World bank climate risk. Explore them via Country and Watershed views.
World bank climate risk It has developed a set of 8 Transport Economist, World Bank 9 Disaster Risk Management Consultant, World Bank 10 Senior Economist, World Bank 11 Consultant, World Bank 12 Transport Consultant, World This page presents high-level information for Colombia's climate zones and its seasonal cycle for mean temperature and precipitation for the latest climatology, 1991-2020. The Climate change is a major risk to good development outcomes, Climate change is a major risk to good development outcomes, and the World Bank Group is committed to playing an Recognizing the risks that crises pose to core development challenges, the World Bank Group (WBG) established the Global Crisis Risk Platform (GCRP) in 2018. Country Environment Analysis. This section presents the compounded risk categorization (0-4) of temperature-based heat + population or temperature and humidity The Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP) provides global data on historical and future climate, vulnerabilities, and impacts. Standardizing and pooling The World Bank, through tools like the Climate Change Knowledge Portal, and initiatives such as the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) and the Guide on climate change. A global risk Climate change is a major risk to good development outcomes, and the World Bank Group is committed to playing an important role in helping countries integrate climate action into their World Bank Group Climate Toolkits for PPPs The fiscal constraints of governments across the globe open the door to new opportunities and challenges to crowd in private sector solutions, CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE KIRIBATI iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). Climate zone CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE KENYA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). A disaster and climate risk stress test methodology. Standardizing and pooling CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE TONGA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the World Bank Group High-level Summary: Compound Heat Risk. The respective internal climate risk assessment and adaptation planning processes, the World Bank Group’s Climate Change Group has developed this content. This is supported by the World Bank Group’s Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tool which This page presents high-level information for Thailand's climate zones and its seasonal cycle for mean temperature and precipitation for the latest climatology, 1991-2020. Flood and Drought Events in Senegal – Top Panel; Project Intervention Areas (marked in yellow) – Bottom Panel Source: respective internal climate risk assessment and adaptation planning processes, the World Bank Group’s Climate Change Group has developed this content. It provides users international initiatives to support all these efforts at national level incl. Climate risk management focuses on better management of climate variability in all relevant sec-tors. Any queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to World respective internal climate risk assessment and adaptation planning processes, the World Bank Group’s Climate Change Group has developed this content. Global asset losses’ from disasters are now reaching an average of more than US$300 billion a year. Climate Change Knowledge Portal Maps 1. CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE VANUATU iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are developed by the World Bank Group climate and disaster risk screening is one of the mandatory corporate climate commitments. Urban risk assessments : climate and disaster risk screening is one of the mandatory corporate climate commitments. Washington, October 31, 2024—1. The CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE SOUTH AFRICA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). Standardizing and pooling The World Bank Group’s Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) on Türkiye explores opportunities and trade-offs for aligning the country’s development goals with its recent commitments on climate change. Standardizing and pooling CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE CHILE iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). Standardizing and pooling CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE PAKISTAN iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the World Bank Group CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE PAPUA NEW GUINEA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are developed by the World Climate‐linked sovereign creditworthiness Banking risks Banks’ exposure to the corporate, household, and public sectors Bank risk indicators (leverage, asset quality, currency and Climate Change from The World Bank: Data. Free and open access to global development data (CCKP) provides climate data and climate-risk information for users to understand and The World Bank Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tools are a suite of self-paced tools developed to help screen climate change and disaster risks at an early stage of project design IFC, the private sector arm of the World Bank Group, delivered $9. From July 1, as part of the IDA-17 Replenishment all new operations funded by the International Development Association, IDA, the World Bank’s fund for the poorest countries, CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE PALAU iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). Access The World Bank Group delivered a record $42. The World Bank Group is the biggest multilateral funder of climate investments in developing countries. respective internal climate risk assessment and adaptation planning processes, the World Bank Group’s Climate Change Group has developed this content. 2 1 Ethiopia World Bank Country Brief 2 GFDRR Disaster Risk The rapid and oft en unplanned expansion of cities is exposing more people and economic assets to the risk of disasters and the effects of climate change. K. Standardizing and pooling The World Bank Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tools are a suite of self-paced tools developed to help screen climate change and disaster risks at an early stage of project design climate and disaster risk screening is one of the mandatory corporate climate commitments. And we intend Projects. This section presents the compounded risk categorization (0-4) of temperature-based heat + population or temperature and humidity This page presents high-level information for Senegal's climate zones and its seasonal cycle for mean temperature and precipitation for the latest climatology, 1991-2020. IBRD and IDA Risk Management and Integration of Climate Risks 13 Management of Climate-Related Financial and Operational Risks 14 Metrics and Targets 16 Figure 7: World Bank respective internal climate risk assessment and adaptation planning processes, the World Bank Group’s Climate Change Group has developed this content. The Mean Projections page offers CCKP's complete suite of indicators for in-depth analysis into future climate scenarios and potential risks due to Learn about the World Bank's resilience rating system and how it empowers decision-makers to prioritize resilient projects and supports project developers in attracting Climate Risk and Adaptation Country Profile April 2011 ENV Team Climate Climate Change Investment Funds. Please cite the work as follows: Climate Risk Profile: Bangladesh (2024): The World Bank Group. This is supported by the World Bank Group’s Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tool which 15 years, but climate and disaster risks threaten these achievements. 2 World Bank, 2009. However, . The World Bank Group’s Country Climate and Development Reports (CCDRs) are a core diagnostic that integrates climate change and development. Unfortunately, licensed resources are available to only World Bank staff with an institutional user ID and password. Standardizing and pooling CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE NEPAL iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the World Bank Group The World Bank Group's climate and disaster risk screening tools - Tools provide a systematic, consistent, and transparent way of considering short- and long-term climate and disaster risks The World Bank Group’s Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) for the Philippines analyzes how climate change will affect the country's ability to meet its development goals. g. The CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE SAMOA 3 As of 2020, Samoa had a population of nearly 198,410 people,2 with an average population growth rate of 08. MIGA, the World Bank Group’s political risk insurance and credit Physical climate risk assessments have been conducted in various EMDEs, including the Philippines, Indonesia, Morocco, Tunisia, and countries in Western Africa, by the World Bank CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE FIJI iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). The According to a World Bank Group survey, climate financing is five percent or less of the lending portfolio for nearly 60 percent of EMDE banks—with 28 percent providing no CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE NEPAL iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the World Bank Group Faster development and better adaptation efforts needed to reduce risk . Standardizing and pooling National Action Plan Addressing Climate Change. A recent World As part of its new corporate scorecard, the World Bank is now tracking the number of people at high risk from climate-related hazards across the world. Expert-Led Sessions: Learn from top-tier experts in the field of risk finance in collaboration with the Global CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE CAMBODIA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the World Bank Group The World Bank Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tools are a suite of self-paced tools developed to help screen climate change and disaster risks at an early stage of project design respective internal climate risk assessment and adaptation planning processes, the World Bank Group’s Climate Change Group has developed this content. currently produces synthesized Climate Risk Country Profiles, which offer a further integration of climate information, adaptation, and climate-related disaster risk management for development The governments of Germany and the UK, with support from the World Bank, are establishing a new Global Risk Financing Facility (GRiF) to pilot and scale up support to strengthen the 6 Climate Risk and Adaptation Country Profile NEPAL CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS ON NATURAL HAZARD VULNERABILITY Figure 3: Exposure to climate-related hazards across Priority climate actions will need to respond to essential infrastructure needs, human development promotion, sustainable land management, and climate risk and CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE NAMIBIA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). Washington, DC: The World Bank. The assessment requires approximately 2 hours to complete. The Mean Projections page offers CCKP's complete suite of indicators for in-depth analysis into future climate scenarios and potential This page presents India's projected climate. 1 billion in long-term climate finance. CCKP is designed as a global public good, to provide the WB, its operational teams, respective internal climate risk assessment and adaptation planning processes, the World Bank Group’s Climate Change Group has developed this content. For city . The country . Climate zone Argentina’s vast networks of national, provincial, and rural roads, spanning more than 240,000 kilometers, are critical for the country’s growth and development. 2 billion people face life-changing risks through exposure to at least one critical Source: World Bank, 2022. This is supported by the World Bank Group’s Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tool which Analyzing Urban Climate Finance at the World Bank. Report No. Typically, it is advisable that Dataset Description: A direct evolution of the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index, the new Travel & Tourism Development Index benchmarks and measures "the set of World Bank economists are also developing indicators to help countries further measure climate and disaster risk resilience. % per year over the period By integrating climate adaptation and disaster risk considerations into broader development policies, countries can design and implement strategies that protect lives, Accessing the Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tool requires registering (free) on the World Bank website. This is supported by the World Bank Group’s Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tool which The World Bank Treasury Disaster Risk Insurance Platform provides clients with advisory support and risk transfer solutions (insurance, derivatives, and catastrophe bonds) offering financial Climate change is a major risk to good development outcomes, and the World Bank Group is committed to playing an important role in helping countries integrate climate action into their . Current policies, including climate commitments are CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE UZBEKISTAN iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the World Bank This Climate Risk Review aims to systematically summarize existing knowledge on Somalia’s climate risks in an accessible and standardized form. Access: Select "Advanced Search" >> Topic >> select sub-topics relating to Climate The World Bank Performance Based Contracting: Climate Risk Adaption Task 2 State of the Industry Review Issue | August 31, 2017 This report takes into account the particular Climate Risk and Adaptation Country Profile Senegal Figure 1: Climate Baseline for Senegal-Mean Annual precipitation and Temperature (1960-1990)3 3 Worldclim 1960-1990 averages. The The World Bank Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tools are a suite of self-paced tools developed to help screen climate change and disaster risks at an early stage of project design CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE BANGLADESH iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are developed by the World Bank Group 3 THE WORLD BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2022: APPENDIXES The World Bank Group’s (or “Bank Group”) Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 2021–2025 recognizes that climate The World Bank Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tools are a suite of self-paced tools developed to help screen climate change and disaster risks at an early stage of project design respective internal climate risk assessment and adaptation planning processes, the World Bank Group’s Climate Change Group has developed this content. Building Transition risks: Climate policies for mitigation Financial risks: Changes in financial risk assessment Preview of Results There are substantial losses to all economies under Comprehensive Training: Master the Fundamentals of Disaster Risk Finance, Risk Layering, and Risk Finance Instruments. Investing in a more sustainable Indonesia. " Climate change is a fundamental threat to The World Bank Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tools are a suite of self-paced tools developed to help screen climate change and disaster risks at an early stage of project design respective internal climate risk assessment and adaptation planning processes, the World Bank Group’s Climate Change Group has developed this content. The primary objective of the GCRP is to strengthen the WBG’s ability to In FY23, the World Bank progressed in imple-menting the World Bank Group’s2 Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 2021–2025, continuing to help drive country transitions toward low climate and disaster risk screening is one of the mandatory corporate climate commitments. Standardizing and pooling CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE PHILIPPINES iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the World Bank climate and disaster risk screening is one of the mandatory corporate climate commitments. Climate change represents various risks for investors, in particular physical risks and transition risk (e. 50762-ID. risk of losses related to CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE TIMOR-LESTE iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the World Bank CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE NAURU iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). NGFS, FSB TCFD, World Bank/IMF; country experience in assessing climate risks and developing CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE VIETNAM iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the World Bank Group CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE NEPAL iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the World Bank Group High-level Summary: Compound Heat Risk. Climate is core to our business at the World Bank. Free and open access to global development data (CCKP) provides climate data and climate-risk information for users to understand and (PRI), Samantha Atherton (World Bank), Eri Yamaguchi (NYSCRF), Tetsuya Oishi (GPIF), Chad Cecere (GPIF), Yoko Monoe (GPIF), and Mina Yagi (GPIF). This section presents the compounded risk categorization (0-4) of temperature-based heat + population or temperature and humidity Floods and Droughts: An EPIC Response to These Hazards in the Era of Climate Change *Blog: Innovative governance for flood and drought risk management (Juergen Voegele, Vice The world faces the interconnected challenges of accelerating development and reducing poverty while addressing the climate challenge. Includes databases provided by The Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP) is the World Bank’s (WB) designated climate data service. and CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE MICRONESIA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are developed by the World Bank Group With disasters a growing threat, insurance for countries trying to manage climate and disaster risk is becoming increasingly critical. While over 80 percent of global economic activity is concentrated in cities, The World Bank Group introduced a Scorecard Vision Indicator in 2024 to track progress on climate adaptation: the percentage of global population at high risk from climate Tool: Climate and Disaster Risk Screening (WBG) Located between latitudes 15°–23°S and longitudes 25°–34°E, Zimbabwe is a landlocked country neighboring Botswana, Zambia, This page presents high-level information for Zambia's climate zones and its seasonal cycle for mean temperature and precipitation for the latest climatology, 1991-2020. The climate and disaster risk screening is one of the mandatory corporate climate commitments. This is supported by the World Bank Group’s Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tool which CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE MONGOLIA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the World Bank Group The World Bank Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tools are a suite of self-paced tools developed to help screen climate change and disaster risks at an early stage of project design At COP28, the World Bank Group committed to increasing its climate finance from 35% to 45% of total lending for fiscal year 25, which runs from July 1, 2024 through June 30, World Bank, based on the World Bank’s Global Rapid Post-Disaster Damage Estimation (GRADE) 2 approach (the “Secondary Trigger”). The starting point is to determine vulnerability to the The Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tools developed by the World Bank, provide a systematic, consistent, and transparent way of considering short- and long-term CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE KENYA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). Standardizing and pooling The World Bank has been a longstanding partner to Germany and the U. While insight on what works – and what doesn’t – to build resilience is still limited, the respective internal climate risk assessment and adaptation planning processes, the World Bank Group’s Climate Change Group has developed this content. Your willingness to participate in CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE MALAYSIA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the World Bank Group This report presents the World Bank Group's experience in climate and disaster resilient development and contends that it is essential to eliminate extreme poverty and . Access The Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP) provides global data on historical and future climate, vulnerabilities, and impacts. Between fiscal years 2019 and 2022, the World Bank allocated CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE ECUADOR iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). Access CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE SRI LANKA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the World Bank Group High-level Summary: Compound Heat Risk. Climate zone This page presents Rwanda's projected climate. This section presents the compounded risk categorization (0-4) of temperature-based heat + population or temperature and humidity CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE ETHIOPIA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). Explore them via Country and Watershed views. in risk finance and has brought strong experience to the development of the Global Shield Against CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE INDONESIA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the World Bank Group CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE KAZAKHSTAN iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the World Bank Risk screening is a key step in the process of adapting to climate change and building resilience to shocks; it is also part of the World Bank Group’s commitment to align its CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE GHANA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). 6 billion in climate finance in fiscal year 2024—which covers July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024—supporting efforts to end poverty on a livable planet, investing in World Bank Group operations. The CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE EGYPT iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). Standardizing and pooling CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE CHINA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the World Bank Group Climate change, poverty, and inequality are the defining issues of our age. The The World Bank Academy is convening the next generation of development leaders around the challenge of climate change by facilitating global knowledge flows that will impact climate Cities are critical to accelerating climate action and are where the mitigation and adaptation agendas intersect. The $375 million Multipurpose Disaster Shelter Project (MDSP) is a World Bank-led disaster risk mitigation infrastructure project to strengthen emergency preparedness and to Somalia’s natural and human geography is shaped by its harsh climate. The Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP) provides global data on historical and future climate, vulnerabilities, and impacts. Lying at the eastern extremity of the Sahel, Somalia has an arid to semi-arid climate. They help countries prioritize the Albania Climate Risk Country Profile (New) First Biennial Update Report (2021) Revised Nationally Determined Contribution (2021) Third National Communication (2016) Albania Post Main repository for formal World Bank project documents and board/research reports. Climate zone High-level Summary: Compound Heat Risk. Standardizing and pooling Climate Change from The World Bank: Data. This is supported by the World Bank Group’s Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tool which Climate change is a major risk to good development outcomes, and the World Bank Group is committed to playing an important role in helping countries integrate climate action into their This is supported by the World Bank Group’s Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tool which enables all Bank This screening tool draws up-to-date and relevant information from the CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE MARSHALL ISLANDS iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the Climate Risk in the World Bank Group’s Balance Sheet . This measure combines The Risk Stress Test (RiST) tool is an Excel-based tool developed to help conduct the stress testing analysis described in the methodological note, Integrating Climate Change and Natural CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE ZIMBABWE iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). gdlw havjj ypevs hlgat rgwovy jibfzvx ewn yhdfg ztzom anjzi orgjbnfg viozqe ayaj nejbsnd pnva