Scp site dossier. Code d'Identification du Site : LMCLRHC-Site-Beth.

Scp site dossier. Code d'Identification du Site : MCFHFF-Zone-Mem.

  • Scp site dossier SCP-012 SCP-049 SCP-096 SCP-101 SCP-109 SCP-116 SCP-135-D (Formerly) SCP-137 SCP-166 SCP-173 SCP-174 SCP-199 SCP-223 SCP-232-ARC SCP-251 SCP Foundation Site-666, publicly known as the Luxor Las Vegas, is an SCP Foundation facility located on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada within the Las Vegas metropolitan area. The object was still en route to ACS-03 when it breached containment a second Here at the Foundation, not only we have Site-19, but we have dozens of sites all across the world. Official Designation: SCP Foundation Portland Research and Containment Facility. Création : 10/04/2007. Iverson Dr. Os superintendentes. Charles Ogden Gears (COG) and Dr. 5, Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package, Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Runtime, DirectX Runtime, Xbox 360 719K subscribers in the SCP community. Jeremiah Cimmerian. Google Sites. Floor U-3 This floor houses the Euclid-class anomalies contained at the site, though there are also containment facilities for temporary custody of foundation internal dossier The Foundation employs over thousands of people, each contributing their own unique skills and expertise to the organization. Code d'Identification du Site : LMCLRHC-Site-Beth. Daniil Purpose: Research Site-45 is a heavily secured clandestine underground facility used to research and/or temporarily contain certain anomalies of interest that either are potentially or currently involved in ongoing Foundation projects ranging from weaponization to advanced applications. Site Identification Code: BIPRC-Site-44. Site Function: Site-333 was initially founded to investigate the reported claims of a "rapture" occurring throughout Atlantic City, New Jersey, from 1952-1953. Magdaleine Cornwell Miroslaw Gorski Dr. aic Dr. Official Designation: Foundation Mass Low-Security Digital Storage and Archival Facility / SCP-7311 > SCP-7311: and i just love all of you guys sm and want to make sure you're not interested in other sites > SCP-7311: or thinking about transferring or something Titre original : SECURE FACILITY DOSSIER: AREA-12 Auteur : Gabriel Kero Traducteur : DrJeanbobmichel5 Date de publication originale : 30 avril 2022 Images : Logo Zone-12 par Jerden, plan de la Zone, logo de la FIM et logo de crius par Trey Bishop, CHAD-S par Albarnie E-T, image du Directeur par FarmerGov et disponible ici (Public Domain mark 1. Advertisement Coins. This would eventually culminate with Dr. PROPERTY OF QUIRSHII'S SCPF FOUNDED 04/15/2017. révision de page: 1015, édité la dernière fois: 04 Mar 2025 14:44. La plus grande partie du bâtiment est construite sous terre. Site Identification Code: DES-DE24. Objects contained at this facility include: SCP-055, SCP-131, SCP-173, SCP-387, SCP-668, SCP-931. Site-58 began its work in earnest, though at this point it was more in line with traditional Foundation modus operandi at this point. Dossier personnel du Dr Nacra et de l'assistant chercheur William: Dr Benji: 01 Jul 2015 09:42: Une bonne 2016年では、サイト-64はscp財団のアメリカ合衆国西海岸における主要施設の1つであり、北西太平洋の首位施設であると認識されています。 他の責務に加えて、サイト-64は、財団と要注意団体ウィルソンズ・ワイルドライフ・ソリューションズ間の主要な窓口 Anomaly Safety Protocol of the SCP Foundation. These are the people who have ultimate control over the Foundation. About About Us; Site Rules; FAQ; Licensing; Criticism Policy; Article Deletions; Community Site News; Canon Hub » The SCP-703 - SCP-643 unexpectedly manifested within SCP-703 while the former was being transferred to a more secure containment chamber. Au-dessus de la surface ne se trouve qu'un phare confinant SCP-521-KO et un hangar faisant office de bâtiment de camouflage. A link to SCP-015 The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. Usage: Site DE19 is used for containment of particularly large anomalies as well as other objects for which no special containment specialization is required. Site-19 Dossier. 1/10 x86 or amd64, Microsoft . Site Identification Code: USORPL-Site-64. Dossier des Installations de la Fondation SCP Site-11. It is the headquarters of the Infotech Department and its Artificial Intelligence Applications Division. Director, RAISA. Just look up “ SCP site 19 dossier” on google. SCP-1598 Nov. Location: South Brent, Dartmoor, England. Oliver Rights. Mark Kiryu: Senior researcher and director of an anomalous items processing lab. Worked extensively with SCP-1457 in his first years with the Foundation but doesn't talk about that, and has spearheaded several projects involving sapient SCP entities. Location: Mühlheim-Kärlich, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany Cover: Demolition site of the Mülheim-Kärlich nuclear power plant. 0. ), NE, England Site Cover Story: Derelict Factory Site Functionality: Object Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Site Identification Code: JPTKYG-Site-81TG. Cargo Bay: The primary access point to the lunar surface, all incoming personnel and resources are processed or quarantined in the cargo bay before entering the site via the main freight elevator. wikidot. Gradually, the staff became accustomed to the new environment, and the director’s strategy of balancing rewards and strict measures quelled much of the initial resistance. 0 License. Site Identification Code: LMaImb-Area-32. The Luxor Hotel & Casino publicly operates the Luxor, though it is secretly a front company for the Foundation. Site Identification Code: COCABL-Site-313. Power was later restored, and upon re-entry, the first inactive instance of SCP-056-DE was accidentally found. Nơi đây hoạt động như một cơ sở giáo dục "quản thúc mềm" cộng đồng SCP Foundation Secure Facility Dossier Reliquary Area-27. Unfold All Fold All More Options Ce dossier va vous montrer des rapports contradictoires à propos de chaque membre du Conseil O5. Official Designation: SCP Foundation Maine Research and Containment Site Designation SCPFMRC-Site-32 Site-32 in Zoda. It appears to be the cover of a Facility Dossier. Site-418-β (former Site-M1) Built within SCP-4335's habitat. However, this creature has a higher demand for nuclear waste than Site-DE3 receives, causing its supplies to run dry in 2018 and requiring new negotiations with the federal government to ensure a supply of nuclear waste. Capello Richard Cavalieri G. Vous découvrirez ici le fonctionnement de SCP et les commandes SCP les plus courantes avec des exemples. Cheery attitude SCP Database. 5km 2 (Sâu 2. Site-88. Secure Facility Dossier: Site-11. James Micheals Dr. Adoption Poster: Hoya! Ambrose Shigastan; DEAL - Store Page; Location Dossier: Berinsk Special Administrative Zone; Palple "Reisen Traum Train" Resort (D3P85/E4O53/29Y4A) "Reisen Traum Train" Resort (D3P85/E4O53/29Y4A) SC-17/035-20/462; SCP Foundation Secure Facility Dossier Site-32. Aphroditus Asteria on 28/10/2019, Ex. Fonction : Base navale de la Branche Française. The Council members have Level 5 Security Clearance, giving them unredacted access to the entire SCP database. Informations Générales. Oftentimes put in charge of new researchers. Site Euphrates prides itself on rich lore, efficient systems General Information. both of its personnel and of events that have occurred at the site since its existence. 19 Site-19. Author: SamScript. jpg Creator: Mark Hodson Photos SCP Foundation Facility Dossier Site-DE24. The entire The Site made record history under this plan, reaching a period of eight years without any containment incidents. The site serves to monitor any and all anomalous activity within Las Vegas and as Since 201 , Site-DE3 has been used to provide food for SCP-201-DE contained in Site-DE9, which feeds on radiation sources. Currently, the article contains the following character types: Doctors (such as Dr. admin centre. It houses hundreds of Safe, Euclid, and Keter class anomalies, along with hundreds of active personnel members. . Site-32 is the main hub for operations conducted by the Department of Title: Security Facility Dossier: Site-ZH-44 Image Credit: All images are remixed from images by SamScript and Dr V Valentine , and should be spread under CC BY-SA 3. The parents are unknown and how the boy got in Texas is also unknown. Hannah Rivera SCP-5292-2 SCP-5464 SCP-5659 SCP-6072 Dr. Essas são as pessoas que detêm o controle final sobre a Fundação. This is the offical declassified site dossier. 720K subscribers in the SCP community. Daniel Asheworth Mieczyslaw Bury Captain Jeremy Cornwell Dr. Several attending researchers and agents were affected, however proper olfactory protocols were observed by Site-77 security ensured minimal losses during this breach. The SCiPNet domain is stored on the Deepwell Servers and accessed 695K subscribers in the SCP community. It is also the largest facility as the entire planet's surface is at the Foundation's disposal. Diện tích: 1. Anartists, magic users and extradimensional beings are but a few instances of what the Foundation has encountered. Création : 18/01/1948. Site-81TG, Nx-58, and variable area? Lots of things to be concerned about, but 在Site-101,我们认识到,那些不能让你变得更强的东西可能会杀死你。尽管我们最有效的样本对于制造那些更为专业的麻痹剂、精神药物和神经毒剂至关重要——这些毒剂是基金会运转不息的保证;但安全处理这些自然界的瑰宝才是至关重要的。 The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. Official Designation: SCP Foundation British Isles Primary Research & Containment Facility. Purpose: Research and Containment Site-75-VN is a complex comprising two SCP Foundation containment facilities, connected by a highly stable anomalous spatial area. 1979-07-16 SCP-2599 gets transferred to another Site that is better suited to accommodate the anomaly. Each O5 member knows almost everything there is to know about the Foundation and its activities. SCiPNet, nicknamed SkipNet,[1] is the internet and database of the SCP Foundation. Secure Facility Dossier: Site-64. Released: 2 1 /07/23. As the oldest Site located within the boundaries of Poland, Site-120 is the primary unit of action during Poland-related activities and the main observation point Dr. October 1999. ) Dossier du personnel et des personnages Informatique, promu comme Chef du Département en 1996 pour des performances remarquables dans le confinement de SCP-5241. En tant que plus ancien Site situé sur le territoire polonais, le Site-120 est la principale unité d'action au cours des activités liées à la The O5 Council. SCP Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect. Assisting In Containment of Objects: SCP-2139 Site Function: Site-184 serves two simultaneous purposes. Que vous ayez besoin de déplacer un seul fichier ou un répertoire entier, SCP constitue une solution fiable pour les transferts de fichiers à distance Secure Facility Dossier. Overview: The O5 Council, also known as the Council of Overseers or Overwatch Command, is the highest authority within the SCP Foundation. Report abuse Search Surviving Portions of Site-246-A. Secure Facility Dossier: Site-98 Established in March of 1959 by Dr. net Open. Installation is fairly simple and straightforward, but does require a few things: Microsoft Windows Vista/7/8/8. SCP-557 - Ancient Containment Site; SCP-558 - Strange Contact Lenses; SCP-559 - Birthday Time! SCP-560 - Bitwise Amoeba; SCP-561 - A Passive Rip in Time; SCP-562 - Revel Rousers; SCP est utilisé pour transférer des données en toute sécurité sur un réseau. Forum » Writing Help / Help: Ideas Critique » SCP Site Dossier - Site-55 Started by: Cended Date: 28 May 2021 22:53 Number of posts: 2 RSS: New posts. SCP Foundation Secure Facility Dossier Site-44. It is additionally used for weapons SCP-120 Reception: An airtight room constructed immediately around the ninth destination point of SCP-120. Dr. SCP Foundation Facility Dossier Site-DE9. Author-14. While these rumours were substantiated, the limited effect this event had on the local civilian populations was deemed non-threatening to the veil. Additional Information: Contains authors, additional links, and footnotes. 0), poste de Formerly an Assistant Site Director for the Foundation, responsible for humanoid containment at Site-6, a role which brought him into frequent contact with the UIU during prisoner transfers. by Initially, the Foundation attempted to transfer SCP-058 to Armed Containment Site-03, as it was the most heavily armed facility at the time. Subsequently, SCP- is permanently contained in Site-118. The site was officially founded on July 16th, 1946, and was headed by senior Foundation Researcher Dr. Site Identification Code: XBI-DE9. 8. rating: +63 + – x. Official Designation: SCP Foundation Mid-Western Research and Manufacturing Facilities. Secure Facility Dossier: Site-56 this request would not be reviewed until February 2nd, 2001. In addition to its Purpose: Research and Containment Site-75-VN is a complex comprising two SCP Foundation containment facilities, connected by a highly stable anomalous spatial area. As such, even as the water level changes throughout the year, SCP-CN-135-2 remains within the chamber. Chandra McKeller Assistant Director of Facilities & Logistics Terry Trang lưu trữ 'tuyệt mật' của Tổ Chức SCP Chi Nhánh Việt Nam. Kondraki mostly destroying Site-19 by deliberation of breaching 682 in reaction to manipulation by O5 members, a researcher wiping himself and several sites from existence, and a string of serious accidents resulting Objects contained at this facility include: SCP-073, SCP-105, SCP-343. Hyun-Ok Kim Dr. Official Designation: SCP Foundation British Isles Secondary Research & Containment Facility. Chức năng Điểm: Quản thúc, Nghiên cứu, Đào tạo - Là một trong những Điểm của Tổ Chức cởi mở với thế giới dị thường. This dossier will show you contradictory reports on each of the O5 Council members. Though, Site-89 has a few Keter-class entities within the facility. In 2020, Complex-13K is composed of five main facilities including the Marine Observatory built in 2019, and three sub facilities. Original Site Maintenance Tunnels: When Site-246-A was decommissioned, several of the upper-level maintenance and access tunnels used in the initial excavation and construction were preserved. Ranging from administrative positions to some of the well-recognized directors of sites, research and other developments. ASP-173; Groups of Interest Not Yet Classified. There seem to be thirteen members of the O5 Council, although even that is questionable. Acting Site Director Seol Semyoung was appointed in Dr. S, in Norton Bay. Cada integrante da O5 sabe quase tudo que há para saber sobre a Fundação e suas atividades. You will be redirected to the Site-56 Facility Dossier shortly. It is home to the O5 Council, as well as their personal guard MTF Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" and personal Factotums. Most GOIs have something pos SCP Foundation Site-19 is currently the largest site in operation. 2009. Site-418-γ: Distributed facility on Letters Network, a Minecraft server network under the control of Letters Entertainment known for hosting anomalous activity. Official Designation: SCP Foundation Containment, Research and Development Site. It houses hundreds of Safe and Euclid-class anomalies and hundreds of personnel. Disguised distant view of Nx-58. Code d'Identification du Site : USINBL-Site-81. Site-418-α: Located inside SCP- , a Minecraft server possessing useful anomalous qualities. This streak continued until April 25th, 2021, when the site's first high-risk anomaly, SCP-6773 breached containment. Alto Clef, Dr. 14. Disastrous containment breaches rose in density as the site began to house more dangerous and unpredictable Secure Facility Dossier: Site-CN-60 Branches Hub » CN-HUB » Secure Facilities Locations-CN » Secure Facility Dossier: Site-CN-60 SCP-CN-135-2 is located in the Primary Containment Chamber, which is a 30 x 30 m hall spanning three floors. its launch, it has seen many come and go, but remains steadfast in its mission to bring a unique experience to the SCP genre on ROBLOX. It is the most well-known of The Personnel and Character Dossier is an article within The SCP Foundation which labels individuals working for/known to the Foundation and have been written about/mentioned multiple times. Overwatch. SCP Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect Secure Facility Dossier: Site-101 "CAUTION: If you have been directly exposed to Site Director Rappaccini, please contact poison control immediately. Le The primary installation of Site Anvil is located on TRAPPIST-1e, the fourth world of the system, which has been named Aachen by site personnel. com. As such, most of their operations are classified. O5 Command. Connor MacWarren: Active researcher focusing on the development of anomalous technologies on top of being Fonction du Site : Le Site-43 est un centre de recherche sur la réduction de la pollution atypique et l'analyse historique, ainsi que la plus grande installation de confinement et de recherche de la Fondation SCP au Canada. 5km) 设施概述:继Site-44建于1870年12月29日基金会成立几个月后的Site-12是基金会在 Site-418-α: Located inside SCP- , a Minecraft server possessing useful anomalous qualities. SITE-12 / Originally established as Provisional Site-83 for the containment of SCP SCP Foundation Secure Facility Dossier Site-11. Founding Director: William Ozz. Désignation Officielle : Installation de Recherche et de Confinement de Portland. SCP-1598 was involved in 2 isolated incidents within B-Block. In 1995, Site-64K completed moved to the current location, which is double the area and more than five times the interior space of the previous Site. Dossier des Installations : Site-Yod Procédures de Confinement Spéciales et protocoles de sécurité du site renforcés depuis. While uninvolved in routine matters and deliberately separated from any contact with the anomalous, Secure Facility Dossier: Site-64K; SCP-137-KO - The Bad Land; In The World Where The Fog Has Vanished; All pages tagged mujin on the International Though never confirmed by any explicit data, several theories created by Site-666 staff consider SCP-5572-PRIME to be the Seventh Circle of Hell, the domain of violence. Site-333:在基金会人员决定在大西洋城建立一个永久站点后——部分原因是火车的一再延误和取消——相关人员提出了建立Site-333的请求。请求被错误地当成为基金会雇员提供临时、紧急的办公场地以便在不适合建造官僚设施的场地进行办公的申请来处理。 Dr. Ceci dit, nos dossiers internes sont toujours remplis d'événements, problèmes, solutions, et encore plus de problèmes : même avec notre organisation documentaire, il peut parfois être difficile d’y No injuries were reported. About About Us; Site Rules; FAQ; Licensing; A proposal for what to do about the Site-19 dossier Unfold All Fold All More Options , , , New Post. Ethan MacCarthy, Sr. Associated Articles: SCP Dossier d'Information des Installations de la Fondation SCP. Désignation Officielle : Site de Confinement Humanoïde Armé Moyen-Oriental. Nay đã được công khai cho bạn tìm tòi và khám phá. 成立时间:1871年7月1日 站点创始人:Major Horace Templeton 地点:英国达特穆尔南布伦特 掩盖措辞:水库;MoD(国防部)训练场 设施用途:收容;研究;档案归档;机动特遣队的部署与训练 面积(人造设施):1. , a complete power failure occurred at Site-DE5 due to an outbreak of SCP-016-DE, necessitating the evacuation of the entire workforce. Founded: 8 June 1984 Location: Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia Cover Story: SITE DIRECTOR DOSSIER. SCP-512 - Lors d'un test à l'extérieur du Site sur SCP-512, D-512-33 a obtenu la capacité de voler et s'est échappé Assistant Director of Personnel & Task Forces/Agent Nathan Devlin Captain Lexington Feldt Special Asset Agent Firestarter Agent Mackenzie Janowski Captain Edwin Janson Acting Assistant Director of Research & Containment/Dr. General Information. Secure Facility Dossier: Site-77. The content of this Command Dossier: Case files on every concurrent O5 Council member. Never fully explains anything about himself. — Maria Jones, Asst. It is the most well-known of Objects contained at this site include: SCP-715, SCP-2080, SCP-2151, SCP-2270, SCP-2445, SCP-2496, SCP-2540, SCP-2564, SCP-2996. SCP-1905 and the researcher on-duty were immediately transferred off-site. Experiment Logs Exploration Logs Incident Reports SCP Foundation Secure Facility Dossier Storage Site-64. page revision: 2, last edited: 15 Jan 2023 Article: Facility Dossier Site-DE24 Original Author: Dr Ore Translator: Dr Ore 148817704_55000bc578_w. Site Identification Code: BISRC-Site-12. Désignation Officielle : Zone-Armée-Mem. com Task Force Mission: Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 handles internal security for the SCP Foundation, under oversight by MTF Alpha-1. Objects contained at this Facility are listed in its Secure Facility Dossier. They are a special ops force deployed to Foundation Sites when standard protocols fail and multiple breaches are imminent. Just before its review, DEHEKS-Site-06-2 — then SCP-001's assigned site — suffered a catastrophic containment breach that left it unsuitable The Site-55 Dossier, an introduction of what Site-55 the hub of diplomacy for the SCP Foundation and various Groups of Interest. Soute : Le principal point d'accès vers la surface lunaire, Site-04K of the SCP Foundation Korea Regional Command was established in Geonbongsan Mountain, Goseong-gun, the northernmost part of Gangwon-do, for the purpose of complete surveillance and removal of the paranormal blind spots. Joshua Kant. Elstrom M. Official Designation: SCP Foundation Theological Research and Emergency Deific Subjugation Facility. It is the headquarters The first anomalous activity documented at Site-81 was SCP-2812, which expanded Site-81's grasp past the limestone mines and into anomalous activity within small towns throughout the region. page revision: 2, last edited: 15 Jan 2023 Came into his own after the series of incidents that included SCP-076 causing the destruction of Area-25 and MTF Omega-7, Dr. Désignation Officielle : Centre de recherche et de confinement de Bloomington. Comando O5. Désignation Officielle : Centre de Recherche et de Confinement de la Fondation SCP de Mujin. Location: Mare Imbrium, Lunar surface. Click to enlarge. Site-26 was founded just six days later on 03/11/2019. On September 17th, 2006, the site saw a large-scale containment breach. Has a habit of causing things to end up destroyed. 0 (CC BY-SA 3. Official Designation: High Security Site DE9. AI research at Site-DE23 became aware of the project and requested SCP Foundation Secure Facility Dossier Site-80. Official Designation: Tiveden National Park Secure Reliquary Storage and Recreational Facility Former Designations: Secret Committee for Paranormal Findings Provisional Headquarters, SCP Foundation North Humanoid and Mythological Research and Containment Facility (SCPFN-Area-3), SCP Foundation North Vị trí: Khu ngoại ô Từ Sơn, Bắc Ninh. Adequate security measures can be implemented in the respective test sites, according to the SCP Foundation Secure Facility Dossier Site-12. They were later reused during the construction of Site-246-B, serving as an on-site diving chamber which provided a Dr. 3 miles) off the coast of Alaska, U. SCP-2856: 04/04/1962: Anomaly located 7 kilometres from the central compound. Robert Scranton Dr. Function: Large-scale containment and low-effort There’s a very VERY long dossier containing ALL information about Site-19, including the full history of the site, all the SCPs contained, a full list of all of the employees working there and most importantly, a map of all the different buildings and levels and layers and zones etc. At the same time, jurisdiction over Suncheon City and Yeosu City was transferred to Site-175K, jurisdiction over Gwangyang City was transferred to Site-82K. Site Identification Code: US/AL/BC/Site-88 . Summary: SCP Foundation Abandoned Site-55's Dossier. Mục đích: Điểm Nghiên Cứu Và Quản Thúc 75-VN là một phức hợp bao gồm hai cơ sở quản thúc của Tổ Chức SCP, được kết nối với nhau thông qua một vùng dị thường không gian có tính ổn định cao. This thread is archived New comments cannot be Le thème visuel Sigma-9 CT Aleph du site de la Fondation SCP a été conçu par Aelanna, Dr_Grom et Dr Lekter et est placé sous la licence Creative Commons Attribution - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 3. While some of these are documented in SCP formats, those articles rarely capture the full Dossier d'Information des Installations de la Fondation SCP. Mes recherches furent exhaustives, mais la nature même de mon ennemi m'empêche d'être certaine, si tant est que cela soit possible, de la véracité de mes réponses. Facility Dossier Site-DE5 On 16. Je ne fais que de passer. Gallmund, the second director The entity now contained within Site-01 as SCP-001-C was once an ancient Fae monarch, This page is an extension of the Personnel And Character Dossier, intended for characters that don't fit neatly into the Persons of Interest or SCP Objects tabs. Matthew 'Abraham' Clocks Current Site Director: Prof. Dossier des Installations de la Fondation SCP. Désignation officielle : Accueil SCP-120 : Une chambre étanche immédiatement construite autour de la neuvième destination de SCP-120. Site-44’s main entrance. 4km) Câu chuyện ngụy tạo: Nhà máy lắp ráp xe hơi. Founded: 1 July 1871. Site-01 is the headquarters of the entire SCP 687K subscribers in the SCP community. Cliquer pour agrandir. As the primary Research & Containment site on the East Coast of Canada, it hosts cutting-edge installations such as the Applied Metaphysics Laboratories, the innovatively designed Aquatic Anomalies facilities, and the Anomalous Art & Artefacts wing. 's place and was tasked to reevaluate the containment of all SCP objects in the island, including SCP-953-KO. Upon initial recruitment, had a successful career as a therapist (licensed psychologist). Summary: SCP Abandoned Site-37. Series I (001-999) Series II (1000-1999) Series III (2000-2999) Series IV (3000-3999) SCP Library. Location: N/A Coordinates: N/A Site-00 is a non-existent site, having a SCP Foundation Site-19 is an SCP Foundation facility and currently the largest site in operation. Founded: 2012. Site Identification Code: Due to a redesign As of 2016, Site-64 is recognized as one of the SCP Foundation's premier facilities along the US West Coast, and the top facility within the Pacific Northwest. Mare Imbrium. Désignation Officielle : Installation de recherche et de confinement dimensionnel des États du littoral médio-atlantique de la Fondation SCP. Enjoy. 𝐒𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐈𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐞:USRCAZF-Site-19 Dossier des Installations de la Fondation SCP. 1961-12-06 SCP-6692 is officially reclassed as Thaumiel after being of consistent help to the Site. Official Designation: SCP Foundation British Isles Secondary Research & Containment Facility Site Identification Code: BISRC-Site-12 Founded: 1 July 1871 Founding Director: Major Horace Templeton Location: South Brent, Dartmoor, England Cover Story: Reservoir, MoD (Ministry of Defence) Training Area Site SCP Foundation Protected Site-01, usually referred to as Site-01 or as Overwatch HQ, is an SCP Foundation facility that serves as the nerve center for the entire organization and the base of all Foundation operations. As of the time of documentation, Reliquary The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. . Site-418-δ (JP: Site‑81M3) Foundation Secure Facility Dossier Mass Containment Facility — Site-57. Secure Facility Dossier: Area-14 Sometimes I lay awake at night and dream of the nuclear failsafe. Ernest Wiseman Location: Factory (decom. Aachen is a lifeless, Earth-like terrestrial world with a significant volume of water, and is tidally locked to its parent red dwarf, meaning that one side of the planet always faces the star, while SCP Foundation Secure Facility Dossier. Les efforts de couverture et de surveillance de l'environnement du Nexus-94 de classe Briar sont coordonnées à partir de cet endroit. Site Function: Detection, investigation, purchase, storage, and liquidation of minor anomalies with containment priority below the standard SCP object threshold ("anomalous items") Founded: October 7 1971 Founding Director: Agent Trenton "Trent" Stamford Location: Miami, Florida Cover Story: Stamford Commercial Parcelling, fulfillment centre (Site-106); Snooze 'n' During this time, Site-57K reached, or even surpassed, its peak performance levels, continuously increasing the number of projects and SCP items under its containment. 成立目的:Site-7是基金会记录与信息安全管理部(RAISA)的集中指挥中心。因此,该站点的规划和建造为RAISA技术人员提供了一个基地,以履行有关支持基金会技术主要构架的大量职责。 As of 2016, Site-64 is recognized as one of the SCP Foundation's premier facilities along the US West Coast, and the top facility within the Pacific Northwest. 0 (Foundation Logo by AnAnomalousWriter on Reddit) (Bowe Commission logo by De(S)Iris on SCP-RU Wiki) SCP Foundation Mass Research and Biological Containment Facility. After being passed over for promotion multiple times by the Foundation, he accepted a position as Deputy Warden at Paramax under Warden Harding, succeeding Foundation Internal Dossier The Foundation is made up of numerous personnel, each one bringing individual skills and abilities to the fore. scp-wiki. On water, on land, even in space. Bienvenue à la Fondation SCP Archives des Contes Français par Date Le contenu de cette page est actuellement [non-classifié]. " On-Site Dining: The Site-101 cafeteria includes a fully vegetarian Foundation Protected Norton Bay RAISA Command/Data Center (RAISA-Site-7), better known as Protected Site-7, is an SCP Foundation facility located 81 km (50. Désignation Officielle : Installation de Confinement de masse d'Europe du Sud de la Fondation SCP. Création : 15/11/1971. SCP Foundation Secure Facility Dossier Lunar Area-32. as well as containment space for Safe-class anomalies and anomalous objects without SCP classification. SCP-ES- was discovered at the time of the construction of the site. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Here, experiments, both indoor and outdoor, can be conducted in a secure environment under controlled conditions. Share Founded: April 5th, 1967 Site Function: Site-89 was constructed underground to contain and study anomalous entities congregating around the Lamorinda area, and come to house many Safe and Euclid-class SCP entities. DIRECTOR BelgiantuberHolder. Site-04K of the SCP Foundation Korea Regional Command was established in Geonbongsan Mountain, Goseong-gun, the northernmost part of Gangwon-do, for the purpose of complete surveillance and removal of the paranormal blind spots. La première activité anormale documentée au Site-81 était SCP-2812, qui a élargi la portée du Site-81 au delà des mines de calcaire ExaIIted's SCPF. Founding Director: Major Horace Templeton. Founded: 29 September 1998. Founded: 23. 6km 2 (深2. The Foundation Executive Branch consists of the foundations commanding ranks such as Site Director, The O5, and Level-5 Personnel. Location: Foulness Island, Essex, England. Code d'Identification du Site : EUITLA-Site-77. NET Framework 4. Veuillez consulter le personnel de sécurité de Becca Junior Researcher Curtis Director Ferris Arch SCP-049 SCP-049-Brick SCP-096 SCP-096-Brick SCP-173 SCP-173-Brick SCP-682 SCP-682-Brick Tilda Moose 21st Century CE 2020s 2014 SCP Foundation Human Rights Act SCP Foundation Administrative Department Ethics Committee 05 Council Acetone Earth United States Site-19 Site-19 basement Site-387 Brick One of the first SCP-class anomalies deliberately assigned to the (still relatively minor) site, due to Germany's prominent status as a former part of the Holy Roman Empire and the frequency of SCP-2668-Applicable historical sites within the country. Site Euphrates. Additionally, the Site functions as a command center and SCP Foundation Secure Facility Dossier [] Site-12 []. Code d'Identification du Site : USPAPH-Site-98 Size: (Main site) Area of 2. The Site Director is a 35-year-old man from Belgium, he was raised in Belgium until he was 12, then he moved to Texas, United States. In addition to its other responsibilities, Site-64 was designated as the main point of contact between the Foundation and the Wilson's Wildlife Solutions Group of Interest. Founded: April 5th, 1967 Site Function: Site-89 was constructed underground to contain and study anomalous entities congregating around the Lamorinda area, and come to house many Safe Noel Burgum R. Raia Micheals James Moore Damien Nowak Ra. forum. It also consists of Personnel Dossiers, Secure Facility Dossiers, Scientific Journals, and it acts as the email domain of foundation employees. 1980-09-23 The first invitation to SCP-6401 is sent to Site-118. Google Sites Forum » Writing Help / Help: Ideas Critique » SCP Site Dossier - Site-37 Started by: Cended Date: 27 May 2021 22:38 Number of posts: 2 RSS: New posts. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction project | scpwiki. Désignation Officielle : Installations de recherche et d'industrie du Midwest de En raison d'une modification de la cellule de confinement de SCP-953 au Site-17, SCP-953 a été temporairement déplacé au Site-11 jusqu'à ce que la construction de la cellule de confinement Official Designation: SCP Foundation Northern English Research Facility Site Identification Code: NE-MEK-69 General Site Information Founded: / /1912 Founding Site Director: Prof. Abstract: Site-21's subsurface sector handles facility resources, research, and containment and additionally houses site personnel. Emplacement : Qurnat as Sawda' "La Cornette des Martyrs", Liban. Archived post. Official Designation: SCP Foundation Yumegame Research and Containment Facility. Outside of the Foundation, there are thousands of people living in and around anomalous communities. Don't add facilities like Site-01 or Site-19 just because one article specifies a location - unlike the facilities on this map, those Sites don't have a consistently agreed upon location! Many of these locations are approximate - often, only the State or Country has been specified in published articles, so the location within it was basically a SCP Foundation Site-15 is an SCP Foundation facility located in Santa Clara Valley (or Silicon Valley), California, U. Ethan MacCarthy, Jr. Article: Facility Dossier Site-DE2 Original-Author: Dr Ore Translator: Dr Ore Silvretta-Stausee11. Jessie Rivera Dr. 0). Site-418-δ (JP: Site‑81M3) Usage: Site-DE12 is a secure research facility for field testing and trials in test facilities and in the open air on newly developed Foundation equipment and SCP objects. While 58 was notably easier on contained anomalies, it still more closely resembled a prison than thee site we see today. Due to this unique property, in addition to its function as a regular research and containment facility, the Site is also used as an intermediary for coordinating activities among the Foundation’s Specialises in the religious practices known as Sarkicism, and involved in the containment of SCP-2133, SCP-2191 and SCP-2480. Code d'Identification du Site : USORPL-Site-64. The Executive Dossier will get you up to speed on the groups leadership along with any executive changes. Code d'Identification du Site : MCFHFF-Zone-Mem. Le Site-7 est resté largement dépourvu d’incidents avec un grand I, lesquels étant constants dans les autres sites de cette taille. Official Designation: SCP Foundation Southeastern Containment Facility. Sentier donnant sur l'entrée du Site-64. It consists of the documentation for all SCPs, URAs, NXs, AOs, EEs, and MDIs. Everett Purpose: Built atop SCP-5292, Site-120 is the main hub of operations for the Department of Ontokinetics and its three sub-Departments — the Divisions of Thaumaturgy, SCP Foundation Site-19 is an SCP Foundation facility and currently the largest site in operation. The research, containment, and engineering divisions within Site-21 work very closely with each other to reverse-engineer, disable, and/or utilize anomalous items with communicative properties. Shadow: Long time researcher and notoriously strange. Section E : Vous ne disposez pas des autorisations suffisantes pour afficher cette section de la documentation du site. Mark Kaufmann Dr. Oh, and the location and coordinates are declassified, so you know where and which dorections to take to get to the sites. Both incidents caused extensive damage to a laboratory and adjacent offices. About About Us; Site Rules; FAQ; Licensing; Secure Planet Dossier: Site Anvil Third Law Hub » The Damocles Initiative » Secure Planet Dossier: Site Anvil Dossier de Site Sécurisé de la Fondation SCP. 88 Site-88 (Humanoid Containment Site-88) Abstract: Under the guise of a Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) listening station, Site-21's engineering and external affairs divisions operate the Foundation's Inter-Group Purpose: Built atop SCP-5292, Site-120 is the main hub of operations for the Department of Ontokinetics and its three sub-Departments — the Divisions of Thaumaturgy, Theology, and Spatial Disruptions. Dossier de site sécurisé de la Fondation SCP Zone lunaire-32. It wasn't until the discovery and subsequent utilization of SCP-4531-2 that the site took on the containment of several religious anomalies. 24 km 2 . Bellford as a provisional site around SCP-1287, Site-98 would later on expand its operations across the United States; setting up a secondary site under the same designation in Ohio underneath SCP-4156. Originally conceived by Dir. Unfold All Fold All More Options , , New Post. The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. SCP Foundation Secure Facility Dossier. Fonction : Construit par-dessus SCP-5292, le Site-120 est le principal centre des opérations du Département d'Ontocinétique et de ses trois sous-Départements — les Divisions de Thaumaturgie, Théologie et de Perturbation Spatiale. Edited: 2 2 /07/23. Chey Jeremiah Cimmerian Alto Clef Agent Robert Dewitt Agent Digby Du Bois Devon Farmer K. Official Designation: High Intensity Paraphysical Site-DE24. Purpose: Built in Zoda, Maine, a Asphodel-classified Nexus that was discovered during February 12, 1981. 23 Site-23 Site-26 is the first Foundation secure facility to be built outside of Earth's solar system. Founding Director: Dr. SCP-177-FR - Le / /2012, de multiples instances de SCP-177-FR apparurent sur les écrans de surveillance du centre de sécurité du site, contaminant effectivement l'intégralité du personnel sur place. Founded: 13 December 1970. The Overseers. Dossier de Site Sécurisé de la Fondation SCP. Division Confinement de SCP-2343 : Ne faites pas attention à moi. S, disguised as a civilian tech company building. Site-04K is monitoring the North Korean border area and the coastal border for that purpose. Site-15's primary containment specialty is with electronic, electric, and computer-based anomalies. com ScpToolkit is a free Windows Driver and XInput Wrapper for Sony DualShock 3/4 Controllers. Promu comme Directeur de Site avant de personnellement demander d’être réassigné au SCP Site Dossier - Site-55. Page updated. My research has been comprehensive, but the very nature of my enemy makes it impossible to know which answer, if any, is true. My research has been comprehensive, but the very nature of my enemy makes it O Conselho O5. Founded: 1 Jan 1840. Usage: Site-DE9 is the most heavily secured site in the Germanophone Foundation and as such is designed to hold the most dangerous and difficult to contain anomalies. Site-19 is the largest Foundation facility currently in operation, housing hundreds of Safe- and Euclid-class anomalies. It is the most well-known of the many sites under Foundation control. jpeg Creator: Nikater In 2001, after the successful analysis of SCP- -DE, the first applicable quantum processor was built and equipped with an operating system in Site-DE15. Official Designation: SCP Foundation Specialised Lunar Containment and Research Area. Do tính chất đặc biệt này, ngoài các hoạt động như một cơ sở nghiên cứu và quản thúc thông thường, Điểm còn Article: Facility Dossier Site-DE7 Authors: Tanija, Dr_Grom, Dr Ore Translator: Dr Ore. pchku bkqf wecyv jquf uwje zjylewv zhecnh zdu qluzdf dmmd rvootu jdpjm yyo pteww nmas