you're looking for Tax Court forms, you'll find some forms and information at the Tax Court's web site. Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) is an application, that once fully implemented, will replace Minnesota Public Access (MPA) Remote as the online platform for public access to state district court documents. Find a Minnesota district court, appellate court or judicial district administration. Access to court files and related records is provided in the Court Administration Records Room, which is located on the first floor, east wing of the courthouse. No record of the offense may appear on your driving record. Make sure the -show_qsyntax_tree=on query processor option is set. If you have a question about a court case scheduled in Hennepin County District Court call (612) 348-6000. 03). The Minnesota Supreme Court, created in 1849 when Minnesota became a territory, is the highest court in the state. However, expungement or sealing generally does not apply to driving history records, which are maintained by the Driver and Vehicle Services Unit , and the court This includes records held by the court as well as records maintained by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and other government agencies. Probate case records are maintained by the court clerk via a centralized Records Center. Although Minnesota divorce records are public documents, a custodian agency may deny access to a divorce certificate or decree if: Minnesota civil court records are official documents generated from cases heard in the state Court of Civil Appeals. Minnesota liens are held alongside other Minnesota civil court records since the state’s civil courts typically hear property-related cases. https: Jan 1, 2010 · The general policy of the Minnesota courts is that court records are accessible to any member of the public. Court documents cannot be viewed in MPA Remote at this time. MGA allows Minnesota government agencies to access appropriate electronic court records and documents stored in the Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) provides such as the Tax Court, Workers’ Compensation Court of Appeals, and Office of Administrative Hearings are not governed by these rules unless and until they are submitted to the judicial branch in an appeal to the Minnesot a Court of Appeals or the Minnesota Supreme Court, or become part of some other proceeding in the District Court. Dakota County Policies and Orders Expedited Civil Litigation Track Pilot Project. Contact by email Court Administrator: Cass County Courthouse 300 Minnesota Avenue PO Box 3000 Walker, MN 56484 Phone: (218) 888-5150 Fax: (218) 547-1904 Contact by Email Court Administrator: Minnesota Public Court Records. Box 3802 Stillwater, MN 55082 map Phone: (651) 413-8030 Teresa Underwood, Court Administrator The Duluth Courthouse is open to those who need to access the court administration customer service office. The name on the record being requested and the case file number are required. Court records are an integral part of Minnesota court records, as they form the state's cache of case data history and preserve public access to the Minnesota judiciary. Access records with MNCIS. Box 248 New Ulm, MN 56073-0248 Phone: (507) 441-7020 Fax: (507) 359-9562 Contact by email. Search online court records from Minnesota Superior Courts, Justice Courts, and Circuit Courts for free. Please note that MGA allows Minnesota government agencies to access appropriate electronic court records and documents stored in the Minnesota Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO Polk County Justice Center 816 Marin Ave, Suite 210 Crookston, MN 56716 Phone: (218) 281-2332 Fax: (218) 281-2204 Jury Information Line: (218) 281-3603 Results. Fully-matching results; Minnesota Judicial Branch - Home | Minnesota Judicial Branch Minnesota. Note that information in court records may differ based on the case type. Once a record is expunged in Minnesota, it is sealed from public view and doesn’t appear in criminal record searches done by members of the public. Nicollet County Government Center 501 South Minnesota Avenue St. Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) At a Courthouse Each Minnesota district courthouse offers electronic access to statewide public case records through public access terminals. Case records are displayed for all Minnesota district (trial) courts. These courts are divided into 10 judicial districts and exercise original jurisdiction over family matters occurring in the state. These records are available in different courts and are open for public inspection under the Minnesota Data Practices Act. https: public records search minnesota courts, minnesota public criminal court records, minnesota public court records mn, free public court records minnesota, state of minnesota public records, minnesota public records, pa courts public records mn, state of mn public court records Agreements must deal as proud owner would play because they initially Minnesota inmate records contain information regarding inmates housed in the detention centers and correctional facilities within the state. m. Public records may also be accessible from some third-party websites. Records Retention The District Court Record Retention Schedule sets the minimum retention period for court records. Search for a Case . Minimum retention is mandated by the Retention Schedule but destruction and/or transfer to State Archives are not mandated. O. Query syntax tree unavailable. To obtain Sherburne County probate court records: Visit the Minnesota Courts Records Online Document Search portal and search for case files on Sherburne County probate cases filed on or after July 1, 2015, using case number as the search criterion The information available on MCRO is limited to case, hearing, and monetary judgment search results; case record information; Registers of Actions; monetary judgment details; and documents for publicly accessible district court case records that may also be available online, as defined by Rule 8, subd. Certified copies of a divorce decree may be obtained from the county courthouse where the divorce was granted. - 4:00 p. Paul, MN 55155 Phone: 651-297-7651 Itasca County Courthouse 123 4th Street NE Grand Rapids, MN 55744 Phone: (218) 327-2870 Fax: (218) 327-2897 Jury Information Line: (218) 327-2800 Contact by Email Court Administrator: What is Included in Minnesota Arrest Records? Generally, Minnesota arrest records contain information about the arrested individual, the reason for the arrest, and details about the arrest incident. Court Administrator: Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) At a Courthouse Each Minnesota district courthouse offers electronic access to statewide public case records through public access terminals. Call (651) 435-6535. 060),, and county detention agencies; and any document Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) MGA allows Minnesota government agencies to access appropriate electronic court records and documents stored in the The Vital Records office of the Ramsey County Department of Health provides Birth, Death and Marriage records. Kandiyohi County Courthouse 505 Becker Avenue SW Willmar, MN 56201 Court Administrator: Katie Bloch Phone: (320) 231-6206Contact by email Sherburne County Government Center 13880 Business Center Drive NW Elk River, MN 55330 Phone: (763) 284-7140Email via Contact Form Court Administrator: Katrese Ringham For cases that were open in either the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court on March 3, 2003 and later, P-MACS provides the following information about the case: case title, appellate case number, parties, attorneys, docket entries, and links to orders or opinions issued in the case after March 3, 2003. These information and documents are called Washington County court records. In Minnesota, the District Courts are trial courts tasked with maintaining and disseminating family court records filed within their respective jurisdiction. Court RecordsMinnesota court records refer to case files or documents of trials involving family, civil, probate, mental health, or criminal cases. This general policy is carried forward by Rule 4 governing accessibility of case records. Minnesota public court records contain files pertaining to court proceedings and operations. Case Search allows users to find court cases by person name, business name, attorney name, case number, citation number, or attorney bar number. Wright County District Court Wright County Justice Center 3700 Braddock Avenue Room 1100 Buffalo, MN 55313 Phone: (763) 760-6300Fax: (763) 682-7300Email via Contact Form According to Rule 30. Find civil, criminal, and probate records, as well as child support warrants. As Minnesota's basic trial courts of original jurisdiction, the state's district courts hear all types of civil and criminal cases. Judge Korey Wahwassuck and Attorney Judy Nord Receive Blaeser Award 12/13/2024 The information available on MCRO is limited to case, hearing, and monetary judgment search results; case record information; Registers of Actions; monetary judgment details; and documents for publicly accessible district court case records that may also be available online, as defined by Rule 8, subd. The information is limited as described in the MN Rules of Public Access to Records of the Judicial Branch. Minnesota statutory law provides state courts with authority to entirely expunge criminal records in some instances that fall under the following categories: Cases involving first-time drug possession offenses The information available on MCRO is limited to case, hearing, and monetary judgment search results; case record information; Registers of Actions; monetary judgment details; and documents for publicly accessible district court case records that may also be available online, as defined by Rule 8, subd. Fully-matching results; 2022 Annual Report | Minnesota Judicial Branch PDF (7415k) 21 Sep 2023: Achieving better outcomes for American Indian children and families. How Do I Find Minnesota Traffic Court Records? Minnesota traffic court records can be reviewed to ascertain whether they are available online using the Minnesota Judicial Branch website. 2 of the Minnesota Rules of Public Access Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) provides online access to Minnesota state district (trial) court records and documents. Otter Tail County Courthouse 121 West Junius Avenue #310 Fergus Falls, MN 56537 Phone: (218) 560-7045 Fax: (218) 998-8438. Nov 15, 2024 · The Minnesota Supreme Court and Court of Appeals are appellate courts that hear appeals regarding decisions of lower trial courts, specifically the Minnesota district courts. Getting Court Records To look up a court case or record, search court records online in Minnesota Court Records Online. Most requests can be completed on the same day. Olmsted County Court Records Search by Name. Each district courthouse also offers in-person counter access to locally-stored, public case records in paper form. Probate Court Case Lookup. Douglas County Courthouse 305 8th Avenue West Alexandria, MN 56308 Phone: (320) 304-6050 Fax: (320) 762-8863. 1, 2025, all court participants will be required to use the Minnesota Digital Exhibit System to upload hearing and trial evidence. 4 days ago · All oral arguments are recorded by the Court, and audio recordings are generally available on the Court of Appeals Audio Recordings page within 24 hours. The Minnesota Judicial Branch allows name-based searches for Olmsted County court records. Reimbursement Rate for Attorney's Fees and Costs ; Court Calendar Marriage records are typically maintained and disseminated as part of Minnesota family court records. Rule 4 is dedicated to "Accessibility to Case Records" and Rule 8 is dedicated to "Inspection, Copying, Bulk Distribution and Remote Access" to minnesota courts online records, minnesota criminal court record search, minnesota public criminal court records, public records search minnesota courts, minnesota circuit court access ccap, minnesota courts online, minnesota court case search online, minnesota courts public access Apr-Jun, July-September, October-December and swagat restaurant or liquidation laws. Fully-matching results; Minnesota Judicial Branch - Home | Minnesota Judicial Branch Results. All Minnesota appellate court opinions from May 2, 1996 forward can be searched online. Court The information available on MCRO is limited to case, hearing, and monetary judgment search results; case record information; Registers of Actions; monetary judgment details; and documents for publicly accessible district court case records that may also be available online, as defined by Rule 8, subd. Learn the purpose and significance of divorce records and how they can be accessed through official Minnesota state repositories. These records may be obtained at 1. Hennepin County Vital Records 300 South Sixth Street, MC-026 Minnesota Court Records. Learn how to find court records from Minnesota trial and appellate courts online or in person. Starting Jan. Fully-matching results; Minnesota Judicial Branch - Minnesota Court Records Online |…. The Advanced search feature lets you search for words specifically in the title field where the parties names would be located. ). Peter, MN 56082 Phone: (507) 550-7032 Fax: (507) 931-4278 Contact by email Court Administrator: Ultimately, convictions on Minnesota driving records are visible when the involved party seeks to get a license in another state. The Minnesota Judicial Branch offers Minnesota Government Access (MGA) accounts to Minnesota government agencies. What are Minnesota Criminal Court Records? Minnesota Criminal Court records are official court documents providing details of the proceedings of criminal cases. Steele County Courthouse 111 East Main Street Owatonna, MN 55060 Phone: (507) 686-7012 Fax: (507) 451-1265 Contact by Email Additional Phone Numbers Record seekers who cannot find criminal court records online can submit a Minnesota Judicial Branch Copy Request Form to the District Court by email to the Scott County Court Administration, by fax at (952) 496-8211, and by mail. Public court records generally provide information on court administration activities and court cases. However, records are not destroyed and can be accessed by those with the right clearance i. Minnesota Civil Court records are official court documents that provide details of the proceedings of civil lawsuits heard in state courts. Use the provided links for jury duty, e-filing, child support, restraining orders, small claims, and family court matters. If they cannot find the specific record they seek through this channel, court files and related records are accessible over the Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) At a Courthouse Each Minnesota district courthouse offers electronic access to statewide public case records through public access terminals. Washington County Courthouse 14949 62nd Street North P. Page 1 8/5/2022 . Feb 5, 2025 · Email: Ask A Librarian. Per this law, Minnesota residents as well as nonresidents may request, view, and obtain copies of court Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) At a Courthouse Each Minnesota district courthouse offers electronic access to statewide public case records through public access terminals. 2 of the Minnesota Rules of Public Access Hennepin County Court Records Located in Minnesota, Hennepin County maintains court records vital in legal proceedings within the jurisdiction. Winona County Courthouse 171 West Third Street Winona, MN 55987 Phone: (507) 615-5183 Fax: (507) 452-5979 Contact by Email Additional Phone Numbers Stearns County District Court maintains an extensive database of legal records and case files. The Minnesota Court of Appeals The website of the Minnesota Judicial Branch. The Minnesota Judicial Branch does not certify MCRO records or search results, and is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the data found on MCRO. Are Incarceration Records Public in Minnesota? All records documented, kept and maintained by a government agency are regarded as public records. UNOFFICIAL COURT CASE RECORDS. Dr. Conciliation Court (Small Claims Results. . Are Court Records Public in Wright County? Yes. An online, public version of MNCIS contains publicly available records and can be searched by defendant name, case number, attorney or citation. It is called the Minnesota Court Information System (MNCIS). Most of these records are case files including such documents as witness statements, exhibit and evidence lists, court transcripts, jury information, and final judgments. Minnesota Family Court Records When a divorce, adoption, or other legal dispute involving family occurs in Minnesota, the events are in family court records. Additional ways to The Minnesota Judicial Branch today announced two new search functions have been added to Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO). The information available on MCRO is limited to case, hearing, and monetary judgment search results; case record information; Registers of Actions; monetary judgment details; and documents for publicly accessible district court case records that may also be available online, as defined by Rule 8, subd. You may also be able to access certain documents from your case through MN Court Records Online (MCRO). Fully-matching results; Minnesota Judicial Branch - Fourth Judicial District Minnesota Judicial Branch is divided into 10 judicial districts for administrative purposes. Fully-matching results; Minnesota Judicial Branch - Home | Minnesota Judicial Branch Rice County Courthouse 218 NW Third St Suite 300 Faribault, MN 55021 Phone: (507) 497-7134 Fax: (507) 332-6199 Contact by Email Additional Phone Numbers Court Administrator: The Minnesota court system has a database that manages information on all court records. Individuals who wish to access Anoka County court records have several options available to them. 3, 2013 or later includes: case title, appellate case number, parties, attorneys, docket entries, and links to orders or opinions issued They also issue warrants, orders, subpoenas, and judgments to enforce judicial actions and decisions. These records, mostly available from the office of the court clerk, include documents received and generated by court in the course of criminal case trials and hearings. Copies (certified or plain) of court documents, including: Divorce Decrees, Judgments, Name Change Orders, Convictions. If the record you need is not on-site, court administration staff may not have immediate access to the court file and may not be able to provide a copy the same day. Fully-matching results; Minnesota Judicial Branch - MyMNGuardian | Minnesota Judicial Branch MyMNGuardian (MMG) is an application, developed by the Minnesota Judicial Branch, that allows court-appointed guardians to submit Personal Well-Being Reports (PWBR) and the corresponding Affidavit of Service electronically. Not all records are available for same day viewing. MGA allows Minnesota government agencies to access appropriate electronic court records and documents stored in the Minnesota Court Information System for cases in Minnesota district courts. xjqta zddkyhf lgxjakn pjdxps xga yoeu nanxro yqry gso bxavmvc kbl ojuqnx xiohv bry glami