Yellow cm before bfp. 9DPO feeling super moist when doing my cm cp check.

Yellow cm before bfp it wasn't an infection type cm just super white and creamy and lots of it. May 13, 2011 #7 I had snotty cm a few days before my bfp =) I never had ewcm, and after ttc for 3months found it weird that I had this 8dpo - cramps, mild nausea after eating, backache, mildly tender boobs (which is normal for PMS), yellow CM, vivid dreams, fatigue 9dpo - vivid dreams, trouble sleeping, fatigue, mildly tender boobs 10dpo - this is the first day I tested. Hopefully I'm not reading too much into it. Anyone else experienced this before a BFP? Ottomama, I got my BFP Sunday. 3. This month, I had nothing! I wiped every day looking for something. So for about 2 days Thick white cm. Implantation bleed with - Creamy (and slightly yellow-tinged) cervical mucus - again, this has been constant since around 2dpo. Am I pregnant? Thick jelly like discharge / mucus. Couldn't help it. me and hubby did the BD many times in the week leading to ovulation. but this month for the last 1 week no cm. Joined Aug 1, 2012 and a lot of creamy white cm. if that makes sense. Had cramping and like twinges lower down with the tops of my legs aching but now I've got this cm today with an achy back. However, after ovulation, CM usually becomes thicker and less abundant. 5yo) and now 9w2d pregnant with #2 and I was 100% dry until 7 weeks! You can't really rely on CM for clues, it can go either way :) a. My question is, has anyone experienced yellow-tinted globby CM (resembles snot, for lack of better word) right before their period or ??? Hi ladies!!! I am now 14dpo with AF due the day i got my bfp, i happened to take a look before weeing (as you do) and saw a big glob of yellow dangly mucus, like snot. Jump to Latest 3K views 4 replies 5 participants last post by Mrs CW Jul 12, 2009. @mcgeelisha, I've heard alot of women say they got yellow cm when they were pregnant for some women as I always have white thick cm after ovulation all the way through till af and still haven't Watery Cm before BFP? Skyecc. Oldest First. it turned out to be a BFP (big fat positive). I haven't noticed much white cm if I do it's has a yellowish tint to it. Major ovulation pain started around 1pm and lasted roughly 24 hours. Good luck! knobby Well-Known Member. I m curious to know for those ladies who have got a BFP what your CM was like before you got the BFP? I’ve had 4 pregnancies but never experienced it. But what I had this cycle look sincerely like snot- yellow stretchy mucous. 88 test. I used to check my cervix, but was never able to differentiate between high, low or soft or firm. Joined Mar 22, 2011 Tmi! I'm sure but I am 2 days before af and 10 or 11 dpo still no bfp and I have a thick yellow like cm with clumps. I got my BFP so thought I would add symptoms as I loved looking these up in my 2ww. Thank you x. Could have o late or not even yet but I’m on CD 46Any insight please! I’m due for AF in 6 days!I’m getting watery/eggwhite CM!Did you have this before getting a BFP I never had a yellow cm and I was wondering did you guys get it before a BfP? I’m 5 DPO right now. Advertisement For those of you who have already gotten your BFP (congrats!!) what sort of CM did you notice leading up to it? And if you check your cervix, what did you What kind of cm do you ladies have that have already gotten a bfp. T. It comes and goes sometimes a Hi ladies, I read somewhere on one of these forums recently that someone had EWCM twice in a month. See last answer. I had a lot of it. Mine was exactly the same as it would be in an unsuccessful cycle. Report as Inappropriate. Hoping for my BFP first cycle trying after miscarriage. Of course, women may experience different types of CM after ovulation and throughout the first part of the luteal phase. What was your cm like before BFP? What color was your CM before your BFP? Right before AF I usually dry totally up- but kept having wet, slippery CM right before my BFP! CARLSBAD HOPEFUL Original Poster. My cramps and been intense the past two days. In my attempts not to do an early pregnancy test I've become obsessed with CM! [blush] is there any difference in CM before period is due and CM befor Throughout the week before the expected AF and all of this week, I've had very creamy/watery discharge. Fatigue, slightly more tender boobs, gas, cramps. My temp dropped this morning by a little over . Like thick snot type stuff never had it before "/ nothing like ewcm and wasn't :thumbup:congrats :happydance: did u have any other signs? im having some pains where my fallop tubes are. 13DPO Did a first response, came straight up! As did CB Digital. Ladies you are giving me all hope!!!!! I have never had a I’ve seen so many women say they’ve had sticky, or thick white cm . So for about 2 days Hahaha that's amazing! [emoji23] Crazy how much your body can change though! Some ladies can be some fertile and conceive so easily without even really trying and others have to try for years! Longtime lurker--I can't find any previous posts on this issue. jjacobs2. 8 DPO Symptoms - BFN to BFP. December 28, 2024 | by Coconut-25. JPD143 Well-Known Member. so fingers crossed!! NewMummyRos Original Poster. When pregnant- much wetter more creamy cm that doesn’t dry up at all towards af. i'm currently about 5-6 dpo and seem to have an increased amount ranging from EWCM to thick white discharge sorry TMI! I had creamy cm about 9-10days DPO and a few weeks after that when I got my BFP. Lotion-like mucus a few days before your expected period is a strong sign of pregnancy. Comment. In early pregnancy, cervical mucus may increase in quantity, and it may be watery or runny. Just curious how many of I noticed this CM has more of a yellow tint to it and was thicker over being creamy. Most people mention this yellowish looking cm I can't say ive noticed it looking yellow ive got two days till af is due im going to try hold out to test and stay positive. BFN, duh. This type of CM tends to be very thick, and as such, it may prevent sperm from swimming into the cervix, where it is needed for fertilization purposes. Kiersten0717 Original Poster. I have had stretchy cm the past couple of days. Joined Jan 24, 2011 Messages 907 Reaction score 0. Yellow ewcm 8dpo!! Advice needed!!! Clair R(63) 31/03/2015 at 6:17 pm. All my cycles since I have noted that my cm changes to sticky or dry suddenly, and I get a positive OPK later on that same day. I am 9 DPO right now. Just noticed some distinctively yellow discharge/CM along with creamy CM. Experiencing as of now: bloating, gas, dry cm, and waking up in the middle of the night to pee. No spotting or pink tint. Did anyone have yellow/green and stretchy cervical mucus before BFP? I have unusual discharge that started off as clear and now it's light green, along with lots of other symptoms. Implantation bleeding (TMI PHOTOS) Trying for a baby. But I wouldn't say it is necessarily a symptom before a BFP. It can be difficult to tell apart from the discharge people get during ovulation, which can resemble egg If you noticed a difference in your cm what was it and how long before you got your BFP?I’ve had heavier white with a bit of yellow cm for the last week and am late with no signs of af. Every TWW and also every pregnancy can just be a little different. hi, im due the witch tomorrow but twice i have noticed this yellowish creamish cm not loads just a small amount. normal? Possible pregnancy symptom? I I had implantation cramping 7/8dpo & had yellow cm & then it got ridiculously wet down there to the point I was knicker checking for early af !! Got my BFP 10dpo but only last thing at night which was strange & I just put it down to evap, got a clear BFP 11dpo with fmu xxx Baby Dust xxx BFP - Baby S 20th Oct 2014 During ovulation, CM is typically clear, stretchy, and egg-white-like, which helps sperm travel easily to meet the egg. 10 DPO and had some yellow CM this morning. When I checked my CM today I noticed it had I am on 8DPO and when i have gone to the bath room the last couple of days i have noticed my cm isn't white and lotiony but its more stretchy that breaks easy like EWCM and has a tint of yellow or brown to it and is thicker also. did anyone get a bfp after having very dry or very little cm during their 2ww? I know lots of people have said they've had creamy or watery cm but what about if there's just not very much cm at all? Is that likely to mean there's no bfp on its way? Cm before bfp? Trying for a baby. CD19: BD, White/yellow cm, emotional, uterus / hip pains, skin breakout, increased sex drive, decreased appetite. M. We've been ttc since November. Mine is just clear and watery. BFP #1 05/16/10 EDD 01/13/11 natural m/c 11w1d (unknown cause) What color was your CM before your BFP? Ladies what type of cm do you get before a BFP. Also have some cramping. Diagnosis depends on the consistency, smell, and color of the discharge. Suffice to say, it could be a good sign, but it could mean you never o'ed and you're about to O soon. It may be a sign of an infection, such as a STI CM before BFP/AF. I think most notably, it was sustained CM ever since ovulation. Diarrhoea Didn’t test. Baby Names. I’m 17 weeks now and it’s definitely getting heavier each week. Very tired the past few days but unable to sleep well at night which is unusual for me! Lots of twinges down there (maybe that was bean implanting?) peeing in the middle of the night nausea when eating meat! Yellow CM in early pregnancy - is this normal. I usually have a ton of CM before AF and also in the TWW with my BFPs but with my 3rd BFP, I was pretty dry until mid 2nd tri. And then they ended up getting a BFP. Posted 11-07-22. Hope that helps? MatthewAlyssa mummy of 3 expecting no. ive never had it before and i know its not a infection of any sort. Trying for a baby. comment. i can only presume that's the mucus plug starting I checked my cervix for cm a few times over the last couple days and I got a small glob of cm that was tinged yellow? It looked like yellow snot, I could stretch it and it was like With my very first pregnancy I started having this symptom before my BFP, that one ended in a miscarriage but with my next 2 pregnancies I had this symptom as well and it Yesterday and today I've had some yellow and very stretchy EWCM (but I know I don't have a UTI/yeast infection), and I've read it can be a pregnancy symptom. im not taking any Went dizzy 12 dpo - BFP!!! really faint but there! Tested again at work with a different brand BFP bit darker. I was mostly dry after ovulation with occasionally small amounts of sticky CM. That I had tons of creamy white CM before BFP. usually thrs ths cm discharge a few days before af. Posted 22-05-17. I googled this type and noticed other women experienced a yellow tinge type also and got a i also had a lot of yellow cm when i got my bfp. I had lots of creamy CM between ovulation and my bfp for baby #1. Hoping af doesn't show and we get our bfps!!! I’m currently 24 weeks pregnant with my 2nd baby and really noticed a difference in cm when pregnant and not pregnant. The first two cycles I had ewcm for at least a day or two after getting a positive OPK. I had tons of CM in the few days before my BFP with my son (he's now 4. Hey all Just wondering if you got cm before your bpf, was it ewcm/stringy/pale white/yellow? 0. Advertisement | page continues below. sunflower Black Agate - synthetic black gold beast headed eagle Prince of music - Guitar fighting dog head five pointed star. The creamy discharge you will notice during your menstrual cycle can mean many different things especially as far as pregnancy is concerned. Negative OPKS (this was my first time using OPKs and I only tested in the AM) CD 13 O day!! Positive OPK, BD early in the morning. Did anyone notice a change in CM before a BFP. Family. I've been experiencing creamy white CM for the last 3 or 4 days. AF due 12/24 My last bfp, I had creamy cm after O until bfp with one day of stretchy almost fertile cm but was clearly after o. But I've had pretty good amounts of yellow cm for three days and many pregnancy symptoms. I only had it the Hey all Just wondering if you got cm before your bpf, was it ewcm/stringy/pale white/yellow? Community; Getting Pregnant Type or CM before bfp? c. Did anyone have somthing Not trying to get your hopes up but that was one thing I noticed right before my bfp- I was tracking my cm the past couple months and was always dry close to af. In fact, it is one of the aspects used to test out whether one is So Im about 14 dpo I took a test on day 12 and it was a bfn ): end of day 12- today I’ve had a crazy increase in the amount of CM. I ended up before in previous cycles, but I feel a wee bit bloated and am having little pains here and there ongoing for the last few days. I had a natural mc in May 2016 (first pregnancy) at almost 8 weeks along. 14 dpo - BFP! Still not colour of control line but I wanted to post a pic of the CM I experienced before my BFP. When felt between the fingertips, it tends to have the feel and texture of lotion being applied to the CD 29, no AF yet but a large amount of yellow-tinted CM (not an infection). Tested yesterday BFN on a . Watery and some yellow CM 13 dpo - BFP! Slightly darker, BB's tender, back ache, dizzy spell. My last period was 34 days ago and my withdrawl bleed was 36 dats This cycle I had a patch of fertile CM right before I tested positive. A little background before I get into my question. We've been using Preseed . Good luck to you; I hope this helps a i cant remember having it before, iv been reading and iv read its caused by an increase of progesterone, fc my bodys gearing up for a BFP! fc my bodys gearing up for a BFP! Hi, I had an odd shade of yellow cm when I was about 3dpo and then massive blobs of snotty yellow cm the days coming upto when my AF was due. Anyone else experience this leading to a BFP? Haven’t tested yet. What was your cm like prior to your BFP. It's kind of lotiony, egg whitey streaky whitish yellow and clear all mixed together. Pregnancy. Thanks ladies x. But then fast foward 9 DPO Brownish CM on one occasion, like before a period 10 DPO a faint shadow on an IC test backache from HELL 11 DPO BACKACHE IS GOING TO KILL ME 12 DPO IC tests faint but there, small amounts of yellowy CM. But when I got my bfp the cm came back right away: started watery and then turned thick and glue-like. Am currently CD25. comments. Otherwise I’m just dry. czoots66. CM before BFP 12 replies ForeverHopeful17 · 04/01/2020 19:15 Hi ladies, I just wanted to know what everyone's CM was like before they got their BFP? I've seen lots of comments talking about lots or creamy CM etc. Report as Morning ladies I just thought id ask what peoples cm looked like before BFP!!! Im due AF in two days and im getting creamy/ clear stretchy discharge. p. I am having a lot of what i think is ewcm well similar anyway. Watery CM with some yellow. Everyone can be different and your CM pattern can vary slightly month to month. So for about 2 days Like with #1 i had just tons of white lotion cm before my bfp and i had never had anything like it. But then around 11dpo, I had a bit more CM and cramps. During my pregnancy before my miscarriage I had yellow CM right after ovulation and it continued. This morning I have a lot of light brown spotting also!!! Try not to worry then :) I always spotted 5-6 days before and sure enough, the day I got the bfp, the spotting started. but I want to know if anyone had been completely dry during the TWW and still got their BFP I have not tested. —————————Anybody have a lot of watery cm before bfb?? Sign Up. I'm 9 DPO today. Yellow Cervical Mucus Before a BFP: What Could It Mean? Seeing yellow cervical mucus before a BFP can be puzzling, especially if you’re not expecting it Hi all :) I am new here and currently TTC my third baby. Noticed my veins are more visible in my wrists and boobs but don't know whether it's a symptom or not. I'm 10/11dpo today. 19 Comments. Testing bfn. . I noticed this CM has more of a yellow Hi ladies, I'm 11DPO today and have had lots of clear creamy CM that past 4-5 days!!! But a couple days ago I had some bright yellow tinted CM, sorry TMI. normal? Possible pregnancy symptom? I Tmi! I'm sure but I am 2 days before af and 10 or 11 dpo still no bfp and I have a thick yellow like cm with clumps. In many cases, the CM will be creamy yellow or pearl white in color. As explained before, yellow cervical mucus and early pregnancy can be related, but sometimes if may not be pregnant but have an infection instead. Posted 22-05-11. I can't recall experiencing this before. Joined Feb 20, 2012 Messages 798 I personally have not had yellow cm before, just white (not that I ever noticed over the last 9DPO feeling super moist when doing my cm cp check. And today I But I just got mine 2 days ago :) everyone always talks about having loads of CM before their BFP so I was shocked. 1 to 3 Dpo cramps on left side, Creamy cm 4 Dpo cramps creamy cm, heartburn, sensitive nipples, headache and very gassy 5 Dpo mild cramps, sore throat, sore left hip, headache, gassy very exhausted also had yellow gooey cm. Yes I did have snot-like cm before bfp. So yesterday I had some yellow cm in my panties, I'm 10 dpo today. j. Posted 08-03-18. small amounts of yellowy cm. Reply. On the day I got the bfp, I had an increase in yellow stringy CM which made me think AF was coming. 20+ Similar Discussions Found . I had a ton of CM throughout my first pregnancy especially in the first and third trimesters. Not sure if this helps but I've had yellow CM in both my BFN and my BFP cycles. Creamy, sticky CM. R. Posted 06-28-10. At this point in my cycle I am usually still having white creamy/sticky cm drying up before AF. I track CM and use OPKs. Thanks MrsF09 - FC for us!! x. I was either 5 or 9 dpo (I had 2 lh surges so can’t be sure which I ovulated on but definitely felt like I did in the later). GOOD LUCK!!! I TESTED 5 DAYS BEFORE AF WITH A CB DIGITAL TEST AND GOT A POSITIVE A NORMAL HP TEST DID I get an increase of creamy CM in the days before and after a bfp but am usually drier before AF. I can't find the original post but please comment if you have any insight on this! About 2-3 days ago I had a lot of milky lotion type discharge when I wiped (which I don't think I've experienced before). 🙊it's pink in the pic omg lol didn't think it would show yet 😁😁😁 xx. Cm before AF - always tackier much drier and would get yellow ewcm close to af ( ewcm is a sign of estrogen rise usually due to af or ovulation). Bfn 10dpo bloated still got a cold back cramping tired tender nipples headache Diarrhoea white glob of cm high soft cervix bfn 11dpo bloated tired cold weaning off nauseous to the smell of outing fuel in the car weird nearly passed out. I would hold off testing though as I think I saved Cm and cervix position aren't reliable ways to predict oregnancy unfortunately. What were your symptoms before BFP or at 7DPO? Yellow & Clear stretchy cervical mucus. Am I What color was your CM before your BFP? If pregnant, dry cm or wet cm before BFP? j. CM scarce and sticky and my cervix dropped low and hard a couple of days before my AF was due. a couple days later I had aversion 2 sweets (when I usually With my cycles I tend to get thick white cm for a few days after O then it just goes sticky and scant up until a few days before AF is due then I get EWCM type mucous but much less scant than around O, then AF starts. Many are saying they had creamy white-yellow watery discharge. anngeline. What was your cm like before Once you get a BFP, you can say it might be symptom. 2 degrees. The day AF was due, during the 2WW I had the exact description of your cm and it is still continuing. bb's arent sore but get a quick itchy feeling now and then. Stopped after 5 days like usual What did your cm look like before your bfp if you had any??I’m 11 dpo today, tested negative yesterday but this morning I thought I started my period 3 days early, and when I went and looked it was nothing but SUPER watery white cm, like runny. seem to be always hungry and gettin acid in my throat also :dohh: so long that ive been preggers ive forgot what to look for :happydance: hope u have a healthy n happy 9 months :hugs I got that this cycle, I'm 8dpo. I read online that yellow cm is a good sign! Has anyone experienced this before a For those of you who have gotten BFP's, did any of you have dry CM during your TWW? I am either 4DPO or 7DPO and have had nothing buy dry CM when I usually Hi, Hun I'm with you "/ I think what you discribe is what I had at 7-8dpo mine was like bits of mucus plug type cm. At 10dpo twice I went lightheaded at work so then decided to do a test at 11dpo, 2 days before AF due and sure enough I got my bfp! Good luck ladies! 0. Still had back ache in lower part, BB's slightly more tender. Ps meant to say with my first I had yellow cm the week or so before I got my bfp . (I got my BFP in the evening of 9DPO) it was almost egg-whitey stretchy but slightly yellow tinged! Like. Posted 06-18-09. All looks like good symptoms good luck to you! Before I got my BFP last time I was burning up for a couple of days and had sore throat, I was really thirsty tooHopefully your cold Did anyone have any yellow snot like discharge before BFP? It doesn't smell or anything and I'm sort of remembering having something similiar before my CP but don't know whether I'm making it up! and my chart is very I've heard a lot of women get yellow cm before a BFP. Creamy or lotiony with a sweet smell is supposed to be a good indicator. Joined Apr 6, 2011 Messages 2,739 Reaction score 0. I was just curious as this is a new thing I’ve been reading opposite about whitey yellow snot like Cm that many ladies got this before their bfp . Minka28. i have some symptoms also i just wanted to know if anyone has had this and had a nice bfp :happydance: thanks Hello all! I am 11 dpo and have a lot of symptoms, but my newest one I just experienced is yellow cm. Anyone had similar cervical mucus before BFP? Also bad shooting pains in my groin area. Then today had some sticky/creamy yellow cm with a bit or reddish brown. normal? Possible pregnancy symptom? I Like loads, I keep thinking AF is starting but just CM. ttc126 Mom of Boys. TMI, It’s lotiony and a Hi Girls! So according to my opk I think I ovulated 2-4 days ago. First Year. Will test at 12DPO. Someone help encourage/comfort me Cm before BFP 5 replies Kkk87 · 26/11/2017 00:34 Hi, what sort of cm do people seem to have leading up to BFP ? Like 8-9 dpo? OP posts: See next See all Quote React Add post Share Report webster144 · 26/11/2017 09:16 im sure every woman is different but this is what happened to me. Lots of EWCM. It almost looked like swirled jelly. Hi!! Before anyone comes at me, yes I’m aware cm isn’t a clear indicator of pregnancy. But then I also spotted for 4 days last cycle too CD 5-8 BD because we wanted to :) Creamy CM CD 9 Negative OPK, Creamy CM, no BD CD 10-12 BD on days 10 and 11. If my cm is any indicator at all then I caught the BFP - What does CM look like before a BFP? So I'm due a visit from AF in 5 days time. gaghkk!!! Maybe this is it? 7 DPO - Yesterday the cm was still in abundance, but there was a yellow tinge to CD26/10dpo - Slight creamy CM but more yellow, Hungry, Slight cramps/twinges, Gas, Skin broke-out. Hi the big difference I had a few days before bfp was clumpy white thick like cottage cheese looking. I used to get yellow cm before AF but also got it early pg so who knows? good luck? beckiboo25 Original Poster. Yellow tinged cm @8DPO. Had anyone had no to little CM and still get a BFP?? Bloated Yellow white small amount cm finger swab from checking cervix high soft. I had the same thing the previous cycle, before I started my period. I usually get lots of creamy before af arrives Has anyone had dry cm Two days before af and gotten a bfp? Original poster's comments (5) 3. My partner and I have been TTC for a few years. lotiony stuff, but I have had that be yellowish before too. after it happened I started looking up stuff but really didn't find much. Unfortunately I've had it before and not been pregnant. Other symptoms - vivid dreams, very moody, had one night of being utterly exhausted (usually I'm a night owl and have lots of energy at night) Tmi! I'm sure but I am 2 days before af and 10 or 11 dpo still no bfp and I have a thick yellow like cm with clumps. On 7 DPO, I noticed a big, yellowish/white snot-like glob of CM. Toddler. Am I pregnant? BfP 9dpo? Katie P(2124) 02/02/2020 at 8:21 am CM before BFP. Monday I had 2 spots of brown maybe half a fingernail size each accompanied by yellow cm. This isn't normal for me but I'm very early after ovulation. We are currently TTC after a miscarriage. Before the bfp there were a few symptoms I over looked like duh!! Now I put it all together. But i have all the symptoms and AF is late. SuddenlyMaternal. not EWCM but I did spot for 4 days before BFP. af due in 5 days. CM before period VS CM in early pregnancy. I'm right there with you. I only noticed increased discharge from 6 weeks or so onwards, and it was quite similar to the CM I got before ovulation but more yellowy in colour. Noticed white, stretchy, slightly globby CM - basically EWCM. Just wondering what peoples cm (cervical mucus) looked like after ovulation and before their BFP. Hey ladies, I've read a lot about people getting increased creamy cm during tww resulting in bfps. 26/05/2017 at 4:29 pm. GL Also I went to wipe and had a random thick, yellow and stretchy CM but still dry in my panties. Hi, has anyone experienced white creamy cm before getting a bfp? I'm not sure what date I'm due af exactly bevause of irregular cycles it is anything in the next 3-10 days ish. s. For me this time (got my BFP at new year) my CM did all of that except it went thicker and white before my AF would have been due. *sighhhh Just now got another huge dizzy spell. Starting yesterday I had yellow creamy CM and when I went to the doctor for Wondering if there is a certain type of cervical mucus you should have leading up to a BFP, or if the CM becomes more dry? Hi Ladies, I am visiting from the February board. White creamy. Cd32: thick cloudy slightly yellow cm (sorry tmi) thirsty, vivid dreams, swollen bbs, (all before BFP) 3/4dpo started with very sore boobs and creamy CM This carried on until my bfp at 9dpo. I’m currently 6 dpo I’m damp right now . was definitely a sign for me! fxd it is for you too!!! iluvmyfamily mom to 5 babies 1 angel. Reply . I don't really have any right now and my af is due on the 24th. There is no smell to it, just smells clean. Ronnie172013. ” “I had this strange looking yellow cm. I personally didn’t experience this type prior when I was getting BFN I was more dry prior to AF arriving. Should i bother testing or am i worried about nothing . I had yellow clumps the days before my bfp. Not much of it but it was more yellow & different to EWCM. Backache subsiding. My cm before bfp was wet but also stretchy like ewcm and had thick, lotiony cm mixed it. I had this ladies before my BFP last week, not loads of cm but more than normal and def yellow colour to it. Then it would dry up. AF is supposed to arrive in 2 days but honestly this has not been my normal symptoms. In this TWW I do not have any, so I am beginning to feel discouraged. Other than that I didn’t notice a difference until a couple days after my BFP and since then it had been clear and watery. It's more yellow this week (after expected AF date). hve Hey there! Just got a bfp this morning at 9dpo. In my BFP cycle (sadly ended in MC) I had yellow CM for around 2 weeks. I'm 10-11dpo today and yesterday had a string of ewcm with a little bit of red blood, then two little dots later in the day. I got my first faint BFP at 9DPO and it’s gotten darker every day since! I’m 12DPO today and AF is due tomorrow. Posted 25-07-15. But typically one of my first signs is increased cm. But last night I had mixed When I checked my CM today I noticed it had a faint yellow tinge I wasn’t even trying to be a symptom spotter as I think my first ppaf is probably just working on me but I had terrible flu like symptoms around 4&5dpo and am feeling better besides hot at night and the slight cramping today (6dpo). Getting Pregnant. Haven’t had that ever in my cycle so it was weird. I also had some twinges in my uterus before I got a positive test, too. about a week before my (first ever) positive test I had this booger like CM. Hi Girls! So according to my opk I think I ovulated 2-4 days ago. Report as Inappropriate Cervical mucus after conception???What was your CM like after conception before a BFP? I’m 2 DPO and noticing milky/lotion like white cervical mucus that I Just wondering if anyone has experienced yellow thick CM before they got their BFP? I'm 9dpo and have never had CM like this before. Hoping it's a sign, but I know I've had it before. Never had mid- cycle spotting before so very odd for me so has got me wondering. Mery90. BFP: 05/17/2014 EDD: 1/25/15 MMC: 06 Yellow snotty cm before bfp. Anyone experience this right before a BFP? Is this normal to get the day before AF? Hi, Robin. yellow gold orange. Hi Mari, thank you for your reply. I was convinced I was out this month because it was expecting creamy CM or at least an increase in CM. Yellowish ewcm before af? Confused! Trying for a baby. We BD 3 times in the 4days leading up to that date and 1 time after. The only thing I noticed was 1 day during my 2ww I had 1 day where I had a small amount of EWCM. cm before bfp (TMI alert) Trying for a baby. EWCM on days 11 and 12. according to this app I ovulated on 31st July. Hi lovelies, Just wondering what ur cm was like before your had your bfp and at what dpo it was u had it?? :) just at the start of my 2ww :) My period is due 9 February. It was dry most days and occasionally I'd have a tiny amount of sticky CM. I'm the opposite I've had clear water cm resulting in a constant damp feeling (eww) now 3 days to go for AF. I was convinced I was out this month. I never had it before. I don't chart online other than temping around ovulation time (2 weeks out of the month) and going by my fertile signs. I've had white and yellow before getting my period too so it can really vary. It's not really tacky, it's like lotion, similar to how cm goes between that thick cm after your AF and stretchy cm leading to ovulation. I have hardly any before today no EWCF nothing and since being on vitex i have had 32 day cycles and 19 day ovulation. it was yellowish & was just a little glob like a booger (no smell-TMI)! that was my very first sign. 4. It was stretchy and a little stringy, if that makes sense. Missalissa86 Well-Known Member. I’ve already read a million articles about how CM isn’t the best way to track pregnancy because it’s individual to each woman but I’m still interested in seeing if you ladies noticed a difference in your CM during early pregnancy Have you had thick yellow cm before a bfp? If so, how many days after the cm did you get a bfp? I ALSO HAD A LOT OF YELLOW CM WHEN I GOT MY BFP. I don't itch and it doesn't smell bad. I came off the pill in early september so am unsure wether my cycles are regular or not. 21-Dec-09 Just got a bfp yesterday at around 11dpo. GOOD LUCK!!! I TESTED 5 DAYS BEFORE AF WITH A CB DIGITAL TEST AND GOT A POSITIVE A NORMAL HP TEST DID NOT SHOW ANYTHING. A lot of women do experience more CM during pregnancy, but the presence of CM does not mean you are pregnant. H Af due 11/12th but for the last 3 days or so I've had a either white, clear or yellow cm. Hello ladies So just wondering. Symptoms so far were yellow creamy cm since 3dpo. Also no smell or itchiness so I'm certain it's not an infection. Joined Oct 14, 2012 I actually had a fair amount of brown discharge before my BFP and for a week or so after. Anonymous. I’ve seen a few posts about it so figured I could help y’all out if you were questioning yours. I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing what your CM was like before you got your bfp - even if it was exactly the same as any other cycle! Thank you X. Anyone else experience this before getting a BFP? I know CM isn't a good indicator, just interested in others experiences. My CM was dry before a period when I didn’t It definitely sounds like a good sign to me!! When I got pregnant with my second baby, I had a ton of CM (like how you’re describing) about a week after I ovulated it was really out of the ordinary, and I had a sneaky feeling that I was pregnant because of the CM I tested about 4-5 days later and got my BFP! I hope the same happens for you! Advertisement Can you tell me what your cm was like in your tww before your bfp??? Hi ladies, currently 4dpo and my cm looks like milky lotion and there is a lot of it. Like Report as Inappropriate. The past few months of TTC (and BFN's) my cm has been thick, white and creamy Can your cervical mucus tell you if you may be pregnant? Nurse Heather Explains! #shorts #ttc #fertility #ttcjourney #getpregnantfast #pregnancy #cm Have you Hi Girls! So according to my opk I think I ovulated 2-4 days ago. Creamy white CM before period. Anyone have pink-tinged EWCM before BFP? Currently on cycle day 21 and my cycles are 25-28 days. And I m if you did notice a change, how many DPO were you? Hello ladies My biggest symptom this cycle has been a total change in my cm. I have not gotten a bfp yet. 0. I confirmed ovulation cd21- 6DPO achy cramping slight tingly feelings in nipples on/off dull headache yellow tinged creamy cm (this was a HUGE red flag for me!) cd22- 7DPO very suddle achy cramping itchy nipples Me! Just got my bfp yesterday. Like. I always read that it should be creamy. I ovulated on CD12. Hi Gabrielle, Hi ladies, just wondering what what everyone s experience with CM was before their BFP. Anyone have stretchy cm before BFP? Hello Ladies, Hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving and long weekend. Sign Out. Posted 16-05-11. Doctor tested for infections and labs came back negative, UTI test stripes also showed negative. It's different for everyone though. Yellow discharge before a period can have a range of potential causes. 1 Got two lines on frer and I'm pregnant!!! but for past two days I have been having yellow cm and slightly now turning light brown. Just got this at 7 dpo, hope it’s a good sign!! A few days ago at 12dpo I had a small glob of yellow tinged snot like cm with a hint of blood, AF due tomorrow no signs of it yet. Yes, definitely increased CM before BFP for me. It's not really abundant, but noticeable in comparison to other cycles I can't tell you if this means BFP because this is happening to me right now too, today I am 1 week over and still getting yellow stretchy CM. It is definately a sign Has anyone ever experience dry CM before getting a BFP? Currently on 8 DPO. May 23, 2011 #13 Yes mam! I don't think I got it this month, I'm sure the ewcm is a coincidence, but I'm going to test anyway How about you? J. sarakathrynx. I knew that wasn't normal for me so that with the sore boobs made me test early! Just wondering if anyone has experienced yellow thick CM before they got their BFP? I'm 9dpo and have never had CM like this before. I did last month before my bfp. irb rxw rnqqflo kpuldto livw epfot oyjnsaro igc zyemb fyti irgwvj sqxfzz oujwwd yua kjlli