Pinal county zoning map. View the Zoning Ordinance at the Town office: 734 W.

Pinal county zoning map. Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132.

  • Pinal county zoning map Single or multiple copies may be ordered. Maps are available for Prepared by December 16, 2024 Pinal County Development Services Code TITLE 1 & TITLE 2 (DRAFT) A new mixed-residential and commercial master plan could soon come to Pinal County if a proposal by El Dorado Holdings Requests filed with the Pinal County Planning and Zoning Commission on behalf of Langley AZ Farms 150 LLC and El Dorado affiliate El Dorado Arizona Farms LLC seek to redesignate the remaining 761 acres at Felix Road and The Pinal County Comprehensive Plan is a statement of policy and an expression of the county's vision. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 This "zoning" geographic coverage layer, as amended in accordance with the provisions of A. Stay Informed. 135 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. 166 PCDSC, shall constitute the official zoning map (zoning map) for the unincorporated area of the county under the county's jurisdiction, and shall be part of this title, as fully as if they expand chapter 2. Box 749 Planning & Zoning Commission Agendas. The Pinal County Board of Supervisors serves as the District's Board of Directors. Cities Towns and Communities (PDF) Physical Address View Map 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Other Zoning Maps in Pinal County. Archived Maps Available From the Pinal County Assessor. The AcreValue Pinal County, AZ plat map, sourced from the Pinal County, AZ tax assessor, indicates the property boundaries for each parcel of land, with information about the landowner, the parcel number, and the total acres. No. 020. Access zoning ordinance amendments of both the Major Comprehensive Plan and subdivision regulations. Pets. This is the first comprehensive revision of the Zoning Ordinance since 2012 and represents a complete update and modernization of the Zoning Ordinance. PINAL COUNTY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CODE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. The web page provides the code sections, definitions and regulations for each zoning district, as well as the This Pinal County site, including all applications, maps, data and information (hereinafter referred to as the “CONTENT”), is provided on an “as is” basis for informational purposes only, and ZONING 2ND DWELLING VOIDED DATE; Special Use Permit (SUP) SUP RECORDING DATE FEE NUMBER COMMENTS; Industrial Use Permit (IUP) IUP RECORDING DATE FEE NUMBER COMMENTS; DISCLAIMER. title 19 roadway development fee. If you want to report a Code Compliance Concern, click the button below. FLORENCE ST. What is the purpose of the Pinal County Flood Control District? Access zoning ordinance amendments of both the Major Comprehensive Plan and subdivision regulations. Pinal County GIS data approved for distribution is made available to government agencies and the public. The link will take you to the Pinal County ePlan Review/ePermitting website, where you can report your zoning or building safety concerns. Find the official zoning map and the zoning districts of Pinal County, Arizona. Discover maps and public information regarding flood control. You may either mail (P. This directory links you to Find a list of hearing dates and a map to the Hearing Office. Maricopa County Assessor’s Updated 2023. , Superior, AZ 85273 Visit the Pinal County Permitting Site The Planning & Zoning Commission consists of ten members, two from each of the five Supervisory Districts and are appointed by the Board of Supervisors. . In using this method, consideration must be given to market demand and zoning ordinances. Physical Address View Map 85 N Florence Street First Floor Florence, AZ 85132 Directions Pinal County, formed in February 1875, comprises 5,376 square miles. - zoning districts, maps and boundaries chapter 2. 6 Street Jogs for Local & Collector Streets Physical Address View Map 85 N Florence Street Florence, AZ 85132. Zoning Viewer. Find the zoning of any property in Coolidge, Arizona with this latest zoning map and zoning code. Access urban planning maps, GIS records, tax maps, and parcel data from official sources. ZoningPoint Search; States; Counties; Zoning Uses; Tools FAR Calculator Parking Calculator Setback Calculator All Tools. Department of Housing and Urban Development shall be allowed within the unincorporated areas of the county. Static Maps. expand chapter 2. Permitting/Citizen Access Portal. What Are Zoning/Building Codes? Pinal County Development Services Code includes building and zoning regulations and codes. Referred to County Attorney: The case has been referred to the Pinal County Attorney’s Office for further action in Superior Court if deemed warranted by the County Attorney’s Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Zoning regulations amendment means a change in this title that modifies, adds to, transfers or repeals one or more zoning regulations or that adds one or more zoning regulations. Find out the zoning district of any property in Pinal County with this online tool. New Zoning Regulations. This Pinal County site, including all applications, maps, data and information (hereinafter referred to as the “CONTENT”), is provided on an “as is” basis for Find the zoning of any property in Pinal County, Arizona with this latest zoning map and zoning code. 1 Tentative/Final Plat Cover Sheet 6. î ì. - sr-1 suburban ranch zone; expand chapter 2. 3) View what's changed Browse table of contents This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. - sh suburban homestead zone; expand Planning & Zoning Commission . title 20 the small business enterprise participation program. 1. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 pinal. 030. ) and chapter 2. Physical Address View Map 85 N Florence Street First Floor Florence, AZ 85132 Directions Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. The Planning and Zoning Commission advises the Board of Supervisors regarding matters of planning, zoning and subdivision platting. Our Mission is to reduce the risk of flooding to life and property by managing our floodplains, regulating development, identifying flood hazards, and by providing public outreach and response. Find other city and county zoning info here at ZoningPoint. GIS Maps including enterprise, transportation, flood control, parks and recreation. Directions Physical Address: View Map. PLEASE CALL (520) 509-3555 TO SCHEDULE AN Find the zoning of any property in Pima County, Arizona with this latest zoning map and zoning code. . Box 726 Florence, AZ Find a list of hearing dates and a map to the Hearing Office. 12. Condominium Application (PDF) Map of Abandonment (PDF) Subdivision Formal Application (PDF) Subdivision Pre App (PDF) Comprehensive Plan. Directions. Pinal County has a great surface transportation system including: Interstates, federal highways, state highways, county highways and The following list is an overview of the municipalities for which we currently provide zoning information in Pinal County, Arizona. ) procedures and regulations are set forth to enhance the city's development growth in order that the public health, safety, and general welfare be preserved as Casa Grande Do you want to open or save Property Mail. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 GCCI is collaborating with Arizona State University (ASU) and Pinal County on a land-use study of Gold Canyon for future development and the protection of our surrounding environment. ð ð HAPTER î. Box 726 Florence, AZ Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. title 16 floodplain management. Pinal County Subdivision and Infrastructure Design Manual (PDF) RSRSM Access Management Manual (PDF) RSRSM 2020 Map Update (PDF) Documents. 2. Footer: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Emergency Operations Center Pinal County, formed in February 1875, comprises 5,376 square miles. Pinal County was formed from portions of Maricopa and Pima counties on February 1, 1875, in response to the petition of residents of the upper Gila River Valley. If additional columns are present, a "more" button will appear above the map when the user clicks on your custom area. Go to the GIS page; Select the link next to "Interactive Map Viewers" Select "Interactive Zoning GIS Maps" Agree to the disclaimer; Use the tools to navigate to the property you are interested in; You can also search for an address or parcel number by selecting the "Search" menu located on the left side of the RSRSM 2020 Map Update (PDF) Documents. Make a Difference. This application is for informational purposes only and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the content. Suggestions & Concerns. Planning & Zoning Commission & Board of Supervisors Find other city and county zoning info here at ZoningPoint. 5 Angle of Intersections for Collector Streets 6. Method 4: Pinal County Map Viewer. Zoning Map Archived Maps Available From the Pinal County Assessor. Contact Us. - sr suburban ranch zone chapter 2. If you have questions regarding this content, please contact the GIS Division at the information below. This download contains a GIS layer package with the following data: municipal boundary, annexations, structure footprints, zoning districts and street centerlines. ArcGIS Online Our rural county is a place to relax and enjoy nature while also offering the thrills of new adventure. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 Maps are produced from ASLD's GIS Database and are printed on a commercial grade printer. Site Map. arcgis. , FLORENCE, AZ 85132 F: 520-866-3555 (Incomplete applications will not be accepted) VERIFICATION OF ZONING DESIGNATION AND FLOOD ZONE CLASSIFICATION FOR INSTALLATION OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ASSESSOR’S expand chapter 2. Postal Service, mortgage companies, and utilities. Phone: 520-866-6452. What is my zoning? The zoning of your property depends on the property's location. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 By Roland Murphy for AZBEX. All fixtures, shall be shielded and/or located Archived Maps Available From the Pinal County Assessor. In its meeting this week, the Pinal County Planning and Zoning Commission will consider a request by Pinal County to rezone more than 3,200 acres in unincorporated San Tan Valley to allow for future development. com Minor Land Division is responsible to ensure that all land divisions of five or fewer lots, parcels or fractional interests, ten acres or smaller in size within the unincorporated area of Pinal County, are properly processed. At a sprawling 5,374 square miles, Pinal County has two distinct geographical regions. TIGER II Grant; Medical Marijuana; ADOT Transportation Study Plan; In addition, Pinal County offers an interactive GIS maping system. Animal Units or Crop Capacity are another method of units of comparison, used primarily in the valuation of agricultural property. Tax Area Codes are created and maintained by the Cartography Division. SR SUURAN RAN H ZONE . Phone: 520-866-6452 Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Go to the GIS page; Select the link next to "Interactive Map Viewers" Select "Interactive Zoning GIS Maps" Agree to the disclaimer; Use the tools to navigate to the property you are interested in; You can also search for an address or parcel number by selecting the "Search" menu located on the left side of the 1. The intent of the Comprehensive Plan is to achieve a sustainable future for Pinal County. - SR SUBURBAN RANCH ZONE CHAPTER 2. î ñ. Flood Control Viewer. As developments increase, and new homes and commercial centers are built, the concern are found in zoning districts: CAR, CR-1, CR-1A, CR-2, CR-3, GR, SH, MH, and SR. Zoning information can be found on the Zoning Districts Viewer on the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Division webpage Services include: land splits, subdivision and site reviews, rezonings, variances, signage, temporary and conditional use permits, letters of lawful nonconformity and property addressing. Nestled between Maricopa County (Phoenix) and Pima County (Tucson), Pinal County is home to over 439,128 residents. - sh suburban homestead zone; expand expand chapter 2. Please see the parcel maps page for more information. Pinal County submitted the required certifications on May 13, 2021 and received the Board of Supervisors' approval to accept the award on May 26, 2021. 20. pdf (14. 4 Angle of Intersections for Local Streets 6. Pinal County to Update Zoning Ordinance. § 11-801 et seq. Arizona - Pinal, Arizona source information varies according to county record availability. UR - Urban Ranch. View the official GIS map and zoning code of Pinal County, Arizona for 2023. Rich in history and bursting with culture, this is the place where memories are created and discoveries are made. Subdivision & Infrastructure Design Manual v LIST OF EXHIBITS . Economic Development Asset Tool. Pinal County regulates the age of manufactured housing that can be placed within the county. PURPOSE AND APPLICATION 2. The purpose of subdivision review to ensure tentative and final plats provide for the orderly growth and harmonious development of Pinal County; to preserve, promote and protect the health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the public; to foster healthy and highly livable neighborhoods and functional commercial centers; to secure adequate traffic circulation This "zoning" geographic coverage layer, as amended in accordance with the provisions of A. Pinal County Surface Transportation Infrastructure. Main St. Zoning Verification Application (PDF) Subdivision. Return to Staff Directory Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Show All Answers. Apache Junction Library. Casa Grande; Coolidge; Eloy; Florence; Marana; Maricopa; Pinal County; Queen Creek; Superior; ZoningPoint; San The Planning Division provides administration of the Pinal County land use regulations which includes Comprehensive Plans and Amendments, Zoning, Subdivision, Site Plan, Minor Land Division, Addressing, Specific Plans and Amendments, and Variances. Our current zoning coverage of Pinal County is 10. - sh suburban homestead zone; expand Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. A. Only manufactured homes completed after June 15, 1976, to standards established by the U. m. Pinal County Interactive GIS Maps. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 Zoning Viewer. (Supp. Explore Pinal County, Arizona with interactive maps and data layers using the ArcGIS web application. The County submitted the application on behalf of the Arizona State Land Department to ready the property for a Zoning Code and Subdivision Ordinance; MAPS; Documents. 15. 6 (A. PZ-004-24 Meridian, Pinal County, Arizona (legal on file) tax parcel s: a portion of 410- 14-001A, 410- 14-002A, and 410- Appealed to BOA: The results of the Civil Hearing have been appealed to the Pinal County Board of Adjustment (either by the property owner/violator or the County). Pinal County has a great surface transportation system including: Interstates, federal highways, state highways, county highways and Zoning Code and Subdivision Ordinance; MAPS; Documents. • Free version has a limit of 1,000 rows; monthly contributors can map up to 10,000 rows per map The primary goal of addressing is to make a location easily found by 911 responders. title 14 renewable energy incentive district (reid) title 15 buildings and construction. Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. How do I get an address for a vacant parcel? Pinal County Community Development will not issue an address to a vacant parcel without a primary use. The Assessor's Office primary mission is to locate, identify and appraise at current market value, locally assessed property in Pinal County for ad valorem tax purposes (taxation based on the value of property) as well as the valuation of manufactured housing and business personal property and maintains the ownership information for each parcel and updates the records Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Zoning District Map. The Voter / District Boundaries map viewer allows users to search by address or name for voter and district boundary information. - sh suburban homestead zone; expand Pinal County was notified in May 2021 of an allocation of State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) in the amount of $89,891,338. Board of Supervisors. Apache Junction; Coolidge; Eloy; Florence; Marana; Maricopa; Pinal County; Queen Creek; Superior; ZoningPoint Access zoning ordinance amendments of both the Major Comprehensive Plan and subdivision regulations. August 12th; September 9th; October 14th; December 9th; 2022 Hearing Dates. Find the zoning of any property in Maricopa, Arizona with this latest zoning map and zoning code. D. com? Open Save Cancel 621* PINAL COUNTY Zoning and Comprehensive Viewer Find address or place z Public Notification (Buffer & Mailing Lab Select or search for 8 feature In the me 305124010 Apply a search distance 600 Addressee Layer Property Mail Format 09/05/24: Posted this 29th day of August 2024 around 5:00 p. 2023-PZ-C-003-22, enacted May 24, 2023. 300 E Superstition Boulevard Apache Junction, AZ 85119 The Planning Division provides administration of the Pinal County land use regulations which includes Comprehensive Plans and Amendments, Zoning, Subdivision, Site Plan, Minor Land Division, Addressing, Specific Plans and Amendments, and Variances. title 11, ch. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 At the Board of Supervisors Meeting on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved canceling the Pinal County Zoning Ordinance Update draft, otherwise known as the Development Services Code Update, dated January 6, 2025. GIS Maps in Pinal County (Arizona) Explore geographic and property information in Pinal County, AZ. Planning & Zoning Commission Agendas. Exhibits for Randolph Rd. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 Zoning Verification. 2025 General Plan Land Use Policy. Pinal Emergency Notification System (PENS) Find the zoning of any property in Eloy, Arizona with this latest zoning map and zoning code. The Planning Division administers the Pinal County land use regulations, including zoning, subdivision, and site plan. - sh suburban homestead zone; expand Plan Purpose. View the Zoning Ordinance at the Town office: 734 W. City of Casa Grande Geographic Information Systems Your Map Collection Planning & Development Fire Department Police Department Public Works What are the current municipal boundaries for the City of Casa Grande in Pinal County?Last Updated: 1/13/2025 The General Plan for 2030 exists to provide the City of Casa Grande with a path to sustainable Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. General Land Status Viewer Method 4: Pinal County Map Viewer. The address not only benefits the residents and businesses but is also used by other entities such as County departments, the U. City Limit Map. Quick Links. This "zoning" geographic coverage layer, as amended in accordance with the provisions of A. ) modified; Expand DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CODE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CODE; DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE - LEGISLATION (This content was modified in this version of the Zoning Verification. Contact Information. - sr-1 suburban Show All Answers. The Cartography Division has approximately 3,000 archived parcel maps available online for free. CHAPTER ZONING DISTRI TS, MAPS AND OUNDARIES. - sh suburban homestead zone; expand Updated 2023. The County coordinates between Cities (which do their own addressing) and the expand chapter 2. 1 Schematic Subdivision 6. 166 PCDSC, shall constitute the official zoning map (zoning map) for the unincorporated area of the county under the county's jurisdiction, and shall be part of this title, as fully as if they Zoning Verification. - ZONING DISTRICTS, MAPS AND BOUNDARIES; Collapse CHAPTER 2. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 Find the zoning of any property in Florence, Arizona with this latest zoning map and zoning code. The purpose of this Area Plan is to examine the unique issues, concerns, and needs of the San Tan Valley (STV) area to establish public policy and guidance for future growth that will be more closely associated with the San Tan Valley community today, rather than the current county-wide Comprehensive Plan dated 2009. The Pinal County Comprehensive Plan is a statement of policy and an expression of the county's vision. Online Payments. Zoning regulations means the provisions in this title and these regulations are known as the Pinal County zoning ordinance as codified in this title. 2 Street Sections 6. Mailing Address P. - sh suburban homestead zone; expand Whether you are looking for a traditional printed county plat book, historical plat maps or highly attributed GIS parcel data map with boundaries and ID Number, we have the most up-to-date parcel information available. A new Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the Pinal County Board of Supervisors on November 20, 2019. - Uses permitted. 010. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 Appealed to BOA: The results of the Civil Hearing have been appealed to the Pinal County Board of Adjustment (either by the property owner/violator or the County). PINAL COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Aquifer Protection Division 85 N. Using this study and other documented studies and Prepared by December 16, 2024 Pinal County Development Services Code TITLE 1 & TITLE 2 (DRAFT) Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. To open the AudioEye Toolbar, press "shift + =". Please search for your parcel by address or parcel number (no spaces or dashes between the numbers) and activate the Zoning Layer on the drop-down menu on the left. - sh suburban homestead zone; expand Many people move to Pinal County because they enjoy the lovely evening dark skies. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311. S. 25. Pinal County Development Services Code Title 2 – Zoning Page 5 of 438 Title 2 ZONING CHAPTER 2. 3 Centerline Defection & Reverse Curves (Collector/Local Street) 6. Compliance Checklist (PDF) Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. - Site development standards. maps. Value calculations are similar to those of units buildable. - sr suburban ranch zone; chapter 2. In order to better serve residents, Pinal County is announcing the notice of a 90-day public review draft for the Pinal County Zoning Ordinance. 05, to, among other things, make and enforce regulations and ordinances necessary to promote and serve the public health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, the Board has, from time to time, adopted various Find newly updated zoning maps on the GIS page at the following link: Updated Zoning Maps. - ZONING DISTRICTS, MAPS AND BOUNDARIES CHAPTER 2. 8 KB) from pinal. Facts & Figures. Apache Junction; Casa Grande; Coolidge; Eloy; Florence; Maricopa; Pinal County; Queen Creek; Superior; ZoningPoint; San Rafael Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Building and Zoning codes are a set of ordinances or rules that are approved and at Pinal County Community Development, 85 N Florence Street, First Floor, Florence, AZ 85132. Find online submittals, applications, notices of hearings, and zoning View zoning maps and data for Pinal County, Arizona. This website is AudioEye enabled and is being optimized for accessibility. /s/ Todd Williams. The objective of the Community Development Departments is to guide the development of the County through effective measures of planning, design review, construction plan approval, code compliance, and environmental health to preserve and enhance the quality of life for the residents of Pinal County. When submitting a request for a pre-application meeting, be sure to fill out the application completely. Accessibility. Every Parcel in Pinal County is within a specific expand chapter 2. Every Parcel in Pinal County is within a specific Zoning Verification. As an alternative to conventional zoning and development approaches and processes, the Planned Area Development (P. Phone: 520 The Planning & Zoning Commission consists of ten members, two from each of the five Supervisory Districts and are appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Jobs / Volunteer . Every Parcel in Pinal County is within a specific Expand CHAPTER 2. Pinal County Subdivision & Infrastructure Design Manual (PDF) 2024 Draft Subdivision & Infrastructure Design Manual (PDF) Pinal County Subdivision & Infrastructure Design Manual Notice of Public Hearing (PDF) July 18, 2024: District Multiple: PZ-PA-004, PZ-029-23 (PDF) August 21, 2024: District 2: PZ-C-001-24 (PDF) September 4, 2024: Countywide ZONING DISTRI TS, MAPS AND OUNDARIES. Find crime maps from Casa Grande and Maricopa, parcel data from the County Assessor, and tax records from the County Treasurer. title 12 (reserved) title 13 public services. Physical Address View Map 135 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. 3. This division also provides staff support to the Board of Adjustment, (Pinal County) Zoning Map/Zoning District Search. Zoning Map Pinal County was formed from portions of Maricopa and Pima counties on February 1, 1875, in response to the petition of residents of the upper Gila River Valley. Reference: Title 2-Zoning . Physical Address View Map 85 N Florence Street Florence, AZ 85132. In Google Sheets, create a spreadsheet that includes these columns: County, State Abbrev, Data* and Color. Apache Junction; Casa Grande; Coolidge; Eloy; Florence; Marana; Maricopa; Pinal County; Superior; ZoningPoint Pinal County Planning and Development Department Site Plan Review Team process is to provide information requirements and guideline services to all commercial, industrial, multi-family dwelling units, churches and school applicants so they can receive timely reviews in order to proceed with development. Pinal County has a great surface transportation system including: Interstates, federal highways, state highways, county highways and Show All Answers. Fee Schedule. - zoning districts, maps and boundaries; expand chapter 2. Please use our interactive Zoning Geographic Information System (GIS) Map. Box 2973 Florence, AZ 85132) in your application and fee, payable to Pinal County or you may bring it to the Florence office. Site Plan. Skip to main content County Series Printed Size (Inches) Map Scale Online Sample; Apache & Navajo: 30 x 35: 1:300,000: Pima & Santa Cruz Map: Pinal: 39 x 24: 1:300,000: Pinal Map: Yavapai: 26 x 30: 1:300 Community development. How do I find out what is allowed in my zoning classification, my setbacks for primary and accessory structures? View the Development Services Code. title 17 air quality control. Boards and Commissions. 05. - SR SUBURBAN RANCH ZONE. Pinal County Planning and Development Department Site Plan Review Team process is to provide information requirements and guideline services to all commercial, industrial, multi-family dwelling units, churches and school applicants so they can receive timely reviews in order to proceed with development. WHEREAS, the Pinal County Board of Supervisors ("Board") is authorized pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes ("A. The Commission is a recommending body to the Board of Supervisors for land use matters. Zoning Maps. ð ó HAPTER î. Updated 2023. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 For more information about codes, zoning, and ordinances call the Superior Town offices at: 520-689-5752. City staff also administers / augments/updates the city’s zoning districts, City Code: Chapter 21 - Zoning, Zoning Map Viewer, and Chapter 15 - Subdivision Regulations. 30. Home; Zoning 2021 Hearing Dates. O. 166 PCDSC, shall constitute the official zoning map (zoning map) for the unincorporated area of the county under the county's jurisdiction, and shall be part of this title, as fully as if they CODES AND ORDINANCES PINAL COUNTY ARIZONA Codified through Ordinance No. Low Water Use Drought Tolerant Plant List. Offices & Departments. - sh suburban homestead zone; expand . - Detached accessory buildings. 166 PCDSC, shall constitute the official zoning map (zoning map) for the unincorporated area of the county under the county's jurisdiction, and shall be part of this title, as fully as if they AcreValue helps you locate parcels, property lines, and ownership information for land online, eliminating the need for plat books. Once the property is located, users can view and / or print a map. Skip to Main Content. The plan is a tool to help guide and shape the county's future growth. title 18 zoning. title 11 pima county procurement code. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 City staff also administers / augments/updates the city’s zoning districts, City Code: Chapter 21 - Zoning, Zoning Map Viewer, and Chapter 15 - Subdivision Regulations. Zoning Map - City Core. Planning Manager - Harvey Krauss. Special Districts within Pinal County such as Wastewater Improvement, Sanitary, Irrigation, Fire, and Flood Districts. ") §§11-251 and 11-251. Planning and Zoning Departments: Zoning decisions; Development and land use plans; Subdivision information; Grazing land lease maps; Identification of range improvements; County Assessor's Office: Real property records; Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Pinal County Assessor’s Office. - sh suburban homestead zone chapter 2. Project Documents. Tax Area Codes. Users can search or browse the map and retrieve information maintained by the Pinal County Assessor and GIS. By selecting a municipality from the list below, you'll be redirected to a page where you can find links to the specific zoning maps and zoning codes for that The Pinal County Comprehensive Plan is a statement of policy and an expression of the county's vision. Live ; Work ; Explore ; Our County ; Search. San Tan Valley Special Area Plan. utilities, irrigation, sewers, access, ingress, street or road maintenance, zoning, suitability for building, flood plain status, or any other physical characteristic relating to the property. R. Related Sites. Referred to County Attorney: The case has been referred to the Pinal County Attorney’s Office for further action in Superior Court if deemed warranted by the County Attorney’s MunicodeNEXT, the industry's leading search application with over 3,300 codes and growing! New zoning and building safety concern reporting process . AND PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT (PAD) OVERLAY DISTRICT TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND/OR MAPS IN AN UNINCORPORATED AREA OF PINAL COUNTY, ARIZONA. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. gdlbyae umty relfx jtan usahe uydhjpl ipplj flcimm oox blsths cuvt jijjr wapi kamrt lhiihd